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I grab my jacket and shrug it on. I had decided to go on a walk since I couldn't fall asleep. I dont know why but I was guessing I was just excited about school tomorrow. that brought a smile to my face.

I hadn't been excited about school in forever and it was refreshing. Even if I was just excited because it meant I could see Toms but it was still exciting. Like the first rays of light in the mornings. It was barely there but there nonetheless.

As I walked along the river my mind drifted to Toms. My best friend and recently he was probably the only person I talked to at all. We played some Minecraft, facetimed and hung out as much as we could. It felt like when I was younger and Mack, me and Toby were still good friends. 

Toms was just ten times better though. He was hilarious and he always had my back. If I needed to smile Toms was the person I called. I dont think I've had to ramble about my anxiety to Clay in weeks. I hoped he didn't feel bad I had replaced him with Toms. 

I thought of the food fight in the kitchen a few days ago. I mean we had both ended up entirely covered in flower, icing and water but the amount we laughed at it was so worth it. Toms may make fun of my love for anything revolving around words but I didn't mind. 

Smiles were probably the most valuable things to me because of how down I felt after Mack and Toms were making me smile so much I felt rich in them. He even helped me during my panic attack about the presentation.

And then he held my hand. For some reason, my mind couldn't get over that one fact. He held my hand and I held his. I was even rethinking Toby's position on best hugger. My stomach did a flip as I thought of the day at the fair. Not because of the fears I faced but about how it was the first time I got to hold his hand. And how we were so close on the Ferris wheel. 

I smiled. But why was my stomach doing this. I mean sure Toms was my best friend and I was meant to think he was like the best person on earth but I never felt like this with Mack. 

I thought of all of our other outings. The beach, the hike, going to his house for the science project. I loved them all and probably for the simple reason that me and Toms were having fun and hanging out. 

As I started to turn around and make my way back to the house I thought about how I kissed Toms's cheek when we had our food fight. I felt my face go red. Why am I blushing this much? God, I must look like I ha-


I have a crush on Toms.

Tommy POV (Surprise!)

I grabbed a can from the fridge and brought it up to my room as I tried to listen to Will. I mean I really was trying but I was thinking about the fact the Bree kissed my cheek. I mean was it like a friendly kiss that a friend gives another friend? Or does she actually like me? 

I really wanted it to be the second one but I didn't want to get my hopes up. I walked into my room and sat on my chair. Looking up at the ceiling I thought about the fact that she had finally spoken to the class. 

She looked so happy afterwards and I was so proud of her for being able to do it. I can't even imagine how hard it would have been for her to do it.

"Tommy!" I heard Wilbur call and turned to face my phone.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Are you even listening?" He asked with a small laugh.

"No, I'm not. Sorry." I mumbled before turning on my computer. I needed a distraction because I could probably get caught up thinking about Bree all day. I think I had a problem.

"Will?" I called.

"Yeah, what do you need Tommy?" 

"What does it feel like when you like a girl?" I asked. I needed to make sure I didn't just have a crazy obsession and Will seemed like the best person to ask seeing as he was older.

"Tommy do you like a girl?" He asked mischievously and I felt myself blush. "You do!" 

"Well, I dont know-" I tried explaining but Will wouldn't have it.

"What is she like?" He asked his full attention on the phone now. 

"I- uh well, she had long blond hair, but it's like a dark blond. And her eyes are like a really dark brown. Will, she can make me do anything. She loves to talk a lot and she is a really good cook. She also hates having her picture taken. Any time I or Toby have taken a picture of her she has tackled us to delete it. I'm surprised I'm still alive. She also likes to read, and she knows all of these big English words. She talks like an adult in her texts even when she says the exact same thing as me." I explain.

"You really like this girl dont you?" I nodded. "What's her name?"

"Bree R-"

Will interrupted me. "Tommy if you hurt her I will murder you."

I sat in shock. "What is with everyone and these death threats about Bree?" First, it was Clay and now it was Will. What was going on with everyone? 

"She is Toby's cousin and she is now under my protection revolving boys. If she ever needs me to beat someone up I will, even if that someone is you."

"Well, there is this guy named Mack if y-" I started.

"I'm serious Tommy. Dont hurt her okay?"


"Good now how do we get you on a date with Bree?" He changed from serious to happy in a matter of seconds.

"I have no fucking clue," I said truthfully.


Well, that's update day! I feel so good getting all these chapters out. Now we can get to the good part!!!

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now