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We walk towards a room and Toms opens the door for me. I walk in hesitantly and study his room. He has a computer set up along with a bunch of other gadgets. He has a bed but it seems unmade and messy.

I look back at Toms with a smile. "Your room is interesting," I comment with a hint of amusement, my anxiety before gone now that it's only Toms.

"Don't judge the room woman." He says.

I stifle a giggle. I move to his bed since his desk is filled with all of his gaming stuff and is practically unusable. I start to take out a few books and Toms moves to his computer. Once I'm set up I see Toms clicking a few things on his computer.

"Is it okay If I talk to a few of my friends while we work?" He asks after I turn on my laptop.

I look up at him and nod before going back to the research tabs I have open on my computer. After a few minutes, a hear Toms start to talk to a few other guys. At this point, I've been doing the project myself but it's not like I've asked him to help. I'm more of a lone worker.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear Toby's voice through Toms speakers.

"Tommy, aren't you supposed to be working on the project with Bree?" He asks.

"WHAT? We are working on it right now!" He shouts in defence.

His mum yells up to be quieter and he yells back a scared "Sorry mum."

I smile and stifle my laugh.

"Tommy, are you making Bree do all the work?" I assume it to be Wilbur say. Though I'm not sure.

"No." He says but then looks at me with a 'help me' look on his face.

I try to think about it and scribble down on a notepad next to me. My pencil moves quickly and I throw the notepad to him when I'm done. He catches it but not before it hits him in the nose. His eyes scan over the paper and his face lights up.

"So are you making her do all the work, Tommy?" The voice asks again.

"No there's actually a presentation part of it and Bree can't really do it so I volunteered to do that part." He says quickly, his voice nervous.

I think about how many times he's called me Bree instead of woman today. It's kinda weird and I wonder why he changed what he called me today.

I hear an uncertain mhm from Toby and the rest seem to believe him. I don't know if there is really a presentation I just wrote on the paper about it. I hoped there wasn't a presentation. Then we would be telling the truth though because Toms would have to end up doing the talking.

I was writing about what a cell does and I hear Toms start to shout at whoever is on the other side of the microphone.

"I'm not a child," Toms complains and I hear him pick up his drink.

I snicker and he looks back at me with narrowed eyes. I smile and grab my phone since I'm not about to talk while other people can hear me. I open it to our text messages and start to type.

Bree and Tommy's messages

Woman: Child.

I put my phone down and hear Toms's phone chime. He picks it up and looks at the text before turning to face me with a look of playful shock.

"How dare you, woman. I am older than you." He exclaims.

I giggle and turn back to my computer to continue my work. I thought that our conversation was over but it clearly wasn't.

"We are not done here, woman." He says and he leaves his desk chair.

I giggle and back upon his bed, grabbing a pillow to shield me. He grabs my notebooks and pushes them to the side before grabbing the pillow from me.

"Admit it. I'm not a child." He grins.

I shake my head quickly. But this was the wrong move because Toms grabs my foot and drags me back to the other side of the bed. I laugh and squirm as he starts to tickle me.

My eyes widen and I tried to curl up into a ball to try and cover my stomach. I giggled as I tried to get away from him. I was way too ticklish though and my muscles seem to not want to work anymore. I was almost wheezing at this point and Toms was laughing too.

"Admit it." He laughed.

I shook my head but he tickled me again. It took me a bit to catch my breath.

"Y...y-your... not-t a c...chil-ld." I laughed and he finally stopped a triumphant grin on his face.

"See? That wasn't that hard." He smiled before going back to his computer.

I crossed my arms and put on a fake pout. "That was no fair Toms."

"It was plenty fair woman."

I shook my head and went back to working. I knew I would never win the argument. Toms was too stubborn to let me win. He went back talking with his friends for a bit before he finally left the call. He walk towards me and looked at my screen.

"Need any help?" He asked.

I faked shock. "Toms asking if I need help for our project?" I tease.

He rolls his eyes. "Do you want my help or not woman?"

I nod and place the computer on his lap for him to read out what I've done so far. While he reads I go through the notebooks and put away the ones I don't need anymore. Once he's done he turns to me and I hand him a textbook and point to a paragraph.

"You need to explain Mitosis," I tell him. "I'm doing Meiosis."

He seems confused but he nods and starts to read the textbook. It take us another hour to get the work done but Toms ended up helping a lot. When we were done with the project I texted Toby to come pick me up.

We waited in Toms's room, talking about the project. Soon I heard someone shout from downstairs.

"Tommy, Toby is here." His mother yelled.

"Coming Mum," Toms shouted back.

I started to pack up my things and we made our way downstairs. We passed his father and then met his mother and Toby who were standing at the doorway. His mother pulled me into another hug but at least this one lasted a shorter amount of time.

"It was great to finally meet you, Bree. I hope you can come visit in the future." She said as she pulled away from the hug.

I nodded and gave her a small smile. Toby motion for us to go and shouted a goodbye to Toms. I turned around and waved awkwardly to Toms. Toby got into the car and let me get into the driver's seat. He gave me the keys and I started up the van.

"Did he help you out with the work?" Toby asked.

"Yeah surprisingly."

Toby laughed. "The presentation thing was your idea wasn't it."

"Of course it was." I boasted as we got out of the driveway.


Here are some more great people who've been voting or commenting. Love to see that you all like the story. <3

@ariannaflowr @urbmismid @tealy_tealily @TesturoKuroo

And a special thanks to the persons whose comments never fail to make me laugh 

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now