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I walk through the hall with Toms after our first period. We haven't talked much since yesterday. I don't really know how to act really. What do I do now? I kissed him yesterday but does that mean everything stays normal? And if not normal then what?

I keep my head looking straight ahead. God, could I get any more awkward?

People are passing us and I'm too focused on my thoughts to really try to blend into the background like I always do. In no time we reach Toby's locker and for some reason, he is very happy. I shift on my feet, waiting for the practically bouncing Toby to turn around.

Finally, he does. Once he's looking at us he rolls his eyes. "Come on. You kissed good for you, don't have to go ruining my day with your awkwardness." He scolds.

My eyes widen in shock and I avert my gaze from Toby now. Great. He knows. I'm guessing it was Tom's doing.

"I'm not awkward. I'm the opposite of awkward, I'm" he pauses looking for a word, "unawkward." He didn't find the word.

I smile a bit but as soon as Toby has his books I start to make my way to my next class. No need to have to converse with Toby about the fact I kissed his best friend. I'm not going to have that awkward conversation.

Clearly, Toby has other plans.

"So," he bumps my shoulder with his, "you and Tommy?" 

I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks. Feeling a little braver now that I know Toms is probably too far behind us and won't be able to hear us above his mumbling about being left behind. I'm just speculating that's what he's doing but I'm sure I'm right.

"Yes, and? Do you have a problem with that?" I ask, glancing at Toby. 

He smiles and lets out a small laugh. "It took you both long enough. Do you know how long I've been third-wheeling?"

This time it was my turn to laugh. "Yeah, I guess."

There's a bit of silence as a large group of kids pass us down the hall and we have to weave through them. Stupid kids who don't move from there ten people long groups. 

"So what's with all the awkward silence?" Toby asks. 

I huff. "I'm not sure how to act? I mean do I act normally? What am I supposed to do now?"

Toby looks at me like I've grown two horns and then turns into a fit of giggles. "This is your problem. Act normally, hold his hand, yell at him about how his feet should not be on the table. Just please stop with all the weirdness."

Yelling at Toms again would be fun. Feet on the table is also a good one to yell at him about. 

I look at Toby, contemplating doing as he says. I'm interrupted by reaching his and Toms class. Good, now I have to sit through an entire other class stressing about it all. 

"See you at lunch?" Toby asks hopefully. 

I nod and turn to see Toms also stopped before the classroom door. I turn to him and give him a tight-lipped smile. I start to twiddle my thumbs nervously between my books. 

"I'll see you at lunch woman?" Toms asks nervously. 

"Yeah." I agree before turning around and heading to class. I curse my stupidness on my way down the hall. I need to cuck it up and talk to him. 


I eat a raspberry as Toby talk about math class. The teacher had given out so much math homework we weren't sure we would finish it for tomorrow. I was leaning against the seat opposite of him, he was leaning against the table and was frowning at the math homework. 

"What does this even mean?" He complains. 

"Which question are you talking about?"

He looks up and raises his brows. "All of them."

I laugh a bit before I hear footsteps. I look over to see Toms making his way over to our booth with a coke in hand. I move over to my usual spot seeing as I was just in his. 

"What took you so long?" I ask, proud of myself for overcoming the awkwardness from this morning. 

Toms muttered something under his breath and then spoke louder. "Apparently my locker didn't want to open." He paused. "It was not my locker."

Toby and I laughed. I couldn't believe Toms tried opening the wrong locker. It's near the end of the year and he still hasn't memorized its spot. 

"Even I know where my locker is Toms," I tell him between laughs. 

He pouts and crosses his arms in front of him. "Why are both of you doing math?" He changes the topic. 

"Because Ms.Stevens is a big meanie," Toby says matter-of-factly.

Toms nods, apparently it's an adequate answer for him. I guess it sometimes is but I try not to think the worst of people. Try to. I'm not perfect at it.

"Want to help us with it? We could split it into three and then we'd get more work done." Toby suggests. 

Toms scoffs. "I'm not doing your math homework. Plus woman will just redo it to check all of my mistakes, so it's actually just more work." 

I smile. I would recheck all of his work. Not that he's bad it's just I don't trust anyone to work but my own. I'm the worst of group projects. 

Toby gets up and tells us he needs to go to the washroom. I'm to really paying much attention seeing as I'm more focused on the math homework. After two questions I feel a nudge and look to the side to see Toms looking at my page with a concerned look. 

"Fucking hell Toby wasn't joking." He comments before looking away from the paper. 

I laugh lightly. "Not at all. What did you need?"

"Well, I... Yesterday." 

I nod.

"Well it's just today was awkward, can we not be awkward?"

"Will you help me steal Toby's books?" I ask, thinking about how Toby would freak out.

Toms breaks out into a big grin. He grabs my arm and all of our stuff before dragging us out of the cafeteria. We laugh as we run down the hall and head towards the front of the school. Once we're out we make our way toward my van and hop in. I throw our stuff in the back, not really worried about making it back to class seeing as we still have twenty minutes. Toby should find us in five or ten giving me enough time.

I feel Toms's hand on mine and he intertwines or figures. I look up at him and give him small smile. I'm glad Toms likes me back.

a/n: Sorry for the late update!

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now