Epilogue 1

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6 Months later

"THOMAS SIMONS GET OUT OF THE CAR!" I yelled as I sped down the front steps of my house. There was no way I was letting Toms drive with his wrist fracture. With his luck, he'll make it even worse by literally turning a steering wheel. 

As I approached Toms's vehicle he rolled down the window with a proud and content smile. 

"Hello there Bree darling. How are you this fine afternoon?" He questioned calmly as if we were two sophisticated human beings. As if, were far from normal. 

I went to the open window and crossed my arms on the now open space on the door. Leaning my head on my arms, and bending down to do so, I replied.

"I'm doing quite horrible actually. You see my boyfriend won't let me drive so he doesn't injure himself further. I'm just concerned for his health."

"Well, your boyfriend feels fine." He replies while reaching to start the car.

"I beg to differ." 

"I don't"

"Of course you dont that's how it works. I am stating I have a difference of opinion to you so-" I stop midway through what I was saying. Honestly, what am I even trying to achieve by correcting him? He's not the English major. "Never mind. Just please let me drive." 


I paused trying to think of anything to bribe him with. Then it hit me.

"I'll cuddle with you."

Just this slight act had him shooing me away and getting out of the driver's side of the car. He walked around to the passenger side while I smiled in triumph. 

"You promise?" He asked, his good hand on the handle of the door. 

I roll my eyes. "Yes Toms, I don't lie."

He narrows his eyes at me. "I can think of a few lies you've told me Ms. I dont lie."

I waved a hand in the air and got into the driver's side of the car. "Those weren't big lies." 

He gets into his side and ties his seat belt. "Yeah, I totally didn't get accepted into every school I applied to. Or, Mcc isn't this weekend, it's the next. What about that time you said Ava was going to come with us to the beach and she didn't end up going. I was really disappointed."

I sighed and started the car, pulling out of the parking lot quickly after.

"Well, when you put it that way-"

"I'm right."

"Excuse me?"

"You don't have to come up with a very wordy way to discreetly say you were wrong. I know I'm right it's fine."

I turn over to stare at him, my jaw open in shock.

"How dare you."

Toms looked so content and he had that look that he would get whenever he would say, Am I wrong? I wanted to rub that look right off. 

"You- I'll crash the car," I state, still jaw slightly ajar but my eyes now focused on the road as I drove. 

"Then we would both be dead Bree darling." 

Butterflies erupted through my chest. He had started calling me Bree darling for a few months now but every single time it still felt like this. But now was not a time to be getting butterflies from him, I was going to stay mad.

"Dont call me that when I'm mad at you," I state annoyingly.

"You love me more than you could ever hate me."

I paused. A smile threatened to break through my frown. We hit a red light and I had the time to look over at Toms. He was smiling, looking up ahead but he kept glancing at me and smiling more. His blond hair had just been trimmed and looked darker because of the darkness outside. The street lights illuminating him slightly. 

"Staring is rude." He stated 

"I love you." 

It kind of just slipped. The words being spoken before I could even think about them. Of course, I had said them before but this time felt more intentional. It felt like I meant the words to the fullest extent that I could. Maybe I had known for a while but been too stressed to say them, but now just felt right.

Toms grinned and grabbed my loose hand into his, intertwining our fingers. He looked down at our hands and then back up at me. His eyes held much more emotion than I thought human eyes could. 

"I love you too."

I could probably cry, I felt my eyes tearing up. Toms leaned in and I followed meeting his lips for a kiss. It was sweet and simple but it meant more to me than anything. He loved me and I loved him, I wanted to spend my life with him by my side. 

A car honked at us, making me jump in fright and clutch Toms's hand to my chest. Toms was still in the same position but barely holding in his laughs. 

I glared at him before turning to look at the road and quickly starting to drive again. I felt bad for having not gone through the green light right away and started chewing my bottom lip a bit. 

Finally, Toms just could keep his laughs in any further and he clutched his stomach as he let out his loud laughs. Soon I let out a snort and slowly I started laughing as well.

After a few minutes of recovering from our fits and giggles, we arrived at the beach. I got out of the car as did Toms and I went to his side and took his right hand -the one that isn't fractured- in mine. 

We walked quietly along the beach, watching the moon slowly rise and the stars start to show up. The beach had now become a sort of favourite spot of mine. Mainly because of the water and the waves helping whenever I needed to calm my breathing. 

At one point I took my shoes off and walked into the shallow part of the water. It was still warm enough seeing as there was still a month left of summer. I looked to my side and up at Toms who was looking up ahead of us. I leaned my head against his upper arm -sadly I only reach to his shoulder- looking to where he was. The beach seemed to go on forever, disappearing into the horizon. 

I looked back up at Toms to see him looking at me and I gave him a smile and a peck on the lips. I was never one for big acts of romance but these small things, holding hands, thinking about the other first, remembering things the other said, small kisses and walks like these, I loved it. 

"I'm going to spin you," Toms says quietly to me. 

I shake my head. "No, you're going to make me fall," I whine.

"I won't trust me."

I sigh and let him lift our hands above my head. Slowly he spins me, for once it's actually graceful. Surprise there. My sundress baby blue twirls around me, hypnotizing me for a moment. Once I finish spinning I stand in front of Toms. I smile, happy that it for once worked. Toms had been trying to perfect it forever.

"You did it this time!" I exclaimed happily, a grin on my face.

"We did it." Toms corrects pulling me closer.

"Oh? So were a we now?" 

"We've always been a we, it just took us a while to realize."


Are you crying? Cause I am. Honestly, I wasn't sure where I was going with this but it kinda just came out and now I'm crying because I think I just wrote perfection. I love you all so much and I think we deserve a few epilogues with these two.

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