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I made it to school two days later. Everything went normally. Well, just about as normal life could go as me. I went through my classes, sometimes texting Toms during them. During lunch, I sat with them but I did work and read so I wasn't really invested in the conversation. 

Now I was sitting in the living room trying to read Ignite me for the third time. Shatter me was definitely a comfort series and I was glad I had bought the boxed set three months ago. Ava was watching Moana since she decided it was close enough to Lilo and Stitch to be allowed.

I was getting tired of reading at this point since it had been two hours since I first sat down here to read. I got up and stretched a bit. I walked over to where Ava was sitting and placed a kiss on her head as I didn't want to disrupt her too much. 

I walked upstairs and closed the door behind me as I entered my room. I put the book back onto my bookshelf and sat down at my desk. After a few minutes of debate, I decided to go onto Minecraft. 

I turned on my Minecraft and opened my discord. I knew that Toby was working downstairs so I didn't expect him to be on one of the discord chats. Especially with Toms. 

Had he lied to me about working? Why would he lie about being at work? did he not have a job?

No that was impossible. Everyone knew he had a steady enough income that meant he did have a job. But the question was why was he on Discord at work?

I also noticed he was on the SMP thing he showed me a while back. This just made me more confused and I decided to go on the game and question him about it. I logged on couldn't fin Toby or Toms. I sighed and went to Discord and saw them both on the voice talking thingy. 

I clicked it and immediately said.

"Toby I thought you were supposed to be working."

"WOMAN?!?" I heard Toms yell.

"BREE?" Toby replied. "BREE WH-"

"Why are you playing videogames right now?" I continued, interrupting him. "I thought you were wor-"

I was interrupted when Toms finally spoke. There was a lot of interrupting going around at this point. "Woman, listen. Get off of Discord, just trust me." 

"But-" I started but heard a text message. I looked down to see a text from Toms.

Bree and Tommy's messages

Toms: You'll thank me later

Toms: I can't tell you while you're on vc

Woman: vc?

Toms: Voice chat, now get off quick

I was highly confused and left the voice call. It was bizarre why had they sounded so panicky. And after I cut Toby off he hadn't responded. I looked down at the discord app and saw that he was muted. Why?

I closed the app like Toms had told me and got off Minecraft as well. Now it didn't seem like the best option right now seeing as I was technically asked to leave the call with Toby and Toms. 

I sat down on my bed and looked out the window. I could just go into Toby's room and ask him about it. That might work. Just as I was deciding to do that my phone started to vibrate. I took it out of my pocket and checked to see it was Toms. 

Incoming call...


I sighed but picked up. Maybe he would just tell me what was going on. I waited for the facetime to connect and then heard Toms voice through the phone.

"Jesus woman you gave us both heart attacks." He complained.

"What's going on Toms?" I asked him.

"Toby was setting stuff up for a negotiation we were going to have soon." He said vaguely. 

"Yes but he's supposed to be at work right now." I pointed out. Seriously what did they not understand about the fact that Toby was playing Minecraft instead of working?

"Oh." He said and there was a moment of silence. "Well, Toby just finished working a few minutes before. No need to worry Bree."

I wasn't believing him, and I was debating on asking for a better reason or not.

"Trust me if he was playing Minecraft while working he would never get caught. I am an excellent criminal, and I taught him everything I know." Toms said proudly. 

I giggled at how crazy that sounded. Did he just realize that he claimed to be a criminal?


My laughter became louder and I couldn't control it. After a while of what almost sounded like wheezes, I finally caught my breath and calmed down.

"Ok, I believe you," I told him. And I really did. This was too good to be a lie, Toms wasn't that good of an actor. Well, that I knew of, but he didn't act so I would guess he wasn't. "I also have a hard time imagining you as a criminal."

"HEY." He shouted defensively.

"But it's true!" I smile. "Could you imagine how bad you would be? You couldn't stay silent enough to steal anything even if your life depended on it."

"Who said I would be stealing?"

"Oh right you're a stalker."

"I thought you were over it."

"Well, I've decided I'm not anymore."

"Women." He grumbled.

"Children." I shot back.

"I'm not the only child here."

"I never said you weren't."

"Then why was it used as an insult if you are one as well."

"Because I'm less of a child than you."


"You can't even drive right Toms."

"You only say that because you have bad motion sickness."

"Not the point Toms."

"Oh shut up."

We talked for a bit before I had to go down for supper. I completely forgot about it earlier and now I was just chilling with my family in the kitchen. Honestly, I wish every day could be like this. Mum was having a good day, and Ava wasn't too fussy. Auntie Clara and Uncle were both home and Toby wasn't working late. 


Sorry it took so long to upload I had a very hard few days. Girl drama sucks and honestly I feel like just friending a bunch of guys at this point. But then again I would have to deal with annoying guys. 

Also thanks to @minecraftsupremacy for the votes!

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now