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I quickly memorized the last few things on my third cue card before switching to the second one. I had a History test after lunch and I was trying to get in as much studying as possible. The guys thought I was crazy and Toby had brought up the fact that I had taken up the rest of the day after the hike yesterday to study and technically he was right. 

Languages came to me easily and essays were like my favourite part of school. But science, history and math required a little more work. So if I had to spend my entire weekend to get my A then so be it. I think it's the most rewarding thing to looking at a straight-A report card. 

Not only that be I wanted to get a scholarship so I could go to university and major in English. It would help me with my writing. 

I looked back at the history question and mumbled the answer before checking if I was right. I smiled in victory as my answer matched the exact words on the cue card. As a bit of a reward, I grabbed the cookie that Auntie Clara made last night and ate it. 

I skimmed the next questions before looking up to make sure the guys were still there. They were still there. Toms was drinking a coke and talking very passionately about something, you could just tell by his actions he added to his words. Toby was listening intently too while eating his sandwich. 

Content with the fact I wasn't going to be left alone any time soon I went back to my studies. I went through the entire package of cue cards before I was content with my knowledge to be fine with one last run-through before class. 

I put the cue cards in my backpack and decided to read. Sadly I must have not kept track of time because the bell rang as I was taking out the hunger games. I groaned inwardly and packed up my lunch. 

Once I was done packing I waited for the guys to finish with their conversation. After it was evident that they were not going to be finishing any time soon I spoke up.

"I'm heading to history," I said, though I dont know if they heard over their talking. 

I turned around and started to head out of the conversation before I heard someone call out. "Wait!"

I turned to see Toms zipping up his bag and swinging it over his shoulder as he tried to catch up. I walked a little slower and in no time he was walking alongside me.

"We don't have history together," I say simply. Recently my talking has been a minimum of bland answers, but I was not all put together enough to go back to talking with Toms in public. The hike was a different story because of the fact that we were the only ones there. School was an entirely different story. 

"I know that." He said, but his conversation seemed to be cautious. I wasn't sure whether to tell him to try and be normal or to be happy that he understands things can't be normal right away after what happened. I wanted to hit myself at how everywhere my thinking was. "I wanted to walk with you."

"Ok," I replied, knowing there was no way to talk him out of it. 

We walked in comfortable silence until I reached my classroom. Toms stopped and seemed like he wanted to say something but he looked very hesitant. 

Finally, he came up with something. "Good luck on your test."

I really doubt it took him that long to come up with saying that but who knows. This was Toms and he was just that special.

I gave a small nod and pressed my lips together as I entered my History class. Hopefully, all my studying would pay off. 


It's safe to say that I'm sure I passed the test. I could probably guess I got a perfect score. I knew every one of the answers and wrote them down by memory. I walked into the kitchen after school with one thing in mind. 

Ice cream while practicing some math. 

And yes, I do this as a treat. Usually, the ice cream isn't involved. Sometimes I'm surprised by how much of a nerd I really am. 

 I open the freezer and check through the large amount of frozen vegetables that I could only guess Auntie Clara would use sometime this week. I just love her cooking. After almost tipping the ice pack mountain onto the floor I found the Ice cream. 

I smiled at the caramel flavoured ice cream and didn't even bother with a bowl. I opened a drawer and took out a big spoon before moving to the dining room to do my homework. I was in a very good mood considering the shit weekend I had. 

I sat down and ate a spoonful of ice cream before looking for where I was in my math workbook. I quickly found the page and got out my calculator and pencil. I started on easy problems and took a few bites of ice cream for everyone I solved. 

Safe to say I was halfway done the ice cream way before I was halfway done the math I had planned to do that night and it completely ruined the happy mood. Now I would have to ration it and make sure to do my math faster as it was going to start melting soon. 

I heard someone coming upstairs as I finished a math problem and guessed it was Toby since his room is the only one in the basement. I'm happy to say I was right. Toby came up from the basement wearing a happy expression and I could tell the moment that his eyes zeroed in on my ice cream. 

I narrowed my eyes at him but he just grinned and walked to the kitchen. He came back with a spoon, ready to steal my precious ice cream. Sadly I was nice and let him share. As soon as he sat down at the dining table he was digging in and talking in between bites.

"So what did Tommy and you talk about-" He took a bite. "-when you walked to class after lunch?" He asked.

I gave a small laugh. "He just walked with me and then took an abnormally long time to tell me good luck." 

Toby smirked at this, clearly knowing something I didn't. 

"You know what he was going to say?" I asked.

"I think so." He said, probably thinking about what Toms was going to say.

"Tell me."

"It's not for me to tell." He said and I rolled my eyes and went back to my math. Sadly I hadn't realized he left with my ice cream at first and he almost got away with it. 


A/n: Just another filler chapter, sorry. I have another chapter coming tomorrow and it's going to be more of a look at what goes through Bree's mind. After that, we get to the good stuff!

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now