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I was shrinking into the passenger seat as Toms drove. The ride was silent but I know that Toms had hundreds of questions to ask me. I didn't want to even think about trying to explain everything to him, it was hard enough just thinking about Mack. 

Toms probably thought I was crazy or something. I wouldn't blame him either. I had random panic attacks, I sometimes just shut down and wouldn't talk anymore, and what had happened just a few minutes ago wasn't helping.

After another twenty minutes, Toms pulled into my driveway. I quickly opened the door and raced inside. 

The only thing on my mind was one of Toby's hugs. He would know what was going on and what to do. I raced downstairs and ran right into a very confused Toby. I flung my arms around him in a hug as more tears started to fall. My hands were lightly shaking and no matter what I did they wouldn't stop.

He stumbled back a bit but hugged me back. He rubbed a hand up and down my back to try and calm me down. I took a few hiccupping breaths before removing my head from buried against the fabric of his jumper. I just placed my cheek against his shoulder and looked at the blank wall next to us.

I heard footsteps behind me and guessed Toms had come downstairs. I wiped my tears away but stayed in Toby's hug. 

"Tommy! What did you do?" Toby shouted.

Honestly, I would have been dying of laughter if not for the situation at hand. Technically Toms did make me go on the Ferris wheel, making me promise to murder him soon. But I wouldn't be overreacting this much for that.

"WHAT? I didn't do anything she went to put plates in the garbage and came back like this." Toms defended himself. Toby seemed to relax slightly and he looked down at me as if looking at me would tell him the problem.

"Did she say anything?" Toby questioned. 


I heard a sigh from Toby as his hug loosened and he took a step back to look me in the eyes. I immediately missed the hug but he wasn't having any of my whining at the distance.

"What happened?" He asked, concern obvious in his voice. I bit my lower lip. This was exactly the question I wasn't exactly ready to answer. It took all my will to make myself say it.

I open my mouth to say the name but my voice just comes out quiet and shaky. "M-maa...ck" 

Toby's eyes widen in shock and he quickly pulls me into a bone-crushing hug. I start to cry again and he slowly rocks side to side to try and soothe me. After a few minutes, I pull away from his hug and move towards the couch where my pillows and blankets from earlier were. 

I grabbed a pillow and hugged it as I curled up in the corner of the couch. My hands shook slightly as I closed my eyes and tried to regulate my breathing. I heard their hushed whispers as they talked.

"What happened?" Toms asked.

"It's a long story."

"I have time."

Toby seemed to ignore the request and I knew it was because he didn't want to say anything in front of me. I was so glad for having a cousin like Toby in my life. 

"Did you see anyone standing from where she was coming from?"

"Toby. We were at a fair."


"Guys," I said, hoping my voice could be above a whisper. I looked up to see both their attentions focused on me. "I-i..." I paused, figuring out exactly what I wanted to say. "C-can we finish the m-movie marathon?"

A forced smile tugged at Toby's lips as he nodded and went to turn on our movie marathon from earlier. All I wanted to do was try to forget what had happened. If there was any chance of me not having another panic attack or just burst out crying when I needed to take my mind off of it. 

Toby took his set at the other corner, just a personal preference for the both of us. That let Toms have to sit between us on the small couch. We managed to fit fine though. 

Toby started the movie and I tried to focus on it. I was successful and managed to get through to movies without a thought of going to Mack. Though after the day's events with my fear of heights and the whole Mack incident, I was exhausted. 

I was practically already half asleep. I closed my eyes and decided to only listen to the movie. Leaning against the back of the couch, I fell asleep to the sound of Star Wars. 

Tommy POV

Bree has fallen asleep near the middle of the second movie. Her head had fallen on my shoulder and I had to fight to be extremely still. What if I started breathing too much?

I hear a muffled laugh from Toby. I scowl and turn my head to look at him and not Bree.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." He laughed. "You're so obvious. Anyone can tell you like her."

I looked back at her. I mean I think I like her. I'm not the best at this whole liking someone stuff, despite what I tell everyone. Though it's technically a joke.

"What happened today?" I questioned. She really seemed freaked out when she came back from putting the paper plates in the bin. 

"An old friend. Well, definitely not a friend anymore." Toby explained. "He said a lot of uncalled-for things to her, made her think less of herself until she was an entirely different person. You know she used to be just about as loud and talkative as you?"

I frowned. "I'm going to kill him," I told Toby.

"Get in line." He replied before turning the next Star Wars on.


Short chapter! Sorry it took so long to post but I have been busy with school.

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now