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He was staring at me with a smirk and you could tell he was trying not to laugh. I pursed my lips and looked down at all my books. I picked the book I was reading back up before he spoke again. Much to my disappointment.

"Grab your books your leaving." 

I didn't even look up at him as I opened my book back up. If I don't look at him then he isn't there. He wasn't talking to me. He wasn't looking at me. I was alone in my own little world.

"Why are you ignoring me Woman?" He said, waving a hand in front of my face.

I grinned. I could do just that all day. I saw out of the corner of my eye as he started to grab my books and put them in my bag. My brows furrowed and I closed my book. He reached for my book but I pulled it back and out of his reach. 

He huffed in annoyance but easily just leaned over me and grabbed it.

"Give it back."

I realized I had spoken and internally scolded myself. But it didn't stop me from getting up and walking after him and trying to take my things back. Sadly he was too tall and kept them too high for me to reach.

"Toby wanted you to come and eat with us." He explained as we exited the library. Technically I didn't want to leave I was just following him and trying to get my things back.

I pressed my lips in a thin line and we walked into the cafeteria. I spotted Toby and sent him a glare. How dare he get Toms to force me to eat with him. Wait, Tommy, not Toms. 

Tommy sat down at their table and placed my bag and books next to him. I glared at them while standing in front of their table. Tommy was between me and my books so I couldn't exactly grab them and runoff.

The table was at a booth next to a large window that overlooked the sports fields.

"Woman just sit down already," Tommy complained while playing some sort of game on his phone. I frowned but sat next to Toby and in front of Tommy, not seeing any better option. 

"So how was class today?" Toby asked.


"What classes have you had already?"

"English, History, Ethics and Math," Tommy replied for me. I spun my head towards him and sent him a look that could kill. I could feel my heart beating quicker and was having a hard time with the fact that Tommy seemed to know my schedule. 

Toby had his brows raised as he looked between us. Tommy looked up from his phone for a second and a playful grin formed on his face when he saw my expression.

"You put your schedule on your desk in English. Plus you zone out while reading way too easily." He said. My eyes widened as I realized he had known about my schedule and who I was for a while now. He was just using an excuse of not finding me. But why didn't he find me earlier?

"Why didn't you just-"

"You'd freak out." He interrupted me.

I looked to Toby who seemed to find his food very interesting. He knew too? Was anything about my life private anymore? I leaned back against the booth and pressed my cheek to the window. I stared outside and tried to focus on something. 

I knew that I was starting to freak out. I tried to focus on the sky but that just made me feel icky so I stopped. My heartbeat wasn't slowing down and I bit my lip to try and keep myself focused on something. I knew that the next thing was shaking, then the breathing would go and it would cause a scene. Which was the worst thing possible. 

After getting sick of looking outside I adjusted myself in the corner and brought my knees up to my chest. My gaze made its way over to Toby who was looking at me worriedly. He sent me an 'Are you okay?' look. I shook my head no and finally looked to Tommy. He looked guilty as he watched me and I had to look away.

Now I felt guilty for reacting to such a stupid thing. I just couldn't help it though. This was why I didn't have any friends, I just couldn't joke around all the time like they did. Random things made me so nervous that I had a panic attack. 

I was pulled from my racing thoughts as I heard Toby's voice.

"Drink some water." He instructed as he handed me a plastic bottle of water.

I took it and took a few sips, trying to relax against the booth's comfortable bench. I placed my hands on my knees once I had put the water bottle down and began to feel my hands tremble. But along with the trembling, I started to feel a little better, my heart slowing a bit and breathing regular enough. 

"Bree?" Tommy question. He had been silent the entire time, something very unlike him. 

I hummed in response but didn't meet his gaze, knowing that all the thoughts of making him feel like it was his fault will invade my head.

"You okay? I..." He trailed off like he wanted to say something but wasn't sure how to phrase it without upsetting me.

"I'm fine Toms," I told him with a fake smile. He nodded but didn't seem to believe me. They guys went back to their conversation but they both would look at me occasionally like to make sure I was fine. I honestly wished I could be. Tommy also seemed to be less enthusiastic about things and was less energetic. 

I missed that and hoped he would start to act like himself again. If he would just start joking around then maybe I could be smiling for real and not be stuck thinking about things that made me feel like a horrible person and things that made me feel like I was helpless. 


Thank you to @Purpleperson14 for voting! I love to know that people are enjoying this. If y'all have any critiques or reactions I would love to see them! Love y'all so much and thanks for reading this story! <3

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now