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This past week had been horrible, I'll admit it truthfully. I hadn't done much all day, not because I didn't want to but because I felt like I physically just couldn't. All that had happened recently has been draining and I'm not sure how to lift my spirits.

Auntie Clara had offered to go on a girls night out with me and mum but I didn't exactly want to be around many people. Walking through a crowded mall was not the best idea for me.

I also tried playing with Ava more and watching movies with her. Sometimes I would really smile but it wasn't often.

It was an effort to get through school and pay attention. Toby had tried his best but didn't know what else to do. I really wanted to be happy and hang with him after school but it was just, I couldn't explain it. It was like I wanted to but every time I went to do it my brain decided that it was a great time to start overthinking every single thing.

Maybe I was just being an emotional teenager that cant seem to get a hold of herself. But I didn't want to be that. I wanted to be able to go into crowds and make friends with girls my age. I wanted to be able to talk to Toms without getting nervous. He was my friend after all and I just wanted to be able to be friendly back to him.

Now I was laying down on my bed and I really just felt tired. But I couldn't sleep. Everyone else was asleep, well except for Toby. Toby was always up a little later than me. I got up and placed some slippers on. I was wearing a pair of fuzzy pyjama pants and an old t-shirt.

I quietly made my way downstairs, as not to wake anyone up. Once I was in the basement Toby's voice sounded from his bedroom. I walked towards the door and opened it quietly.

Toby turned around and watched as I moved over to his bed.

"I'll be right back." He spoke.

His screen was showing some weird tabs but the main computer was showing Minecraft. He pressed a few things before getting up and coming over to me. He sat down beside me.

"You can go and play with your friends," I told him. "I just wanted to be with someone."

"Okay. Tell me if you need anything."

I agreed and he went back to his game. I heard as he talked and laughed with his friends. I sighed and hugged a spare pillow I got from inside his closet. I listened as Toby talked about independence and running a nation. It seemed like he was in some sort of makeshift country in Minecraft. I could only hear his voice and soon fell asleep to it.

Toby POV (Surprise)

I looked back at Bee who was fast asleep on my bed. I knew I would have to sleep on the couch now but I didn't mind. If she needed to fall asleep in my room then so be it. She hadn't been okay, that much I could tell. I wanted to be there for her but didn't know-how.

For now, if she needed anything I would help her out, that's what family does. She had walked in on a stream though and I had been glad that she didn't get in the camera. She would probably had the worst panic attack she'd ever had.

She didn't know I streamed and I didn't want to tell her I yet. It didn't seem like the right time with everything going on.

I was brought back from my thoughts when Wilbur's voice rang through my headset.

"What's wrong Toby? You seem distracted."

"Well, I am. Bree hasn't been doing well this week and I don't know how to help her." I told him.

"Who's Bree?" Quakity spoke through discord.

"My cousin," I said simply. "She's right now asleep on my bed."


"So when are we going to stream together again?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Well, I was thinking Friday night. I don't know when that would be for you, Alex." Wilbur said.

"That would be 5 ho-" I started but was cut off.

"HEYYYYYYYYY!" A voice yelled through the headphones. I almost jumped out of my seat. I almost yelled but remembered Bree sleeping.

"Tommy, keep your voice down," I told him quietly.

"Yah Tommy." Wilbur backed me up.

"Why?" He whispered, though it was a weird aggressive whisper.

"Bree is sleeping," I said in a normal voice again.

"Oh." He said, pausing a second before continuing. "Is she well? She hasn't been answering my texts much."

At this point, I noticed that the other guys had left the voice chat and it was just me and Tommy.

I look over at Bree and wince at how she looked. Her hair hadn't been brushed and she had been wearing the same clothes for three days.

"She's... she's not really doing good," I said truthfully. "She won't leave the house and doesn't smile much. I think she might be overwhelmed or something. She seemed to not be able to sleep well tonight because she came into my room and fell asleep on my bed." I rambled.

"During your stream?" He asked a little louder than usual.

"She doesn't know about the streaming, plus she didn't get in the camera."

"Good. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know how to help her to be honest."

"This is all my fault for bringing up the schedule part." He mumbled angrily.

"She's probably just overwhelmed, it's not your fault."

"Well can we help her underwhelm? Is that even a thing?"

"I don't think it works like that..."

"So what's the opposite of overwhelmed? Like nothing is going on, no stress, no res-..." He trailed off and I knew he was just thinking out loud at this point.

"Maybe just be there for her and help make her life not stressful?" I offered.

"Yeah.. that's good," He answered.

"I got to go to sleep now or my mum will kill me," I told him with a sigh. "Goodnight Tommy."

"Goodnight Toby."

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now