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I look at the time on my phone at least a dozen times in under a minute. I was really nervous about tonight. I was going to Toms's house, which was stressful because it was a new place. What happens if I have to talk to Toms's family? 

I look back down at my book. Stressing about tonight won't help me so I should probably read to get my mind off of it. I open the book to try and focus on it. I read two chapters before the bell to end class rings. 

I close my book and pack up all of my things. I don't know where I'm going to meet Toms precisely so I just hope that he texts me or something. I walk out of the class and go towards where I think Toby's locker is. 

Once I enter the hall I see Toby at a set of lockers. I smile and walk over to him. I had gotten all I needed to not have to go back to my locker after school. 

"Good day?" Toby asks as he fills his backpack.

I nod and give a quiet hum. He sends me a smile before starting to walk down the hall. I follow him and we exit the school without a single sign of Toms. I start to get nervous that he won't show up. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't show up. Do I text him? Do I wait for him to text me? 

Questions fly through my mind as we approach the van. Once we reach the van we stand there for a second before Toby speaks up.

"You okay? You seem off." He says, his voice concerned.

My face scrunched up in confusion. "I'm supposed to go to Toms's tonight," I tell him, though he knows this because he was there.

"Maybe he'll text you." He suggests. 

I sigh and take out my phone to see no messages. I tap my fingers against my thigh as I wait nervously. I finally see a tall figure with blond hair approach.

"Woman!" He shouts across the parking lot. I wince at the attention that is brought towards us. 

"Hi," I respond shyly as he approaches me and Toby. 

"So I usually take the bus to school, is it okay with you if you go on it with me?" He asks.


"Okay, we've got to leave before we miss it." He says before turning around and making his way towards the bus stop. I wave goodbye to Toby and run to catch up with Toms. Jeez, I wish I had longer legs because keeping up with him was hard. 

"Toms slow down," I whine from behind him. I hear him laugh and he slows down. I can see the smile on his face. 

"It's not my fault you can't keep up." He says.

"You have longer legs, I could never compete," I exclaimed.

He laughed and we approached the bus stop. Our conversation came to a stop as he knew by now about my social anxiety. I stayed close to him as he showed me to the bus we would be taking. 

I gave him a small smile before entering. I was a bit stressed as strangers were now in such close range. I purse my lips and choose a spot in the middle of the bus and next to a window. Once I'm seated Toms sits next to me and I look out the window as the bus starts to leave. 

My backpack sits on my lap and I look at the city pass by. I hadn't been to this part of the city so I watched the shops and restaurants pass by. I feel someone nudge my shoulder and look over to see Toms looking at me. His face has a bit of concern on it so I give him a small smile to reassure him I'm alright. 


We arrive at his house a half-hour later and I follow Toms to the doorstep. A quaint two-story house stands in front of me and I can't help but smile at the old London style of it. He turns around to look at me and says.

"Sorry if mother and father innit are too much." He says, rubbing the back of his neck with his arm.

I laugh softly. "Mother and father innit?" I question.

"Oh." He says, blushing a bit. "Cause I'm Tommyinnit so they are mother and father innit." He chuckles nervously.

Suddenly the door opens and a woman with brown hair and bright blue eyes looks through the doorframe. She smiles brightly and looks between the both of us. I subconsciously step behind Toms a bit but the woman steps out of the house and envelops me in a hug.

I'm frozen and am not sure what to do. A stranger just hugged me. Oh my god. Well, maybe not a stranger since she is Toms's mother.

"You must be Bree." She says, still hugging me and swaying side to side.

I really hope I'm not being awkward since I'm not hugging her back. I'm a very big hugger it's just, she's a stranger and all. I don't know her, which makes every interaction too stressful. Finally, Toms coughs and says.

"Mum, could we go inside now?"

I make a note to thank him later for saving me from that interaction.

"Sure honey. Will you be going to your room to do the school work?" She asks as she lets go of me and makes her way inside.

I follow Toms and take off my shoes. His mother leads us past a kitchen and a living room where a man that looks like an older Toms is reading on the couch. When he hears us enter he gets up and walks towards us.

"Bree this is my dad, Dad this is Bree." Tommy introduces.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Bree." His father says, extending his hand for me to shake.

But I freeze again. My hands are stuck at my sides and I can't seem to make myself extend my hand out to shake his. I stare at it for another few seconds before he finally takes the hand back. I hold my forearm with my hand and stare at the floor awkwardly.

"I-i...um..." I try to form a sentence but I feel my heartbeat start to speed up.

"We should head upstairs and start our project," Toms speaks up and saves the awkward silence.

I follow him upstairs quickly and curse my stupid social anxiety. I can't even meet my friends parents without freaking out.

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now