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I grab my books out of my locker and close them up. I can't wait for the first period because we get to do a group project and Toms is my partner. I know that I would probably end up doing the most work but I didn't mind because it all seemed to go faster when I was hanging with Toms. 

I smile and make my way to the English class. When I turn to the English hallway I can hear loud footsteps catching up to me. I look over my shoulder and meet Toms's gaze, a smile grows on my lips and I turn back to look in front of me. 

"Good morning woman." Toms greets.

" 'Morning Toms," I reply, trying to suppress my smile.

We turn into the English class and Toms follows me to the back, dropping off his stuff on the way. I get to my desk and start to put out everything I would need for the project. The project is a paper on one of the classics. I, of course, picked Pride and Prejudice because you really can't go wrong with it. 

My desk is at the back of the class and close to the plants that our English teacher has pilled up throughout the year. A bunch of windows sit behind me and the light shines through brightly, I dont think Mr.Burner has ever had to turn the lights on.

"Woman how many books have you read?" Toms come up to my desk, a confused look on his face. 

I raise my brows and look at him. Is this really what he is thinking about before class? I see the serious look on his face and decide to answer his question. "Like all the books I've ever read?" I question.

"Yeah, that's what I said." He says.

"Well, that's a difficult question. I never really counted, cause it's a lot. But I read about five this month." I explain. 

He still looks like he's contemplating it when the bell rings. I give him a small smile before sitting back down at my desk. He walks off and goes back to his desk as the teacher walks in. My mood immediately tenses as I realize I'm in a room full of people. 

I wish I could be still talking to Toms. I'm almost always relaxed when I do so and my social anxiety doesn't flare up as much. I look down at my paper as Mr. Bruner starts to talk. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

"You can go and sit with your partner and start working on the paper." Mr. Bruner says before going back to reading his book at his desk. 

I grab a piece of paper and start to write down the points I want to get across. I try to keep my brain occupied until Toms gets to my desk. I start to write and bite the inside of my cheek. My ideas aren't coming and I end up just thinking about how many people there are in the room.

Get yourself together Bree. If you let Mack get in your head then you lose. I try to remind myself over and over to suck it up and that I'm better than this. Soon enough Toms is walking over to my desk, I look up and give him a forced smile. 

He frowns and pulls a chair to my desk, sitting down. "You okay?" He asks.

I dont look at him as I say a quick 'mhm'. I go back to the paper and start writing things down, this time I'm a little more relaxed with Toms around. I force myself to focus on the paper and start to get a lot of work done. 

"Do you need me to do anything?" Toms asked. 

I looked up at him finally. "Uh yeah. If you could go through the most important events in the book and write down the pages they take place on."

He nods and grabs my book from my desk. I'm pretty sure he read it, at least I hope he did. I dont dare ask him and hang on to the small hope I have. I continue on my work and start to write points for the paper. 

After a half-hour of this, my hand is killing me and I've run out of ideas. I put my head down on my desk and close my eyes. I hear Toms close his book and turn my head to look at him. We exchange a small smile before speaking up.

"How is the writing going?" He asks.

I groan. "Here, read it for yourself," I tell him as I pull the paper from underneath my head and pass it to him. My blond hair falls over my face but I can still see Toms through it. I think that this view is perfect, Toms looks concentrated and he has a happy expression. 

I think I've been looking for a little too long because Toms looks up and meets my gaze. I thought he would break the eye contact but he hasn't yet and he doesn't seem uncomfortable. After another few seconds, he speaks up. 

"You know you look really pretty right now." He says. I can feel the blush creeping up on my face and my heart is thundering in my chest. I try to hide my face on the desk and decide to ignore what he has just said.

Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it.

I look back up at him and see his face is going red a bit, probably realizing what he had just said. 

"Okay," I say trying to make this a little less awkward. 

Toms looks away and I look down, which is at my hair. I can almost feel the awkward tension in the air.

"Sorry, I mean you pr-" Toms starts but I cut him off.

"It's okay Toms. I'll be fine." He nods, opening the book back up but not before making eye contact with me again. I try and reassure him with a smile that he doesn't need to be sorry for saying that. He was just being nice and trying to make me smile, I'm sure.

A/n: Here's another chapter! Please comment on your reactions because they really make my day. I love to hear them.

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now