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I don't really know what to do now. Do I stay normal around Toms? Do I hope he likes me back? You wanna know what that's probably impossible, he's famous for goodness' sake. I'm just going to have to suck it up and get over this little crush. That's easier said than done, though.

I had school today, which meant that I had to see Toms. To say I was a nervous mess is an understatement. I was overthinking everything about how today would go, and I was going to be late. Well, late for me. Technically, I would still be there ten minutes before school, but I liked being fifteen minutes early; Toms got there a little later, so it gave me time to get my things ready and then talk to him as much as I could before class.

"Bree!" Ava yelled from the front door.

"What is it A bear?"

"Help with my shoes?"

"Okay, I'm coming," I responded as I quickly made my way to the front door.

Ava was sitting on the welcome mat with her right foot in the air and her Velcro on awkwardly. I laughed lightly before walking over and pulling her onto my lap. She looked done with her shoes and was using both hands to move the hair out of her face.

"Thank you." She sighed dramatically before standing up.

I couldn't help my grin at her cuteness. She was just like Dad too. He was always the overdramatic and loud one. Coming home and yelling his presence or just singing the Disney songs along with us. I missed him.

"Grab your bag, please," I told Ava before turning my head to look further into the house. "Toby, we're going to leave without you," I yelled.

Hoping he'd be out soon I grabbed Ava and placed her on my hip before making my way to the van. Toby didn't take long and by the time Ava was tied he was in the driver's seat. Ever since he got his driver's license he refuses to let anyone else drive. I think he likes it too much.

"Can put the song on?" She asked us while looking out the window, dramatically I might add.

I sighed. "Sure. Do you want us to sing as well?" I asked.

"No." Again the dramatic sigh.

I grabbed my phone and put on 'Let it go', aka The Song. I'm pretty sure she was having a moment or something because she started singing the lyrics while looking out the window sadly. I couldn't help but wonder if something bad happened and if making her life a musical was just her way of coping.

Once the song ended, I turned in my seat to face Ava. "A bear," I said carefully. "Did something happen?"

She looked at me as if annoyed at my speaking to her before answering. "Charlie said that we can't be in love." She threw her arms in the air, but I wasn't sure if it was frustration or dramatic effect.

"In love?" Toby questions with a small laugh.

"Yeah. He said he loved me and I said I loved him. Then he went to play with Avery and told me we can't be in love." She explained with a small pout.

"Well, I agree with Charlie. You are not allowed to be in love yet. I can't deal with both of you dating." Toby huffed.

That made me stop. What did he mean by having us both date? From what I remember about my life I've never dated anyone and I certainly wasn't right now.

"What do you mean Toby?" I asked.

"Well, I was just saying with you an . . ." He trailed off. "Never mind, sorry I didn't mean to say that."

"No, I want to know what you meant," I tell him. What did he mean by me dating? Did he think I'd dated someone before?

"It doesn't really matter. We're almost at school anyway." He said quickly.

I crossed my arms and sat back into my spot again. "Why can't I know? I might as well go hang out with Toms if you're keeping secrets from me."

He sent me a panicked look.

"Oh, now I can't hang out with Toms," I said, maybe overacting a bit; it seems me and Ava have something in common.

We ride in silence Toby opening his mouth to speak but closes it again. As soon as he parks I get out of the car. "You are on Ava duty," I tell him. I head towards the school where I could see Toms walking into. See I was right, I was late compared to my usual time.

"Toms!" I call as I try to catch up to him at the entrance. He turns around and I take in a few deep breaths before speaking. I don't run often, clearly. "I'm mad at Toby right now so you're going to be with me all day," I explain.

His brows furrow. "Why are you mad at Toby?"

"Because he pretty much said I was dating in the car. Ava was having a mid toddle crisis about boys and . . ." I have to stop to take another breath. Man, I need to get into shape. "He said he couldn't deal with the both of us dating. Wouldn't tell me why he said it, so I'm giving him the silent treatment."

Toms looks like he has the same panicked expression as Toby.

"No! Not you too!" I groan. What is wrong with both of them. "I'm not dating anyone right now!"

"Yet." He mumbles with a small smile.

Clearly, they think I'm going to date anyone soon. Well, news flash boys I won't because I have a crush on this blond boy who is my best friend. So it might take me a bit to get over the crush and date someone.

"Yeah. I might as well give you the silent treatment."

I go to walk to my locker but Toms grams my hand. "Fine. Just spend the day with me, okay?"

I nod. "Okay." I look down at his hand in mine.

Getting over this crush is never going to happen if he keeps doing things like this.

A/n: I seriously had the biggest writer's block and then reread this rant that one of my favourite commenters commented and then this came about. Glad I'm writing this story again!

@Dazzaling_Dino Thank you! I also want to mention @Watapsio and @Angie_Things2211 

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now