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I think that my favourite thing to do on a rainy day is stand in the rain. Sadly I can't really do that seeing as sometimes it's too cold. I just end up looking out my window at the rain in the end. It was also a great time to do homework.

But today I did neither. Today I had decided to listen to an audiobook. The thing is that I didn't know what to do while listening to the audiobook. Should I just lay down? Help auntie Clara with her garden she started last week? 

Cupcakes. I was hungry and bored, this would be perfect. I got my phone and made my way downstairs. I passed Ava watching television and everyone else seemed to not be home. Though I knew auntie Clara and mom were outside and working on the garden, uncle had gone to work and Toby was doing a stream. Technically they weren't home but it felt like it by how quiet it was. 

I put the audiobook on and Caraval started to play. As I listened I began to take out the ingredients. Baking wasn't very hard for me as mom had bad days and I had to learn quickly.

Icing things though, no amount of practice could help my skills. 

I was completely engrossed in the audiobook and somehow I went from just making cupcakes to making brownies, chocolate chip cookies, vanilla cupcakes and scones. I seriously had nothing better to do at this point. 

I was putting flour into the bowl when I heard a knock. Assuming it was just mom or auntie Clara  I yelled. "Come in! I'm in the kitchen!"

I hadn't even turned around to check who it was as I looked at what else I had to add. I looked to see it was sugar and clapped my hands over the sink to get rid of part of the flour. I turned around as I heard footsteps to see Toms in the archway to the kitchen.

My eyes widened but I quickly wiped my hands on my jeans. I looked down to see the white handprints on my jeans. Okay, bad idea. I tried to rub it off but it was no use and I just let it happen.

My audiobook was still going and I was trying to pay attention to it. "You can sit," I said quickly and pointed to the chairs at the breakfast bar. I moved back to my bowl and continued working on the scones.

"Are you baking?" Toms asked and I quickly hit him over the head.

"Shhh!" I shushed him

"You got flour in my hair!" 


"But you-"

I groaned and paused the audiobook.

"It was either hit you over the head now and wash my hands or wash my hands to hit you over the head and wash my hands again," I explained as I washed my hands. I wasn't about to put my hands in food after I had them in Toms's hair. I wasn't gross. 

"This is disgusting woman." He complained as he tried to get the flour out of his hair.

"Why are you here?" I asked, trying to make him stop complaining while getting answers to questions I have myself.

"Well I sent you a message that I was coming over but you never answered." He replied.

I laughed. "As you can see I'm a bit busy." I gestured to the kitchen.

"Have you made anything yet?" He asked.

"Yeah the cupcakes need to be iced and the brownies must have finished cooling." I pointed to the cupcakes that were next to their icing and the brownies. Toms quickly got up and went towards the cupcakes.

I decided that I could talk to him instead of listening to the audiobook as it would be rude not to.  

"So how was your day?" I started to get back to my baking. 

"It was hilariously funny." He said and then laughed at his own joke.

"I don't get it." I deadpanned, looking at him seriously.

He turned to me immediately, shocked. "You? W- ha... I-" he seemed at a loss for words. I grinned and then started laughing. 

"I get the joke," I said between laughs.

Toms still stood there in silence with the icing in his hand before all of a sudden a bunch of the icing shot out and hit me. 

I had my mouth hanging open in shock as I looked down and my now icing-covered shirt. How dare he. How could Toms do this to me? I'm am innocent and yet here I am being attacked by him. Okay well, maybe not totally innocent.

I turn around and grab a handful of flour before throwing it at him. He let out a loud 'Ahh' and then proceeded to squirt more icing at me. I shrieked and started running around the island, away from the flour-covered Toms. 

"No! TOMS! Don't-" I yelled before he reached me and pulled me into a flour-covered hug. 

"Now we can be flour pals together." He said as I tried to get out of the hug. 

"Toms! You're going to get flour in my hair." I whined.

"Karmas a bitch." He replied with a satisfied grin. Clearly, he thinks he won.

"Yeah. She is isn't she?" I quickly reached for my glass of water on the counter and flung it at Toms but it really ended up getting on both of us seeing as I was still stuck in the hug. 

Toms laughed. "That backfired didn't it?" 

I sighed and nodded. "I didn't really think it through."

"Clearly not." He muttered.



"You should be. You should never insult a woman's intelligence."

"There's a lot of rules when it comes to women." He complained. I was confused why I was still stuck in the hug.

"Yes, there is. But don't worry you're pretty good at the rules of women." I told him.

At this, he perked up. "I am?"

I laughed a little. "Yes, yes you are." Not knowing what to do next I did the only thing that came to mind. I placed a peck on his cheek. He froze in shock for a second and I could feel the blush creeping up on my cheeks before he let go. 

I looked at him and he looked about just as red as I was. At least I wasn't the only one. "Now you're going to need to help me with cleaning this kitchen." 

We had a lot of work to do.

A/n: Quick little chapter! Another coming out in a few hours from now! 

Thanks for the comments and the votes! Love you all <3 

Also, I know this story is slow but I dont want it to be unrealistic. Normally people dont date after a month of knowing each other. I want there to be some sort of build-up. But guys were are almost there dont worry!

His Woman, her Toms - TommyinnitxOcWhere stories live. Discover now