The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings, Book 3

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Chapter 17

Can't remember to forget you.

Jessica ran from the carriage unable to stop if she wanted to. Her grandmother called out needing Jessica to stop.

She heard her grandmama's calling out to her as she sprinted across the lawn for inside.

Victoria frowned displeased "How on earth did her daughter correct this bag of self righteous girlhood fleeing away for the sanctuary of inside?"

"Please go on ahead girls" expressed Victoria needing a proper breathing space. Good god how she needed a large alcoholic drink or am I to old for this life pulling back her shoulders marching on inside before yelling out "Jessica Hastings come down this minute" tapping her foot impatient.

"Why can't these people leave me to my misery" a depressed Jessica questioned sitting up on her bed sulking?

Muttering small curses Victoria decided to pay her granddaughter a visit. Rapping on the door her grandmother voiced her displeasure Jessica open the door now.

"No" she shouted back "you'll ask me how I knew him" said Jessica openly.

Leaning on the door Victoria closed her eyes reliving her stresses "My dear please open the door and we'll talk."

A click sound on the other side Victoria heard "I'm coming inside opening the door finding her granddaughter a mess." Her hair was down and mattered, her black kohl liner down across her face.

"Oh Jess" said her grandmother overcome with grief "tell me what happened" reaching out pulling Jess into a hug?

"He was horrible to me grandmama such a vile person I've ever met" wiping her tear streaked face on her grandmothers dress.

"Why was he horrible to you" asked Victoria conforting her? "He said hicupping now everyone will know my secret sobbing hard."

"Jess please tell me the secret" lifting her granddaughters face up wiping the tears away.

"Oh grandmother" pulling away from her embrace standing moving about the room. "I did a terrible thing leaving my parents disappointed with me wringing her hands."

"Out with it Jess" her grandmother hardened her heart "now please He and I I mean James and I......fooled around."

"Fooled around" her grandmother feeling uneasy tell me fooling around how?

"Blurting out we made love okay grandmama" hanging her head in shame "out on the lawn my first come out ball" dropping on her knees.

Victoria sat speechless "you both .....on the lawn in full view of others?"

"Yes" wiping her eyes "but no one saw us only my papa and mama."

"They sent me here to see if I am with child grandmama her eyes lifeless."

Victoria's face expressed her concern kneeling down with her cupping her face. "All will be okay you'll see" hugging her again.

"How could her daughter be so mean, yes I may not have been a wonderful mother in the past but dear me this is going to far."

"I will write a missive to your parents demanding they arrive here in the next few days including Hermione."

"My other grandmama washed her hands of me" gulped down Jessica fed up.

"Yes I bet she did" spat Victoria knowing how the uppity Dowager had a stick up her arse would feel about an unwed enceinte granddaughter.

"Hush my child if you are enceinte we will work out a plan."

Sniffling "I hope so grandmother and you're not an evil witch."

"I should hope not child" wrinkling her forhead confussed how her daughter called her an evil witch.

Alaska listening in heard all Jessica told their grandmother rubbing her hands in glee gossip would do her in moving away from the door a smile curving her lips.

"Jessica my cousin the slut" muttered Alaska full of pride.

James decided to stick around until he could take no more of the innuendo whispered around the room.

Ladies whispered he was a Golden Stud amongst themselves sending him sly smiles.

"I'm outta here" sending a goodbye to Lady Cottrell moving onto his horse riding away in the moonlight.

Lady Cottrell stood amazed how tonight was very entertaining indeed.

James rode like the devil back to his apartment before thunder erupted clashing in the sky.

Muttering obscenities James pushed his horse on rain fell over him soaking him until his horse reared up a flash of lightening spooking his horse grabbing the reins James felt himself fall bumping his head on a wooden log.

All went black until he opened his eyes disbelieving his eyes. James shut them again counting to 20 and opened a booming voice echoed. .......

Ah another chapter done.

How do you like this so far? This took me a while figuring out the characters I hope I'm doing them justice.

James is such a dirt bag I must say

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now