The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings. Book 3

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Chapter 50

You may all be wondering how I found out about the God Club? A few days ago I had a very vivid dream about my runaway husband James and a glorious club with Dancing girls, men with painted faces, velvet in blood red around the luxurious room. I woke up with my heart pumping fast in my chest while I narrowed my eyes about my dream in bed. I tugged at my white high necked nightie fully intending to investigate if my dream was indeed real.

The Hackney traveled along and I sat wistful inside contemplating what I'd do if James was indeed staying at this new in Club. The London Scenery was never pleasant to ones eyes. Children dressed in rags begged the rich people moving away from them in disgust, begger women walking the streets offering their bodies for sale to any man who had money, men rich and poor oggled them what a poor sight indeed Jessica frowned sitting safe and cosy inside a hackney. If Tasha was here she'd stop the hackney moving and want to help I smiled at my younger sister still in Bath with my parents and other family members.

My mind did wander when thinking about how Alaska became with child? My eyes became blank how do I fix all my problems and them some? All I could do was pray silently for each of us our destinies would not destroy us.

About 30 minutes later the Hackney stopped and the male driver retorted in a gruff voice "we are here". My eyes widened at seeing the outside of the place for a few minutes before the driver opened my door and I paid him a few coins from my silk coin purse. Thanking him I was left standing ogling the place in front of me. I took one step uneas in my chest. What was I doing here I chastised myself? James doesn't want me really he told me a few days back but I'm the type of girl who does not take no for an answer I needed to understand him.

My feet had a will of their own one step, two step, the place was big with white walls all around on the corner. My aqua eyes scanned the sign in big gold letters "The God Club" Men only allowed. Then I saw a notice in the window "Jobs going, dancing girls, will train no experience necessary please enquire within. I wonder what these girls would do I pondered? Well I squared my shoulders and straighten up because I was going to enquire about a job inside. I thought I was pretty with my Raven black hair with Aqua coloured eyes just like mama did. Smiling I moved towards the door knocker and knocked I waited for which seemed for hours then the large black door was pulled open I glanced up seeing a big hulk of a door man glare down at me barking out a "Yes?"

"My name is ah......I had to think quickly for a name Patience" I murmured to this scary man who stood in front of me. "I'm here for one of the dancing girl jobs i saw the notice inside the window a minute ago" I replied shy. His eyes took in my face, figure and clothing while chewing on his big fleshy lip "Really, came his reply and why would a nice young girl such as yourself dressed in fine clothes come looking for a job here hmmm he questioned me? Um well sir I may dress in such fine clothes but my lover left me and I need a job to pay my bills" I smiled up at him what a great lie I told myself patting myself on the back for a quick mind. "Hmm" was his next word opening the door for me He told me to come in his voice harsh. I stepped inside the place searching for the presence of James finding him not. "This way" said the gruff male infront of me leading me towards a big white door. I followed not saying a word one part of me was excited the other part of me frightened as hell. When he reached the white door he knocked turning to face me undressing me with his eyes muttering another hmmm. I stood waiting until a voice behind the door shouted out "come in" we entered the large elegant room, A elderly man sat behind a rather large glowing desk, the chair he sat on was one of the largest I have ever seen all in gold. I stared thinking most likely fake I scoffed until the elderly gent fixed his clear blue eyes right at me before telling me No m'dear this chair is not fake gold but the real deal he chuckled at my horrified facial expression.

The giant man in a gruff voice told the boss "she's er for one of the jobs sir" then retreated out closing the door, leaving me inside all alone. "Well, Well, Well so you saw the notice in the window gel? I just nodded my head in agreement. "

"Please sit down" he offered kind. I sat down quickly holding my silk purse.

His eyes roamed over me not in a nasty way but accessing me. "So what's a nice girl like you wanting a dancing job hmmm?"

"Well if I may say so I need money to live sir since my lover left me with nought so I was walking then I turned seeing the notice in the window my voice told him calm as cucumber."

"Can you dance" came his reply?

"No sir, I cannot but I'm willing to learn" desperation in my tone.

I like the look of you my dear said the elderly man getting up from the chair moving nearer where I sat stiffening up when he tilted my chin up so he could take a closer look.

"Beautiful" he whispered then dropping my chin moving away. "You start training tomorrow with the other girls be here in the afternoon on the dot" his voice booking no arguments.

"Oh thank you very much sir" I gushed super excited for what I may find about Alaska and James. Pushing the chair back my face lit up into a large smile.

"Before you rush out came the amused voice You need to sign this paper contract saying you are working here."

I rushed over to the glowing desk taking the pen out of his hand signing my name Patience not Jessica. "I cannot say thank you again you have been most kind" I dropped into a curtsy.

"No need to thank me Patience, you have done me a huge favor. Now go home I'll see you at 12Pm sharp tomorrow afternoon."

Inside I felt indestructible I was in this club as a dancer in training. How hard could dancing be I mused? I was in my own little world when the gruff giant sent me a welcoming smile I almost fell over at the change in him.

He followed behind me and opened the door for me saying "see you tomorrow beautiful."

Hugging my middle I let out a yes once outside unable to believe they bought my lies.

Time for me to go on home. Should I tell Bonny? Should I tell Alaska or keep this information tight lipped for now?

Inside the club the elderly gent knew who this beautiful girl was. Patience was his granddaughter in law married to his grandson James. Only both did not know a thing. They were oblivious to the workings of me.

Who am I?

Zeus of course.

Let the games begin.


I'm soooooo sorry I haven't uploaded in a long time. Here is the next plot line Jessica as an exotic dancer haha
Let the games indeed begin

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now