The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings. Book 3

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Chapter 11

The apartment was not much to look at summing up the place.

James could not be finicky about his choice so gave the estate agent the go ahead with the selling the place to him.

Always a bargin hunter James mentioned an amout he would pay and nothing more.

"Let me know how my offer in the price, I'll pay goes before heading back to a hotel near by."

People swamped the place with painted daughters in tow for the season in Bath!

God, how he hated girls right this moment in time he wished they found him ugly and cruel rather than Handsome and sexy!

Around in his mind went Jessica Hastings a burden he felt all to well.

Wondering what her father The Earl of Harden is doing his lips twist up into a scowl.

Alexander was mad as hell, his daughter was sent to Bath in disgrace and Baron Lawrence couldn't even be bothered turning up!

When I get my hands on him muttered an angry father.

Elisabetha pointed out by all means kill him and be arrested for murder her tone serious.

Alexander we both know our daughter has the hots for this so called Baron Lawrence.  "Yes Elisabetha I do know" his face constricting with emotion but I have yet to understand why him?

Laughing up at his serious face "I can tell you how my lord" her face inches from his?

"Is that all you women think about today" said Alexander disgusted? Coming around his large chair Elisabetha sat down on his lap kissing his stern mouth sick of flouncey women.

"I love you too dearest husband" messing his hair up before running away blowing him a kiss.

"Women" came out of his mouth wondering where James could be?

I will find him.

Jessica today was told time to head into town and buy dresses for tomorrow's dance!

"I really want to stay home and read Grandmother."

"No you may not Jessica a beautiful girl hiding away" tilting her face up. I will not allow you and you are coming so be ready in 10 minutes.

Jessica was trapped by her grandmother a stubborn woman she is, while the maids dress her body and style her hair.

Awaiting by the carriage is Alaska (oh bother) Claire who smiled, Kezia Pick-Pocket and sister Juliet stand heads bowed avoiding her stare. The last girl was Hannah Honeycombe still 16 and shy under the thumb of older sister Alaska 23.

"Stop standing their gel and climb aboard" said her Grandmother impatient to leave.

"How I detest dances" thought Jessica trapped again with several eyes on her person.

"Great just great now all I need is a bun in the oven!"

Arriving in Bath City the family just miss James Lawrence entering his hotel.

Jessica saw the bustling city of bath similar to London yet different too.

"Come girls" bellowed Victoria Devine marching on ahead she was ready to have all her granddaughters married this season even rebellious Jessica.

All 6 girls follow their rather fast walker Grandmother up ahead.

Alaska held onto her sister Hannah's arm "Do not go near Jessica was heard from her mouth"

Jessica couldn't care less if Alaska or Hannah dislike her.

The only friend she did have was Claire all freckles and ginger frizzy hair much to the dismay of our grandmother.

Alaska summing her up was a beautiful blond blue eyed vixen and Jessica wondered why no man had asked for her hand?

Hannah aged 16 mirrored her sisters form with Blond hair and lighter blue eyes.

Planting her aqua coloured eyes in Kezia and Juliet Pick-pocket's direction aged 21 and 19 were yet to have a season.

Both girls had Black hair with pale complexion's so pale they could be described as ghost like.

Sensing eyes on them they turned around seeing Jessica inspecting their person.

Eyes were a cold emerald green once pointing their glares in her direction.

"Don't worry" said Claire I like you the others are old and jealous while poking her tongue out at Alaska.

This shop gels ushering each girl inside.

Now lets see what we can buy for each of you sizing up each granddaughter.

Alaska come with me as the eldest! Real nice mention how old I am coming forward shame faced.

Material was thrown in the air full of assorted colours.  Dresses were ordered for all 6 girls and to be delivered tomorrow.

"You may need extra workers to prepare these dresses madame" responded Victoria Devine gazing at the owner of the shop below her glasses.

"Yes, yes you are quite right Madame I need at least 6 more workers on into the night sewing these dresses 8 for each girl."

Why was Grandmother buying 8 dresses for her? I am meant to be in hiding not going to balls?

My parent's are so contrary do they want me away from prying eyes or push me out into the open?

Along the street James paid the man around the corner from the dress shop not even coming to pass Jessica on the street.

How hard can finding my father be thought James giving himself a shake before collecting keys for the apartment.

"Where might I purchase homewares James asked irritated having to buy more?"

"My lord if I may say so, just up the road near the pretty dress shop is a fabulous shop full of stock new and antique wares they have."

"A marvellous shop if I say so they can order new furniture from anywhere in England but you may have to wait my lord."

"Hmp" replied James full of ideas I might just do that today opening the old wooden door stepping outside.

The wind was chilly outside branching out further James walked around to the little store beside the dress shop.

Coming out of the shop was Victoria holding onto Alaska while they spoke.

James saw them and inclined his head in hello.

Victoria saw the new gent was most pleased and Alaska was in heaven.

"Oh grandmother he is a handsome one isn't he?"

"Quite right Gel he is" watching his departing figure opening the door of the store next door.

Time to go my butterflies said Victoria pleased as punch her girls will be all belles of the ball and she had her eye on the unknown gent for Alaska!

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now