The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings, Book 3

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Chapter 21

The Voice of an Angel!

"Now Jessica I have a small announcement I have booked a party for the arrival of your family tonight and you will show the bath ton your beautiful voice."

"Grandmother I can't I'll look fat!"

"Jessica now your being silly you can hardly see your carrying a child eyeing her granddaughter's mid section"

"So you say grandmother" said Jessica feeling uncertain.

Seeing her grandmother's face crestfallen by her rejection of her house party, Jessica gave in she was not a mean girl.

"Fine I'll sing tonight."

"Good girl Victoria hugging her you'll see everything fall into place."

Oh yes her mind whispered a very bad place turning her face away worried. Victoria hopped skipped and jumped out of Jessica's room at last my daughter cannot ignore me any longer.

The Hastings carriage grew nearer her home Elisabetha was not glad to be back soon so many bad memories inside her head.

Alaska had invited her fiance Lord Herman Cottrell to the family party for she had a horrible plan and Herman? Well let's say he had another.

Claire had invited her own friends and one untamed rake.

Kezia still needed to make up her mind her family she was certain would never be the same again.

16 year old Hannah prayed for a good party and hearing Jessica sing.

Juliet the only girl without a partner was ever hopeful to meet her ever after.

The arrival of the Hastings family at the Devine home gave Elisabetha cold chills. Never once had her mother loved or helped her at all and wondered why her mother wanted them to travel to Bath?

Yes, they sent Jessica to Bath being in disgrace though they hadn't thought James would also turn up in the same place.

How life gave you twists and turns Elisabetha thought twisting her hands nervous.

Since the infamous scandal Alexander had since left her alone in the bedroom. Elisabetha was scared her marriage could be over.

Over dinner time Elisabetha could have sworn Alexander leveled his Blue eyes on her figure burning inside blaming her. His mother the old gorgon she had heard on the wayside, told everyone her grandchildren by her son's wife were bad blood, yes indeed they were beautiful said the Dowager Countess to her set nevertheless my son marrying a daughter of the merchant class is to blame.

Did Alexander believe all his mothers half truths?

How could she find a way to talk about their marriage?

Alexander right beside her touching side by side did nothing when he ignored her for their daughters scandal.

Since the letter by her mother Elisabetha knew something bad was going to happen.

They never really knew James or his family only a tiny nugget of information.

Who was he wondered Elisabetha suspicious when she met him?

Yes from society he was a great catch and she wished with all her heart she never threw Jessica at him.

Alexander blamed her for introducing them in the first place.

Meeting in the street where he knocked her over on the footpath was accidental though in her head did James the new Baron really bump into Jessica on purpose to ruin her?

So many unanswered questions as the carriage drew up outside the Devine homestead.

Unease grew within Elisabetha seeing her Mother and Father waiting on the verandah smiling smug.

Alexander turned his handsome face her way a grim set mouth upon his face.

Grabbing Elisabetha's hand commented agitated "let's get this over with" pulling her with him out of the carriage.

The cool breeze lifted Elisabetha hair closing her eyes all those discarded memories coming back.

How she hated her family and being demanded to come back because of Jessica wreaked her marriage.

Alexander stood tall and dashing peering straight at the Devine's house.

The problem was taken out of their hands, coming forward "Elisabetha darling" said Victoria Devine pulling Elisabetha into a hug "my I haven't seen you both since Eva's wedding."

Alistair Devine shook Alexander's hand both gruff.

"Please come in both of you" suggest Victoria pushing them towards the front door.

"We don't have footman here my lord said Victoria gushing "for we are not of nobal birth, alas we do have servants to carry your baggage up to Elisabetha old room" please this way instructed Victoria while Alistair remained tight lipped stepping inside to a warm inviting home.

"Grandchildren this is your Aunt Elisabetha and Uncle Alexander" shouted out Victoria crass.

Alexander winced in pain at her shout giving Elisabetha a deadpan glance "oh yes my mother was correct Alexander thought this family gave my children bad blood flowing in their veins and I only have one way to stop the bad blood"

Elisabetha saw the way Alexander's eyes flicked to her face "My god he does really believe I'm to blame his eyes giving away his true feelings. How do I change his mind?"

Victoria turned around facing them Alistair scurried away not getting involved he was a smart cookie.

"You are wondering why I demanded you come" glancing over at both.

Elisabetha opened her mouth "Yes Mother we both are wondering why?"

"Sending Jessica here was our last resort for her" said Elisabetha uptight.

"I realize my dear said Victoria smug as a cat but you forgot one important matter"

"And that is" Alexander stepped in all manly?

"Come this way and say hello to Jessica your forgotten daughter first" leading them to a massive room.......

Filler section

This chapter dedicated to Kmf5821 for adding this to her reading list.

Thank you so much and have just updated :)

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now