The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings, Book 3

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Chapter 19

Time flies when you're not having fun!

Victoria sent a message please come to Bath ASAP to her daughter and son in law.

Since the night of the ball Jessica hid from view staying up in her room.

Alaska was indeed courted by Lord Herman Cottrell a day after the thrilling fiasco.

To Victoria's pleasure all 5 girls were courting.

Weeks past and still no response from Elisabetha and Alexander making her blood boil in her veins.

Jessica had a maid help her dress finding the dress no longer fitted her figure. Crying out Jessica flung herself down on the bed "why me?"

Her maid tut tutted her ladies rantings "My lady can I suggest a way we can hide you're changes?"

"Yes please" Jessica said lifting her tear steaked face from her pillow.

"I will bind your breasts my lady"

"How" asked Jessica her lip quivering?

"I take material and bind around your breasts my lady if my solution is pleasing?"

Jumping off the bed Jessica wiped her messy face "Yes I find the solution pleasing", finally feeling calm.

Her ladies wrapped material around her breasts each day and "Oh what a pain" Jessica thought her larger breasts squashed tight.

Each day was torture having to bind her growing breasts hoping and praying no one noticed her changes.

Victoria noticed the difference from Jessica's arrival in Bath over 6 weeks ago. At first Jessica was silent, her figure slender, but each passing week Victoria eyed her granddaughter's growing figure  and her breasts growing plump.

One afternoon Jessica's binding came undone when out shopping for new items.

First the dress didn't fit Victoria thought very strange since Jessica was slender later shrugging off the tell tale feeling something was off?

"I don't need a new dress" complained Jessica full of nerves "can we just leave" said her voice behind the curtain?

"If you're sure child Victoria said backing down?"

"I am grandmama"

Turning to her other granddaughters Victoria had the shop assistant wrap the new dresses in pretty pink boxes.

Hearing a sudden loud scream Victoria walked straight behind the curtains seeing Jessica's binding had unfastened around her fuller breasts.

Placing a hand over her mouth Victoria mouthed "Oh dear me" Jessica wrapped her arms around her body scared to death.

No words were spoken Victoria helped Jessica with the binding and dressing immediately shooting her granddaughter "we'll talk shortly"

Victoria sat silent all the way home while 5 girls chatted Jessica plasted a bored expression on her face though inside she felt scared to death brushing a tendril out of her face.

She had no friends any more Claire turned on her who could she turn to suddenly very tired of strict old society rules.

Once alighting from the carriage Jessica ran once again.

Victoria could only watch upset if only....?

Alaska stood back a salicious smile across her face seeing her least favorite cousin run like the very devil. The other girls laughed before Victoria told them to wipe those smiles off.

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now