The Golden Demi God and Jessica, The Hastings. Book 3

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Chapter 42

In the night garden!

Stupid, stupid I scolded myself running through the family estate gardens trying to hide from a very angry husband. Once I found the familiar spot I stayed put lowering my body.

I had a view of him kicking his foot hostile in the grass, jacket undone and his hair was wet and messy from the wine I had tipped over his head a feisty lioness protecting my family. I roamed my eyes at what I could see of him and James was a magnificent stallion!, What many men I have heard talk about women if they were brood mares to breed the next heirs. If only he wasn't such a maddening man hell bent on revenge I may have given in but now not a chance in hell will I make this easy.

"Jessica, I heard his voice roar in the blackness of night where are you?" I could easily see James was rather frustrated with me running out on him showing his family what he was really like with a wife he never wanted. I bit down on my tongue to stop me doing a stupid thing like call out to him.

As if I'm going to show you where I am hiding dear husband I thought fighting to the death.

I hid down in a little place I found on my walks while banished from life in London. I peaked threw a bush seeing the outline of his white shirt splattered with red wine far away and I did not move an inch. James was the kind of man every mother falls in love with for her daughter until he showed them his true colours. I remember the first day I met him outside a shop and I fell on my rump, mother fell under his golden god spell for whatever reason I couldn't fathom? One glance for me and I thought him rude and arrogant. To know be married to him I shuddered to think what James will do when he catches me?

Pity his face I could not see properly in the darkness to show me just how furious he really was? His features were perfection from our first glance as I sat crouched down low on my feet letting my mind wander away with me in the darkness and the beat of my heart sped up.

His feet crunched on the grass I heard feeling fear of what James may do to me?

What would he do if he found the place I hid?, would he drag me out bodily or shake me for being a silly woman? Or would he take me on the grass like he did before?

One point James will not be pleased playing a cat and mouse game in the dark. James I found out disliked a woman who didn't know her place and challenge him at every second which I always seemed to do.

As I sat, he shouted out one last time "Jessica come out or suffer the consequences!" His voice was a low growl, a sexy growl my body always heated hearing his smooth as chocolate tone. To me James was a panther on the hunt.

I scoffed at his comment yeah right Mr Baron as if I'm going to come out of the hiding place and show myself to mr high and mighty. In some wicked way I really wanted James to find me and what......I hadn't thought so far yet.

30 minutes I hid behind the bush and James became more infuriated minute after minute from his shouting out for me to stop this foolishness.

His huffing and puffing made me grin behind the thick bush knowing hiding away frustrated the hell out of the swine.

"I'm going to count to 10 Jessica", I heard the held off anger in his tone ordering me to obey him.

No such luck mister.




His steps were coming closer to where I sat hiding away the bad part I now could not see the white of his shirt from the shrub coming into view.

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now