The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings. Book 3

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Chapter 12

Where do I start my search James practically searched for an idea coming up with nothing.

Almost as if a a mind block was up against him finding out.

He walked up and down his living room back and forth trying to figure out why is mind was running on empty?

Usually James was a intelligent articulate guy and never in all his 27 years left with a blank space.

His mother the last time they spoke told him, she'll send him some important documents she held dear to her heart.

What they were was a mystery, James needed to wait and learn patience is such a virtue!

My mother kept many secrets from her time in London and Bath from all who knew her.

Wondering why she had to hide her life after meeting his father James had no idea why.

Flash back

Once when just a child his mother became all trance like after becoming the wife of Lord Heslop.

James had been very young not even aged 5 at the time before seeing his mother's eyes change from Brown to a glinty pin prick standing wearing her wedding gown opening and closing her mouth but no words came out he heard nothing only silence.

James ran over trying to hug her tiny waist She ignored him staring into space she did while he pulled her arm saying mama again and again, Arabella stood beautiful before she passed out in front of James her little son.

End of flash back

Coming out of his trance himself James felt another migraine coming on ever since his arrival to this town.

Picking out furniture for the last 4 days had become tiresome indeed and a shocking headache came on almost immediately since the carriage he was in made the journey to Bath.

Rearranging each room to his likings James was impressed who knew a man could decorate his apartment without a womans touch!

Sometimes when a headache came upon him he woke up in a strange place outside or lying on the bed.

Since arriving here day one James woke up in a tree, A very high tree!

This town was making him topsy turvy with strange occurances nearly every day.

James needed to find a source as to why.

Since the morning his headache grew steadily worse every day.

The white powder from a little shop in bath did no good his head was still a pounding mess.

If he was a more Violent man James would have screamed and punched a wall or bang his head against the brick wall if any idea helped his agonizing pain.

In some ways James thought his headaches were a deep form of guilt since he deflowered Jessica.

Was he feeling guilty? Scratching his head.

"Not on your life" James was out for blood and if his headaches persisted he may need to seek help from a healer woman he bumped into a day ago.

She turned her Brown coloured eyes in his direction nearly bulking once seeing him in the flesh.

In her words "Go home you'll find nothing" and with that she ran out of his sight disappearing round a corner.

Muttering crazy people must have moved here from London before walking off down the street.

Inside his apartment James felt overcome with dizziness, a vile fluid burst out of his mouth before bkackness covered his brain and he fell into a void of nothingness.

Time stood still James was not here nor there. Where was he that is the question only he could answer.

The blackness cleared and James found.....?


Jessica since coming home was deafened by ridiculous chatter by Alaska and the mystery man she saw in town today.

Victoria Devine wanted each granddaughter married to rich and titled gentleman since her daughter's Melisande and Petunia married a knight and a lowly lord.

Her only daughter to marry well was Elisabetha who married an Earl baring 8 children in all.

She had much to plan for each one and only an Earl would do!

Claire sat silent listening to Alaska open her mouth for too long.

Grandmother Claire repeated can you tell Alaska to shut it before she fell silent?

Claire her grandmother replied wash your mouth out with soap Alaska is only excited.

But grandmother does she have to repeat her story every bloody minute?

Gasps were heard in the carriage until Alaska said Grandmother this is Jessica's fault Claire would never speak vile words ever.

Since she came you have become foolish and pander to her problems and what are they Alaska screeched?

Alaska her grandmother said before Jessica sick to death of her tiny secret screamed out inside their carriage I gave my virginity up satisfied Jessica bellowed and he left me alone to face all my judge and jury my family tears falling down her face.

My parents cannot face me neither can my other grandmother they hate me hiccuping while sobbing.

Child here take my hanky Victoria suggested sending each granddaughter a warning glare.

Alaska sat impressed with her little scene now nowing Jessica's secret she could spread all around town!

Victoria knew Alaska was a danger to Jessica new life and needed to have a special word in her ear if she so much as open that mouth her season was a no no.

Alaska in the photo.


Jessica Hastings

James Baron Lawrence

Arabella Lady Heslop

Victoria Devine

Alaska Honeycombe

Hannah Honeycombe

Claire Devine

Kezia Pick-Pocket

Juliet Pick-Pocket

Christopher Devine

Melisande Lady Pick-Pocket

Petunia Lady Wentworth

Okay who should play these people?

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now