The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings, Book 3

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Chapter 25

Alexander drank his fill of spirits all night hearing voices beyond his male dominated room.

At first he dismissed them as servants gossiping.

The high pitched screams of above his room became to much made Alexander hold his hands over his ears, he couldn't bear the thought of Jessica in so much pain.

Every bump both Alexander and James jumped high out of their chairs.

Having caused all the problems James could only sit and watch concerned for all involved, yes he was a heartless pig heard coming from Jessica's mother's mouth when he came into the foyer of their house holding Alexander up.

Now they must wait on any news from the Dr, No one came in the room for fear Alexander may snap, he was so far gone the Dr feared any news would push him over the edge hearing all the loud blood curdling screams and thumping noises.

James Baron Lawrence sat away from Jessica's now drunk father, by golly james felt weary since travelling to find more about his father, if he knew better James would assume his journey was cursed by chaos?

"" slurred Alexander trying to stand "I heard someone mention my daughter Jessica" moving forward for the door.

"Do you think tis a wise decision my lord" spoke the Baron careful not to enrage Alexander further?

"Blast you man" snapped Alexander falling to the floor his legs Collapsing underneath him wanting to wring the Barons neck in one snap.

"I can help you stand my lord" said James getting up from the chair standing near where Alexander now lay?

"Keep you're retched help" spat an outraged drunken on the floor pushing James's out stretched hand away.

"I do realise I have broken your trust with Je.....don't even go there Baron" said a heated Alexander his blue eyes so dark and black his soul seemed taken by darkness within their depths.

"What more can I do" snapped James mad as hell at himself never realising his stupidity in taking the virginity of Jessica weeks ago.

"I can tell you snarled Alexander keep your pecker in your pants Baron and no trouble can come from toppling an innocent" he seethed into the icy eyes of the Baron.

"I'm sorry my lord forgetting himself if I may say so I'll make Jessica my wife if she lives" said James stumbling over his words.

"Is that so" said a sly tone in Alexander's voice?

"Yes" commented James.

Pushing his body up Alexander stepped over to his desk eyeing James up and down a deadly silent in the room.

"Would you still marry my daughter if I made you sign a contract of marriage Baron Lawrence?"

"You want me to sign a piece of bloody paper" said James spitting chips?

"Why yes I do" smiled Alexander resembling a cat licking the cream.

"What if I don't" said James not backing down?

Toying with a pen in his hand Alexander glanced James way an almost evil smile etched on his features "you wouldn't want to know young man what I am capable of" his voice brokering no argument.

"Alrigh where do I sign" deflated said James strolling over.

"Here and here and here" insisted Alexander watching James sign his life away in 3 easy steps.

Folding the document up Alexander locked the paper away in a safe before needing to see the Dr.

Pushing the door open Alexander saw the somber faces of his staff and family. Elisabetha came forth crying wrapping her arms around his neck.

Gulping back giant sobs Elisabetha came to the conclusion she must tell Alexander.

"Darling reaching for his weary face in her hands our daughter needs a blood transfusion to live she has lost so much blood the Dr has told me can you go through with giving Jessica your blood you are the same type?"

I will give Jessica my blood said Alexander rolling up his sleeves following the Dr up until another voice voiced his opinion No I'll go said James rolling up his sleeves.

"I don't think so" growled a protective papa.

"Darling let him insisted Elisabetha consoling her husband you need much needed sleep and james is younger and not in his cups."

"Fine but I'm coming too."

Alright darling Elisabetha helping Alexander up stairs with the Dr and James.

Victoria stayed away to distressed to watch the life flow out of Jessica her beautiful granddaughter.

Only one person enjoyed this occasion Alaska hid in the darkness watching the family run up and down the stairs hearing from servants Jessica might die she laughed inside her body.

Killing Jessica was never in her plans but if the lord wanted her cousin who was she to argue.

Her soul for a long time held utter darkness and meeting Herman Cottrell Alaska saw a kindred spirit his soul more dark thsn hers a new species shall be born once they wed closed the door fell flat on her bed happy with her life.

Down the hall Elisabetha stopped both Alexander and James "before you venture inside I must tell you it's not a pretty sight."

"I expect that" said Alexander.

"No you don't" said Elisabetha Jessica is how can I say this dreading this part?

"I've seen death madam" spoke James many times growing up consoling her.

"Not like this" hushed Elisabetha under her breath.

Opening the door James and Alexander came to an abrupt stop "oh my lord" they spoke at the same time, the room was in disarray and Jessica lay her dark hair tumbled over her pillow turned her blank dead eyes in their direction saying "please help me" before falling into unconsciousness again.


I told you all I'll update and what is going on with Jessica?

Read on when I update the next in a few days.

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