The Golden Demi God and Jessica, The Hastings Book 3

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Chapter 29

A blast of cold air hit inside Jessica's bedroom at full force from her door being pulled open.

"I ave him me lord" shouted the male servant dragging the poor minister still dressed in his night clothes blubbering.

Alexander came forth giving the servant a small bag of money for his good deed, "thank you me lord" said the servant happy he had some extra money to help his family.

Jessica not knowing what happened hours before she awoke was struggling to understand why a minister stood before her still dressed in his nightgown?

"Papa" came her words "why do we have a man of the cloth standing not very happy might I add in my room?"

Her papa paused for thought coming near "Dear daughter, I was uncertain you'd ever open those beautiful eyes again so I made him standing over by the dresser a offer he could not refuse."

"Papa" her voice onerous "What did you offer James?"

"For what he did Jessica, deserting you at your time of need. I spoke a few whole truths to him for once in his miserable life."

"You are avoiding my question papa" said Jessica feeling a tightness in her chest area due to all the secrets being kept from her?

"Should I ask the minister instead of you papa or maybe Baron Lawrence over by my dresser" scowling at all in the room questioned Jessica?

James hearing enough of back and forth butted in "You're father made me sign a contract of marriage."

"A what" said Jessica yelling at the top of her voice?

"You heard my dear what I told you" repeated James so sure of himself.

"Papa tell me I am hearing nonsense from the Baron's lips" insisted Jessica squeezing her eyes shut?

"I'm not finished Yet Jessica" came James bold comment strolling on over next to her bed, "when we stepped inside your room my dear" his deep blue eyes connected with her aqua ones "you're papa almost fell to the floor in a dead faint, Elisabetha if I maybe bold to call your mother by her name" James questioned polite?

"Go ahead" growled Alexander grim faced not stopping him, she will be your mother in law very soon son" he spat out the word in vain.

"Very gracious of you father" said James invoking an almost black looking stare from Alexander.

"Where were we, oh yes" said James kneeling on the ground next to her bed, "when we all saw you Jessica so lifeless and dead we all caught a fright me included."

"You" came Jessica's harsh tone before laughing in James's handsome face.  "Do you really expect me to believe" Jessica went on voicing her opinion "after you saw me lying at deaths door you took pity on me" now feeling incredibly angry?

"No I did not feel blasted pity for you" he yelled right back in her face, "I was overcome by a sense of gentlemanly honor" James repeated berating himself ever since he let Jessica walze out of his life all because of revenge.

"Gentlemanly honor" Jessica laughed again now full of hate, "Oh my lord you have fallen haven't you right off your pedestal" her tone twisted his insides by her mocking tone.

Alexander held onto Elisabetha's arm letting his daughter and James duke out their frustration.

"Being a bitch does not suit you" he rasped grabbing her by the arms shaking her body like a rag doll.

"And being a bastard does suit you James Lawrence" saying his full name, James stopped shaking her all of a sudden leaving her cold and bereft.

"Fine, have it your way princess" he said seriously "I'll be straight with you", tired of being nice to a shrew named Jessica.

"Once your papa saw you, he made me another deal I couldn't refuse" he smiled but not in his chilly blues eyes in her direction.

"What is the new deal" asked Jessica not liking his new information?

Rubbing his hands in frustration, James pointed where the minister stood trying to understand this crazy family?

"If you woke up sweetheart" his smile lopsided "we shall wed once you do."

"No" replied Jessica shaking her head full of hurt she pushed her weak body upright more, turning her head glancing at her father, "Please papa tell me James's lies aren't the truth" her eyes search his in ernest?

"I'm affraid Jessica" said Alexander remorseful "when we come across a dying girl who happened to be my daughter, I was desperate so I gave James a choice marry you or go to prison for leaving you carrying his babe."

"Papa how could you and to a halfwit like him pointing at James."

"I am not a halfwit my lady" said James through clenched teeth.

"Sometimes you resembled one" Jessica spoke up needling James more.

"Why you little...."

"May I speak" came the minister's tired voice?

"No" the whole room erupted to his comment.

Clearing his throat the minister replied "well you will listen to me if I maybe so bold I will go back home and to bed rather than listen to this drivel."

All in the room were speechless and stared at this middle aged man wearing nothing but a nightgown in awe.

"Now I have your full attention will these two be married tonight or not" asked the minister back to his goodly tone?

"Get the marriage over with" gritted James.

"No" said Jessica "I'm not marrying some wolf in sheeps clothing" she huffed. "I have no need now papa as I have lost the babe inside me."

James felt the pull of his powers deep inside of him when Jessica commented she no longer carried his babe he snapped "I too am glad I am no longer connected to this lady via my unborn child if I may say so" wanting to rip Jessica's heart to shreds.

Looking at both of them clearly, the minister heard Alexander command him to marry them now.

"Join hands" said the minister dragging James's hand over.

All is quiet and he breathed out finally able to start.

"This night we bring two people in love......"


Okay the wedding scene but what is next?

When I finish this and edit my Back to the 80's story, Next up is The Vampire duke and Natasha and the Bound for Botany Bay one but what after?

Do you want me to write Harriet Hastings story or Penny Kelly's story?

I still have a long way to go for those but I'd like to know.

If you don't know Penny Kelly read Beauty and the Marquess, The Hastings, Eva's story book 1

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now