The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings, Book 3

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Chapter 44

After we arrived in London I had the carriage stop at my sisters town house. I was a married woman I knew thought at present did not have my own London town house yet and I was unsure if James did.

Climbing out of the carriage on this grey cloudy day outside without help. I moved on forward to the white coloured door and knocked. Helen sat in the carriage patiently while I waited for someone to answer the door. Soon enough the door opened by a middle aged butler inspecting me if I was a fly buzzing round his ear.

"Yes" he asked in a clipped tone?

"Is my sister Bonny in" I asked impatient to see her?

"Her ladyship is in" said as if I had interupted his day, "please follow me" he let me inside and I followed him to my sister playing with Jasper and Scarlett on the floor rug in fits of giggles. I stood amused at the sight I saw and gave a small cough. Bonny turned round seeing me standing in all my glory.

"Jessie" she shouted very unladyship like and rose from the floor coming over and gave me a great big hug. "What brings you to London dear married sister?"

"I came searching for my runaway husband, who left me in the learch after we had another fight" I added sour.

"James left you spoke" Bonny in shock?

"That he did" I said a little in anger.

"Poor Jessie, are you staying with me and Gab until you find him?"

"Yes if you'll have me" I murmured embarrassed?

"Of course we'll have you stay, Jess you can get to know Jasper and Scarlett my munchkins" who were watching us with bright eyes.

"Before you collect the bags, I have a maid named Helen with me who will be staying too."

"A chaperone when you're a married woman" laughed Bonny knowing well and good I did not ask for one. "Who made you accept?"

"Grandmother Hermione would not let me travel to London on my own and neither would my mother in law Arabella, they said many dark secrets await me before I find where James is."

Bonny suddenly became serious "sounds very much like the courtship Gab and I had before marriage Jessie, are you sure James is normal?"

"Of course he is Bonny how stupid a question is that to ask me?, I may not know James very well if he had secrets.....I" let my voice drift off?

Bonny's question's upset me and I felt my face fall until a red headed child captured my attention.

Scarlett toddled over towards me her red curly hair messy with food. Her pudgy hand held onto my dress showing her happy face. I then bent down lifting her up in my arms while older brother Jasper ran over to his mama, my sister.

"Hello Jasper I said do you remember me" I gave him a kind smile to his questioning one?

He bit his lip nodding his head he did remember me.

Bonny gave the servants directions to go fetch my bags and Helen's.

Helen came inside carrying a bag in her hands, rushing over to us her face pale white in comparison with ours.

"Lady...I mean Jessica, come quick outside I saw a young lady passout near our carriage" by now Helen was pulling at my arm and Bonny asked the nanny to take the two children away so we may investigate who this girl was?

"Lead the way Helen" I replied following her brisk walking figure to outside the tall brick townhouse nearing the carriage I stopped dead in my tracks so to did Bonny lying on the pathway was a girl faced down so I could not get a good look at her face though something told me I was in for a shock.

The sour faced butler picked her up from the road before placing her down near the carriage Helen told Bonny and I. With careful turning I turned her around gently and when I did oh my no wonder Helen's face was white as a ghost this young girl with messy blond hair was my cousin Alaska!

What had happened since they left the Devine home weeks ago I questioned shocked to my core?

"Do you know this girl" asked Bonny?

"Yes I do she is cousin Alaska, remember you met her at Eva's wedding to Marcus and she made my life hell staying with mama's family in Bath?"

"So she is the wicked cousin" questioned Bonny again?

"That she is" I became quiet again studying her pale skin tone and knotty hair and was at a complete loss to why Alaska had come all this way to London?

Was she too after James the cad?, or was she here for a more disturbing reason?

"Bonny can he lift Alaska up and bring her inside" I pointed at the dour face butler waiting in the door way staring?

Bonny didn't ask she ordered her butler to carry Alaska inside which he did with little grumble.

"Where do I lie her Ma'am" he spoke?

"Upstairs in a room" making the thin man follow her figure up to a room where he gently placed her out of it body. I also followed behind them staying by the door way figuring out did Alaska know I was coming here?

A female servant came in and with a direct order Bonny told her to fetch the family doctor.

"Yes Ma'am" bobbed the girl running down out onto the street while I felt sick to my stomach.

Where were her parents, Or siblings for that matter I couldn't understand why they let Alaska wander the steeets of London on her own?

I stepped inside the room gazing at het peaceful figure out cold, I touched her skin nearly jumping at how cold she was. Slowly I touched her mattered hair frowning what had happened growing more concerned each minute just gazing at her body still as death before I noticed something unusual. Her stomach had grown a lot since I saw her. Did she marry Lord Cottrell, is this why she came to London?

Stopping infront of her middle, I let my hand touch her stomach and something moved inside her and I jumped back by the wall shaking all over.

"God Alaska I whispered hand to chest scared for her what has happened to you?"

Were you running for a reason to help me or hinder me?

Back against the wall the Dr came inside like he had rushed quickly to stop infront of the lifeless body of Alaska.

He shooed us all out and shut the door I turned to Bonny and Helen and said "I felt her stomach and.....?"


"Inside I felt a movement when I laid my hand on her niddle!"

"Is she......?"

"Don't jump to conclusions yet Jessica wait for the Dr to check her out."

"Mmmm" was all I replied.

Later the dr came out grim of face pulling Bonny away from us conversing with her. "Thank you Dr" came her voice when he started to leave the house. Bonny next turned to us and told us Alaska was carrying a child without a heart beat the dr said very concerned.

"A baby with no heart beat, how can a unborn child not have one" I questioned honest?

"I don't know" frowned my sister mentioning she'll wait until Gabriel returns from his run.

Helen was still pale hearing the news about Alaska.

What is going on right now?


This chapter took ages to figure out.

Yes the return of Alaska, how do you guys feel about her return?

Are you mad or happy?

Many secrets are going to come out now I hope?

You all have waited so patienly for this chapter.

Enjoy :)

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now