The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings, Book 3

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Chapter 18

Fires of heaven

A booming voice made him jump to the heavens above.

"I believe you have been searching for me my son" said the man dressed all in white as his skin shimmered gold.

"Who are you" James in wonder?

"A loud booming laugh echoed again round the room, Such a stupid human man said the man flicking James's face."

Moving away he turned facing James "I Human man am your father."

" can you be my father" stuttered James in shock Am I dead pinching his arm?

"No boy you're not dead just suspended in time."

"Sus....suspended in time" stuttered James again rubbing his eyes?

"Stand up boy" his father commanded shaking the room.

"My mother you ruined her" James bit out unimpressed.

"Yes I did and such a lovely beautiful human lady she is" smiled the golden god remembering his time back on earth.

"Why did you leave?"

The Golden god sighed "I had to leave, my time on earth was up, my father needed me home."

"Where is home" James asked still sitting up on the cloud like floor?

"Home is Olympus" his eyes pulling James into his web of god like creatures.

"Did you love my mother" James waited for his father's response?

His father sat near him deep in thought "I suppose I did love your mother boy."

"But not enough to tell your father No?"

"You will never understand being born a god my ungrateful son, and don't you have a similar dilemma on your hands?"

"My life is different" James stated back defensive.

"Really" his father arose rising his eyebrows in defence. "How so is leaving a woman you love carrying a child different?"

James coughed "She is not carrying my child put out."

"And you know this my son" asked his father laughing.

"No" realizing he resembled his father in more ways.

"Please when you see my Arabella again apologize to her?"

"My mother has moved on James told him." I realize Arabella would move on son his blazing eyes saddened. "Who married her?"

"A Lord Heslop married her father" the word Father sounded funny on his tongue. "My mother became his daughter's governess after birthing me James prattled on and Lord Heslop fell in love with her kind generous nature."

"Did Arabella begat more children" the god asked simply?

Feeling awkward James nodded his head no words were needed.

His father seemed shattered by his statement.

"Never try and search for me in the human world or you may place yourself in danger" said the God man before him.

"And if I don't stop" James asked deadpan?

"Then you will see the consequences" turning his back.

"Why was I aloud to live" James shouted out at his retreating back?

"You weren't meant to live my son" his eyes a blazing blue furious "no human babies were."

"I've said to much", "I must leave now" disappearing from sight along the heavens.

Springing awake in the dead of night James was soaked, He saw his horse munching grass, So hobbled on over grasping the reins feeling a pain in his ankle.

"Blast my misfortune" James said undecided if he believed his dream.

Arriving home he opened the door walking inside hopping on one foot.

"Please send for the Dr" requested James in pain "my ankle is broken I think."

"Right away sir" his male servant said went and called for the Dr.

What James didn't know was his male servant was one of his father's minions!

Evil laugh going round the room.

James poured a drink before drifting in and out of consciousness on the lounge.

The Dr moved James to his room while inspecting his ankle the male servant helped Chaos ready to rein on earth.

His father angry left Olympus at once no god must know James's existence on earth.

Zeus ranted and raved a madman about chaos his dark nephew.

My troublesome kingdom is targeted again by bitchy Jealous gods wanting my throne.

"Hera", Zeus thundered his wifes name let out Chaos into the human world.

No baby must be born again from a half god.

Hera his dominating wife opened the gold gates and let Chaos out.

Chaos was a dark god of nothing living off human emotions.

Apollo shot his golden arrow down on earth making sure Chaos did not find his way down to earth.

Was another baby on the way? Appollo the Golden God James's father headed for earth once again.

Or was Chaos already down on earth?

Another chapter written I hope you are all enjoying the ride?

Chaos is a female god they say but I've made Chaos Male!

Keep reading and sharing

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now