The Golden Demi God and Jessica, The Hastings Book 3

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Chapter 28

Chanting, Chanting, Chanting her words became louder behind her closed door not realising Jessica had awoken from her dream slumber.

Hannah Honeycomb heard these funny uncommon words behind her sisters door.

Her hand touching the doorknob twisting it around with her fingers. There bathed in the darkness stood her sister Alaska chanting foreign almost freaking her out of her goose pimpled skin.

Alaska thought she was alone when she continued her chanting still dressed. She wiped her bloody palm on her white handkerchief.

Still nothing happened if only Alaska thought I could find someone to untie my dress clearly irritated by Chaos not returning her calls to him.

Just then she saw her sister in the doorway opened mouth shell shocked blurted out bluntly "What in heaven Alaska are you doing?"

"Never mind Hannah what I am doing, why have you entred my domain" a little angry she did not knock?

"I came to tell you the news about Jessica."

"Really" said Alaska not really needing to know about the family usurper?

"Yes" insisted Hannah repeating her words.

Before Hannah could tell her the joyous news, Alaska asked "can you do me a huuuugh favour" her sisters voice now syrupy sweet tone?

"Alright what can I do for you sweet sister of mine" Hannah's tone sarcastic?

Ignoring Hannah's sarcasm Alaska stilled asked for help devoid of any warmth in her choice words.

"Can you please untie my back dress laces please" turning her back on Hannah?


"Just do it" demanded Alaska "I need to invoke something."

"Like what" said Hannah not liking her sisters idea one bit?

"Never you mind just unlace me please" said Alaska bossy sister as usual.

"Whatever" coming forward and with quick fingers Hannah unlaced her dress.

Kicking the dress away in a unwanted heap, Alaska now wanting more demanded Hannah unlace the corset just this once.

"No way Alaska am I unlacing your corset get the maid" turning away in a huff Hannah did.

"Please pretty please" said Alaska showing her puppy dog eyes?

"Fine" said Hannah flatly "then may I go?"


Finally unlaced, Alaska ordered her sister out of her room with these words now "I must prepare myself."

"Prepare yourself for what Alaska" suddenly becoming defiant "I order you to tell me" muttered Hannah concerned for her always spiteful sister?

"No can do you ninny" spat out Alaska, Pushing Hannah out of the room. Alaska was now alone dropping her corset on the darkened floor.

Turning off her gasoline lamp, she was now bathed in darkness, only the brightness of the moon bathed it's light upon her slender body.

"Please great god of Chaos come to me, I invoke thee use my soul and body as a vessel so I may destroy all my cousin holds dear."

"Jessica Hastings has ruined my life and I need revenge, oh great lord of nothing do not fear my words" chanted Alaska not seeing the great big lightening bolt strike and break a window.

All of a sudden Alaska saw a great big black mist enter her room from outside.

Standing naked and contemplating what the mist was swirling around her room somewhat frightened her and in another way made her gleefully happy.

"Who are you" growled out Alaska worried a tinsy bit?

A wicked voice sounded out behind her "oh my lady I am hurt you know not who I am" almost laughing at her.

"Come out of the darkness then" hissed Alaska "or I shall scream?"

More laughter mocking at that at her demanding words.

"My lady I am the great god of chaos you summoned down on earth" he told her flatly.

"How can I be sure you are he" commented Alaska still naked as a new born babe?

"Well maybe this will help you believe" said a voice behind her back causing her to jump in shock.

All of a sudden Chaos lifted the naked Alaska out of the window leaving her hovering outside in the chilly night air.

"Put me down" she shouted out angrily.

"My dear he mocked dangerous, you did challenge me did you not?"

"No I did not challenge you" she cursed violently, her arms and legs flaying about struggling to pull herself back inside her room.

"Yes you did you naughty girl Alaska" wagging a finger at her maddened face.

"I demand you bring me back inside, I called for you to help me not kill me" she screeched finger nails scratching down a school slate board.

"Can you say gel pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"No" came her only word out of her barmaid mouth.

"Then you stay outside then" came his decision leaning back amused by this hellions spunk.

Bored now Alaska decided saying pretty please with a cherry on top bided her time then she shall slap him with her hands.

"You win" said her hostile voice "pretty please with a cherry on top may I come back inside my bedroom?"

......5 minutes past "what are you bloody waiting for I said the words?"

"A god must think for a while" defending his refusal to bring her back inside.

"Well think faster buddy" came her gritting tone hating this was not going to plan. Chaos should be bowing down to her not her bowing to him selfish God.

With a click of his fingers Alaska came back inside, wrapping her arms around her naked body very chilled right now.

Grabbing a blanket she wrapped around her body Alaska sat down and demanded "Show yourself to me"

"Very well" said his deep voice coming into her eyes view bathed in moonlight Alaska's voice hitched in her throat.

"No" she retorted unsteady and gasping for air when he showed her his face and body.

In front of her stood someone she knew not to well but she had seen him at social functions.

"Oh I am he" said his voice full of unleased power.

"Might I say to you if you cannot handle the fire do not ask to be burned......."

"I'll try and remember" before she passed out from shock.


Thank you my lovely readers, I came back to 552 reads I am so very happy.

More action to come next chapter will be back on Jessica and James.

Remember Jessica has some of James's blood and struck by Zeus's lightening bolt.

My question is does Jessica now have power?

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now