The Golden Demi God and Jessica ,The Hastings,Book 3

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Chapter 1

1842, Yorkshire

Jessica loved poetry and reading. She was a blue stocking through and through. Many would gossip about her and her hobbies. Reading, Writing and an educated woman made her fodder for nasty gossips.

Her eyes were always in a book or singing at family gatherings only she had never thought of going outside the family circle. Why that would be society suicide! They already know about my family the famed Hastings girls!

Having seen her elder sisters make their come out made her slightly nervous. Who would talk to her? Men ran the other way intimidated by her educated ways. At times she felt very alone and no one understood how she felt not even her sisters or mama!

Eva married had been interested in fripperies and extravagance!

Bonny was hell bent on arguing with all she loved.

I am the third one coming out! Gossips said i was just as beautiful as my sisters.

Her black hair so much like mama. And the only one of her sister's to inherent raven coloured hair. 1842 Blond was still in both Eva and Bonny were blonds whereas she a Gothic beauty!

Many whispers were around town would this new comer be just as popular with black hair?

Who would she meet? Day in day out Jessica fretted no men had paid her any attention so far. They would stare right through her as if she was the invisible girl! An oddity in this world of ninnies and beautiful vain girls.

Time would tell! Jessica thought inside the family carriage sitting beside her mama and papa. Waiting to be introduced to his Majesty king George just like Eva did before her! Alas this George was entirely different my sister met his father also King George just before he died in 1838!

Every girl with noble blood must make her come out at 17 or 18 holding them back is society suicide. Don't slouch stated her nama automatically reminding her different daughter sit properly inside the carriage.

Would Gossip dragon ladies whisper amongst themselves is she ugly?

Is she stupid? Before they were hunched over laughing tears running down after being told she was a blue stocking! Mama was dismayed, Papa was proud of her his smartest daughter ever he would say.

Having had 2 girls on the marriage mart a few years back they had married after numerous scandals with their prospected husbands.

In room's full of the dragon ladies whom could halt your come out and ruin your chances of a good society match. Jessica must play down her true character to told too by her beautiful mama. "Do not show people how clever you are my dear. Men dislike a woman smarter than they are!" Showing the ton how not smart she was may be harder for all involved taking a deep deep breath.

Jessica had a special talent since she could talk. Jessica wanted to study music alas that was not to be stupid society and their rules!

Because Jessica was a girl she could not study music.

So her papa had one of the best male music teachers teach his young daughter. At first they were shocked a girl a gangly girl with dark hair and aqua blue eyes stared waiting for them to start.

Her voice was pure heaven when she sang at her sister's and cousin's wedding a few years back. How great she felt showing family how smart she was.

The young gentry were astounded by her hypnotic voice. The older generation not so astounded scolded Elisabetha and Alexander for letting her sing. What are you doing Jessica overheard the older gentry no man will ever want her when you're daughter comes of age! Their speeches went on and on until you were blue in the face.

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