The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings, Book 3

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Chapter 23

"Lizzie" his voice hollered up the staircase his legs climbing two steps at a time.

Elisabetha sat brushing her black inky hair by the dresser pursing her lips hearing her once lovable husband shouting below.

What had she done now?

Pushing the bedroom door open revealing Lizzie wearing just her drawers, corset and stockings sitting at her dresser, waiting for his silent treatment or sarcastic abuse over the last couple of weeks.

Will we ever be the same?

Moving forward Alexander landed on his knees apologetic clasping her hand in his "Please forgive me my beloved, I have behaved a stupid fool listening to my mother's lies" glancing into cat green eyes.

Watching her man grovel on the ground beneath her pleased her ego, on the other hand his face told her he was missing their friendship, Love and caring.

Elisabetha dropped the brush in her hands on the antique dresser, twisting round her body inspecting her sorrowful husband "Alexander when did you finally come to your senses?"

"Lizzie" he now kissed her hands "I had a conversation with your mother half an hour ago and she told me about her family and her private self."

"Humf" was all Elisabetha let out for she knew her mother quite well.

"My mother" her eyes bulging "has never been nice to anyone Alex her favourite's were my siblings and never me I've always wondered why she hates me so?"

"You may be mistaken Lizzie about your mother" still down on his knees?

"Maybe so my love" Elisabetha spoke unchanged in her voice "but I grew up here" waving her hand around the room "my mother was never a nice woman ever she is up to something?"

"Why do you consider your mother unkind" insisted Alexander?

"The day I was born" Elisabetha pointed out "I never knew the reason why so I just lived with her ignoring me each day until I met you" her green eyes sparkled remembering.

"Do you accept my humble apologies" down on his knees still?

"Oh get up Alex" laughed Elisabetha pulling him up from the floor, "yes I forgive you" slowly moving her lips to his warm ones.

Grasping her waist Alexander kissed her back hungrily enjoying their moment of solitude, closing his eyes he whispered "I Love You" peeling his lips from hers and "I Love You" Elisabetha spoke grateful.

Pulling away "remember when we met" staring up into her eyes mischievous? "I do Alex" remember smirking back "we argued lots and being 26 I was on the shelf by gossiping tongues."

"When we met I was having my last season my sisters were married and my mother wanted me gone."

"So I knocked into you by accident my humble husband" smooching his nose.

"Yes you did hooking my heart and my love in you Lizzie" playing with her hair.

"I will always remember Elisabetha laughing when you took me home introducing me to Hermione your mother." Alexander chuckled "Mmm so do I you naughty girl sitting on my lap right infront of my family."

"So why are we apart and silent our marriage is based on our love for one another, do not ever let our families ruin our belief."

"My wise and lovely wife is correct slapping her derrière, Go back to dressing for tonight and I'll be waiting."

Just then a blood curdling high pitched screamed filled their ears.

Breaking apart they rushed from their room tracking the scream down the hall.

This is how Elisabetha and Alexander met and who screamed?

You are going to hate me for what I have planned in the next chapter.

I am still editing this and I like doing shorter chapters because long ones can become "oh geez" and many lose interest maybe?

Enjoy and comment vote and share :)

This chapter dedicated to KhellyMarzan for adding my story.

Thank you so much

I'm so sorry Wattpad has deleted a chapter stupid thing and I can't seem to get it back?

Can you still see the chapter 24?

These chapters are still unfinished so I just wanted them up and will finish these when I figure out more ideas.

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now