The Golden Demi God and Jessica, The Hastings Book 3

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Chapter 27

Zeus sat on his empowering golden throne watching on down below hearing a girls voice chant out to Chaos the god of nothing only discord.

Zeus contemplated for a second his booming voice echoing around Olympus his home for the gods and goddesses.

"Chaos you will stay put" he ordered his voice thundering

"Zeus my high and might king of Olympus" stated Chaos sounding smug, "if a girl chants my name, oh so politely how can I resist not bowing to her needs?"

"I command you Chaos, you will not leave Olympus for if you do I'll have to banish you."

Chaos god of nothing only of darkness and discord laughed openly in Zeus's white bearded face mocking him "if my high and mighty King recommends my banishment so be it" Chaos declared stubborn.

"Stop" he ordered as Chaos decided to run into the vast clouds, dropping down on earth with a wave of goodbye to Zeus who stood his long white beard trailing down to his sandled feet came charging with his lightening bolt ready to strike Chaos into oblivion.

Only to late Chaos had gone back on down to earth to meet the girl who chanted his name.

Zeus fed up with his gods and goddesses decided to help his grandson James out by sending a bolt of lightening straight at Jessica laying still on the bed lifeless as a dummy.

A direct hit Zeus may say seeing the drama unfold high above earth.

Apollo came forth objecting to his sudden interference "Father he spoke boldly if I may say so what in heck are you doing?"

"I am giving these earthlings some god like power."

"But father haven't you told me interfering in earthly matters is wrong and humans are disgusting inferior creatures?"

"Ah yes I have said so many times but Apollo my son this time I will intervene because the girl envoking Chaos is evil throughout and I enjoy a challenge of winning."

"I don't like the idea father" interrupted Apollo.

"Just sit and watch my son" turning on his heel back to his golden throne.

The bolt traveled down hitting the lifeless Jessica.

In her vegitive state Jessica was stuck out at sea in her dream, the wind whipped her hair about around her face, dark foggy clouds clouded around her.

Calling out she didn't see a thing only muttered voices calling her name somewhere.

"Hello" she called again spinning around listening to dark hearted laughter.

"Who is there" shouted Jessica in turmoil of what she should do?

A voice in her dream carried by the cold wind whipping her hair and clothes about   "it is your dream girl what have you ever dreamt of doing in a dream?"

All of a sudden Jessica felt herself glide across water and then jump into the air chasing after the laughter she heard in her dream.

"I will find you" announced Jessica heatedly searching high and low.

Just then a dark mist approached her at high speeds, knocking her dream into oblivion. Jessica screamed low in her throat falling, falling, down, down until a male deep voice whispered ever so chilling "if you touch the bottom you will die."

Before Jessica could stop in her dream, in reality a lightening bolt struck her body through the now broken window, a high pitched scream sounded from Jessica when she awoke, her big aqua coloured eyes now flung wide open her body flying into the air and her dark hair bolting up around her face crackling full of  electricity around her body.

"Where am I" she repeated before falling with a thump on the bed again this time only Jessica stayed awake?

Zeus moved away his white long dress swept with him as he ventured back inside a smug smile around his ancient face.

"Face it Chaos Zeus challenged I am the ruler of Olympus and of you pulling him back or trying to."

"Give up old man I like earth too much to come back to your fanciful god world and this girl who chanted my help Chaos smacked his lips, She can be my vessel laughing at Zeus."

"Don't bet on it Chaos, Zeus roared and thundered Jessica now has James's blood flowing in her veins."

"What of it" commented Chaos wildly impatient?

"You'll find out dear boy" disappearing into thin air.

Chaos was very angry "What did Zeus do?"

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