The Golden Demi God and Jessica. Book 3 The Hastings

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Chapter 9

Back in London.

A week had gone by and James drank himself to sleep.

Avoiding Alexander Hastings couldn't go on for ever but.....

Gulping down how he felt James must for his life and family finally meet Alexander the Earl of Harden about ruining his daughter Jessica.

Did he really want marriage? Or could he blow the Hastings family off?

Plenty of men have walked away from a female they have ruined in society why not him too?

His father left his mother entente with him many moons ago.

Knowing his mother's way she would be furious with him if he didn't meet with Jessica's family today just to talk.

Having his valet pick out his clothes, James stood in front of the mirror contemplating his life or new path in life?

Which path way will I choose?

Today was the day he sealed his fate entwined with Jessica's

I talked to her father!

Meanwhile Jessica in bath was struggling to be friends with her 4 out of her 5 female cousins who saw her beauty as a threat to theirs.

Now Jessica knew how they thought of her a man stealing whore.

James meanwhile travelled to the Hastings home finally meeting his fate.

The carriage travelled slow among the old roads. James never felt more scared in his 27 years.

A pain he felt inside burned again leaving a burnished skin tattoo on his chest yesterday.

Damn all to hell snapped James shouting to his driver "a change of plans driver I want to go seek my coward father!"

Jessica's family could rot he didn't care a fig!

After pestering his mother day in day out for information about his father. James had finally had a place to start his search.

His mother knew the day had come wishing really in her heavy heart she wouldn't have too.

"Sit down please James" her voice constricting with emotion.

"Mother" James replied unsure if he really did want to know?

"Where do I start" said his mother eyes peering down at the floor?

"Mother start where you feel comfortable talking" placing his large hand on top of her dainty one.

Taking a big deep breath his mother began her story.

"28 years ago I turned 17 my son, the year was 1814!"

My parents wanted me to have a season!

"In London" James asked?

"No not in London" shaking her head but in Bath!

"Why Bath" Mother?

My parent's were quite strict with me and my sisters smiling at her old memories.

They disliked London with a passion and decided on Bath.

"Go on Mother."

The first ball we went to. I met no one of real importance.

My father you're Grandfather was a pastor a rather godly one too!

"A church goer" James replied appalled?

The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now