The Golden Demi God and Jessica, The Hastings Book 3

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Chapter 30

"You may now kiss your bride" announced the very tired minister not yet understanding why these nobal family wanted their daughter married to a man she hated and vice versa?

Jessica growled out "a hell no I won't kiss him" fully disgusted at hearing those six words.

James on the other hand had a beamused expression on his face smirked saying "come now lady wife we need to seal the deal" with a kiss pulling her body over to where he stood, electricity flowed threw them when they touched.

His blond head caught her flabbergasted lips with his demanding Jessica's lips open for his exploration.

Jessica relaxed in his arms letting her now husband think she had lost the fight only she knew the fight was just beginning.

His lips were demanding on hers for a while until Jessica taught him a lesson about wives.

She bit down hard on his bottom lip with a hoarse curse James pulled his lips away from her mouth angrily.

"What in heaven" he cursed dapping his mouth on his sleeve wiping a small amout of blood seeping from his lip?

Alexander sent an amused glance at his now married daughter, "we will leave you married couple alone" pulling his wife with him from the room.

Elisabetha sent her husband a reproachfull glance before following behind him so they young warring married couple can settle their differences.

Alone in the room James stiffened considerably not uttering one word.

Jessica continued to stare into nothingness just the white paint on the walls.

At the same time James and Jessica spoke all at once before Jessica shut her mouth stubbornly.

James hearing no more words from her mouth expressed himself clearly turning around facing Jessica his face expression not showing his true feelings summed up his life in few choice words, "I have many untold secrets my lady" he stated hesitant standing with his hands behind his back.

"What secrets my lord husband" said Jessica extremely nervous?

"I do not know if I should tell you why I courted you and toppled you in the Dukes garden party ball one night" going quiet after a while in thought.

Jessica eyed him suspicious "you have a reason my lord Baron" she quiped surprise lacing her words?

"I do my lady" venturing on over to where she sat sulking fighting her true feelings for James.

"May I sit" he kindly asked?

"Of course my lord Baron" Jessica replied courteous for a moment.

"My story is complicated at most" James surmised when he spoke "You have no idea who my family are do you nor you're parents?"

"No idea" said Jessica having mixed feelings about his explanation of why he wanted her ruined.

His eyes became bluer a much deeper hue, his speech changed too and James told her the reason why?

"REVENGE" he stated coldly chilling her blood inside of her body.

"Revenge" she repeated dumb struck?

"For what" Jessica asked confussed needing to know why?

"The past my dear" he then sneered in her shocked pale face.

"I think I need a stiff drink" replied Jessica taking in the consideration she was only still 17 and much to young for alcohol.

"I'll leave you my lady for we have much to do later on" walking stiffly out of Jessica's room without so much as a backward glance.

"Revenge" she repeated under her breath once he left her alone?

"Is he funning me or what" trying to figure out for the life of her if James had all his marbles?

Buring out the candle Jessica fell asleep her eyes were so heavy and she dreamed again, this time of s Golden dream like God!


Another update woo hoo.

Next is going to be Appoll's life in his POV my readers.

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The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now