The Golden Demi God and Jessica. The Hastings, Book 3

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Chapter 45

Hearing the Dr say Alaska was carrying a child inside her with no heart beat, filled me with worry about her safety. How can someone carry a fetus without a heart beat I questioned numerous times waiting for a sign Alaska would wake up. Please god I prayed let her awaken soon. I may not be a god fearing person neither were my family though we do go to church sometimes mostly for weddings, christenings and funerals. Deep in my heart I needed Alaska to wake up so I can ask what is happening? The only problem now was waiting for Gabriel who in my own words took longer than usual.

All of us Bonny, Helen and I waited up for Gabriel to arrive from his run he may have information about her condition and why was this happening to our family? By Bonny's facial expression I knew Gabriel was late and in trouble!

The clock on the wall tick, tick, ticked and I grew impatient arising from where I sat to pacing the floor in silence. I may dislike Alaska for she was so mean to me when I arrived in Bath feeling very insecure and now the tables had turned with her carrying a babe and I no longer with child. I glanced down at the flat plane of my figure standing up. How did I feel not feeling the babe within me? Desolate is a word I'd use no longer feeling butterfly flutters inside of me. One day I hope to conceive another maybe not from James I might add here but who knew about the future?

Bonny was sick and tired of me pacing up and down told me to sit back down numerous times ready to murder me!

If only I could stop pacing up and down I needed to find out the deep dark secrets of our family and James starting tomorrow. Who was James the man I married? Or what was he? I felt the gods above laughing how foolish I was being! I was young yes but never stupid, James time was running out when I found him I needed to bide my time.

Helen said nothing just sat in silence glancing up now and again to see if I was not going mad. How could I not go mad seeing all this unfold right before me?, I was so sick and tired of whatever was going on in my family to just stop I was very young when these happenings started first with Eva and Marcus, then Bonny and Gabriel and lastly James and I. Why I asked myself daily did these events keep on occurring I was becoming frightened when our family became the scapegoat for whatever was on our tail?

"When will Gabriel arrive home" I asked twisting my hands around frustrated he had not returned?, Alaska had us all worried specially the Dr, a pregnant woman with child not emitting a heart beat this was scientifically wrong on all accounts. I only hope he does not blab to anyone?

"Jessica calm down, he will be here shortly, he has erands to finish and he has no idea this has happened to our cousin."

"I understand Bonny I do, Gabriel is a busy man making sure all his investment's are sound but....." my voice faulted.

Hearing Bonny comment on why Gabriel has not arrived back yet, made me feel awful. "I'm sorry Bonny, I'm just tired of all the bad luck we are having lately."

"I understand I really do Jess, just please sit back down, you're giving me a headache watching you pace up and down" showing a little humor.

My face tried to smile at her comment only I think I resembled a lopsided clown!, "I wish I could sit back down Bonny" gazing over where Helen sat tight lipped.

I saw Helen's face was tight with confusion reflected in her brown eyes. "You must think our family crazy" I spoke to Helen where she sat no expression on her plain face?

"No Jessica, I think you are both worried about a family member who is at risk of injury", Helen's eyes darkened not wanting to show us her real feelings.

"Thank you Helen", I smiled over at her, the best I could do when I heard the door open downstairs and a male voice spoke "Hello where is everyone" said the deep amused tone?

Bonny got up rushing out of the room into his arms I guess, following my sister from behind I saw them hug tight when Gab spotted me behind them.

His eyes spoke how surprised he was at the sight of me here. Of course he had no idea I was going to call on them.

Jessica what are you doing here?

"Gab" I rushed at him giving him a brotherly hug too then I told him what had happened a few hours ago and he seemed concerned for Alaska pulling us both upstairs.

Tell me what happened a few hours ago gazing over at a pale Alaska on the bed resembling death?

I was inside talking to Bonny when my chaperone came running in saying someone had passed out near our carriage. Bonny and I went out to investigate not really expecting a relative of ours turning up on the day I decided to visit I explained.

Gabriel studied the blond haired girl before he moved on over not touching her at first.

A few minutes later he placed his hands on her stomach flinching when he did.

All three of us were huddled together scared and even a little freaked out when Gabriel felt around her body flinching every time.

"I asked can you tell us the reason her child has no heart beat?"

Gabriel stayed silent ignoring me for a while then he said what we all did not want to hear. Alaska was carrying a dead child who is alive also?

"How can a child be both" I made a comment feeling stupid when Gabriel turned his glowing amber eyes at me.

"She has inside her Jessica, death!"

"Death" I gave a snort not wanting to believe his observation of Alaska.

"If Alaska is carrying death who is the father then" I scoffed?

"Don't let the world fool you Jessica, we live in a world of beings you do not know of" Gabriel snapped at the question I asked him?

I scoffed again goading him to tell me the truth, I was a married woman now I replied to his snappy comment.

"Are you" he quirked an eyebrow at me?

"Yes" I insisted.

"You asked I give you the truth Jessica, You should ask James Lawrence he is the key to all of this."

"James my runaway husband" I sounded deflated?

"James is not with you" he asked me concerned?

"No he ran after we argued."

"Maybe he ran to protect you Jessica, being away from you is saving you from death?"

"I wish I knew" I sat down on a chair head in my hands gutted by his comment about James ran to save me from whatever is coming for us?

"Enough Gab hissed Bonny, Jess needs sleep and so does Helen."

Bonny took our arms leaving Gabriel with Alaska to our room. Opening the door I saw two single bed seperated by a small dressing table in the middle. I collapsed on the bed groaning out what a day while Helen stood next to Bonny Shy to approach her bed.

"Go" Bonny told Helen to approach her bed for sleep. "I'll have a maid wake you up if we have news on Alaska's condition."

"Thank you" I said at her retreating figure closing the door and I lay flat on my back reminiscing.

Helen flopped on her single bed. We were still dressed in our dresses and I had Helen unlace the back of my dress and I did the same for Helen. Taking a wash cloth I sponged my body of the days grime and slipped on a nighty.

I waited until Helen was fast asleep to tip toe out of the room to where Alaska lay. I heard Gabriel and my sister argue over something I could not hear what they said I wasn't sure only this was serious.

I needed to find James quick Smart.


This is the best I can do at the moment.


The Golden Demi God and Jessica! ,The Hastings,Book 3Where stories live. Discover now