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Cherry never felt that Christmassy feeling everyone seemed to feel that time of the year when gifts are exchanged and trees are decorated .

She actually hated Christmas . For some reason she just couldn't stand it .

Yet here she was sitting beside her Dad watching as everyone around her,Sam included, opened presents and they all seemed to be in good spirits. Unlike herself who felt like she was suffocating .

To top it off ,it was that time of the month where the red car came to visit . Or like some people said her Aunt Flo . Yeah ,but she had no such Aunt and the only red car she knew was Jacob's Volkswagen Rabbit . So this whole weird naming thing of the menstrual cycle or period was ridiculous to her .

She was all achy and grouchy today . Even though her boyfriend was also there to help cheer her up .

She was just not into a great special day like this one .

She opened her presents ,though ,with as much enthusiasm as she could muster ,but she wasn't fooling any of those that were supernatural .

They could see right through her . Especially Sam who felt what she felt because she was his imprint . The bond between them made it possible .

No one said anything ,though. Not even Sam . He just sat there , opening each present handed to him while keeping an eye on Cherry .  He was worried about her . More than he'd ever been .

Then finally present time was over and  it was time to eat and although Bella and Edward didn't eat ,they watched over Renesmee who ate a ton because she wanted to impress Seth.

Cherry found that stupid as she herself ate loads because Christmas day was for eating loads too .

With all the hungry wolves around the food vanished fairly quickly . Soon there was not even a bean left from the three bean salad bowl .

Everyone was stuffed like turkeys on Thanksgiving day . Even Renesmee .

The Cullens didn't stay long after lunch and Cherry was happy that the sweet bleachy stench of Vampires wasn't so potent anymore .

It wasn't even long after that,that Sam left . She wanted to go with him ,but he told her to stay with her Dad .

" I'll see you tomorrow night at that camping thing the Cullens and their friends are hosting", was his words to her before he'd run off into the woods .

She had to hold herself back to not follow him . Atleast Seth , Jacob and Leah didn't leave so she spend some quality time with her pack mates  .

It was fun because the new members weren't there to darken their souls , meaning causing them to think of ways to dispose of them in a horrific way . Especially when stupid Kiki and Andrea was involved . Meh!.

" Oooh, why did we even take those two into our pack and not leave them for Sam", Seth had complained the other day to Jacob.

Jacob had replied that Sam wouldn't even want them because they were Zara impersonated .

" Haven't you seen them try getting in my and Sam's pants . Seriously , they're disgusting ."

Cherry had agreed wholeheartedly with him on that . Even if she and Leah was the ones dealing with all the girls . Even Sam's pack's .

Yeah ,that was still exhausting and infuriating .

The four played boardgames until Billy Black wanted to go home and Jacob decided to drive him home and then go and see if Bonnie had returned from visiting her cousins .  She'd left a week ago and should be back by now .

Seth and Leah took off too and Cherry suddenly felt very lonely without any of her friends .

Sue and her Dad was watching some weird old crappy Christmas movie about a naughty kid who was left home alone by mistake . It was hilarious . But not much .

She and Quil once threw popcorn at the TV when the same movie was showing .

She'd rather watch a Disney classic like Cinderella or Mulan than that movie .

She'd once watched some backyard-ish film where the man had a mouse as a heart . It ran on one of those  mouse running wheels around the man's chest . Oooh ,it was disgusting .

She smiled just thinking about it as she walked up to her room . Her next thought was about Sam and how heated their last makeout session was .

She'd almost thought that he'd changed his mind on the no sex-until-marraige-policy , but he hadn't . He stopped before anything could happen between them . It made her feel strangely unwanted even if she knew that he was protecting her from something she might regret later.

He is just sweet like that.

Or stubborn . Whichever one is true .

She hated it ,yet she understood . She was just being a  stupid hormonal teenager right now , while he was being an adult ....Yeah like adults can't be hormonal .

She rolled her eyes at that thought . She was sure they could .

She sighed softly as she laid down on her bed .

All she wanted was to be with Sam in every way and he with his old school ways was making it difficult for her.

See hormonal teen urges that made her furious all the time when he doesn't want to do with her what she wants.

Yeah .No . She's a real bucket of sunshine.

She stared up at the ceiling and her thoughts turned to the upcoming fight with the Volturi . That is if a fight is what their talks with those royal- pain-in-the-behinds comes to .

She hoped with all her heart that it doesn't .

Many people could die . Even her and Sam.

She didn't want to think about such things, but  she couldn't lie and deny to herself about such a possibility.

She sighed softly , turning on her left side ,staring at the window of her room and wishing that Sam hadn't left . He could've climbed through her window right now and kept her company tonight.

But she knew wishing won't help . It was like dreaming of frog eggs that bite . Impossible.

She scoffed at herself for thinking that . Yeah .... Not very helpful .

That was her last thought before she dozed off for a bit only to be awoken by the incessant ringing of the front door bell .

It took her a few seconds to gain her bearings before she can get off her bed to run downstairs where her Dad beat her to the door .

Outside the door was a man with short curly dirty blonde hair and eyes almost as blue as Damon's . His full lips were a beautiful pink that any girl would swoon over . Any girl except Cherry ,that is .

"May I help you ?", Charlie asked the man .

The man gave him a perfect pearly white  smile as his eyes roamed over Charlie's shoulder to Cherry .

" Yes . You can invite me in . I'm here to talk to your daughter Cherryldene on behalf of her mother Darlene Pierce ."

The way his eyes seemed to dilute told Cherry that he was another of Damon and Stefan's sort and that he was clearly compelling her Dad  .

Before her Dad can open his mouth to do what he asked Cherry used her wolf speed to grab him and pull him away from the door before kicking the door shut behind her .

It didn't do much good ,though , because her Dad was compelled and that meant the moment she let go of him he called out for the man to come inside .

The man did so , shooting Cherry an evil smirk that made her cringe and her heart surge in fear .

He grabbed her Dad and compelled him to go finish watching the movie on TV before grabbing her to vampsped her up to her room .
Can anyone guess who came out to play ?. See you .

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now