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Being back at school with everything that had happened was strange for Cherry .

She'd missed a lot and had to catch up . If she wanted to graduate in the next year she'd have to work hard.

But that wasn't what made going to school again strange for her . Life had become almost  boring now compared to the days spent at the Cullens waiting for Bella to give birth and then die in all but the sense of the word because she'd become a Cold One like Edward.

There was no tense feelings . No patrolling the forests surrounding the whole of Forks and the reservation . 

Sam picked Cherry  up as usual on her first day of going back to school .

He'd been awfully nice since they got back together . He even brought her chocolate and flowers sometimes .

She was glad to be back with him . She just hoped that this time nothing went wrong again to pull them apart . She didn't think that she would be able to handle that.

She decided on staying as far away from the Cullen household as much as she could . Bella was awake and a Vampire now and had her own life to live for the eternity she has.

Cherry didn't care much for them ,it was true . They'd brought enough pain and hurt into the lives of everyone . Even when it wasn't really their fault that Bella was such a danger magnet.

She sat patiently beside Sam in his truck as they drove to La Push High .

She was sort of happy for the normalcy in that . Going to school and all  made it feel like all the craziness in the world was just some nightmare.

But it was still strange . Almost surreal .

She looked at Sam's face that was relaxed and didn't even hold a frown .

His eyes was focused on the road ,but she knew that he knew that she was looking at him .

He could probably see it from his peripheral vision .

She felt like smiling when her thoughts turned to the days after their reunion .

He'd been by her side ever since . Never leaving her side except for when she went home to be with her Dad which happened in the afternoons and evenings . Even then he'd climb through her window once her Dad was asleep and he'd spend the night holding her close to him.

They'd kiss when they weren't sleeping ,but still not go any further than that .

Cherry had thought that maybe, just maybe , Sam would change his mind on the marriage first,  sex after thing ,but he was still adamant on that .

" What're you thinking about ?", his voice suddenly broke through her thoughts .

She hadn't realised that she'd zoned out and was staring at him with  glazed over eyes .

Her cheeks turned warm as she blushed in embarrassment . Good thing she was still Jacob Black's pack mate and not Sam's or he'll find out soon enough what she'd thought about .

" It's nothing , really", she said , hoping he didn't catch on to the lie ,but her hope was for naught . She should've known him being an Alpha and her imprint would give him the ability to detect a lie .

" Don't lie, Baby Girl . You're blushing and I haven't done anything to make you blush . So tell me , what're you thinking about?".

She pursed her lips and frowned . He might get angry if she told him that she'd thought of the next step in their relationship .

" I don't want to talk about it right now ,Sam. Can we get a rain check on this conversation, please?. Anyway we're at school so no time for long talks ,yeah?. "

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now