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She were laying in Sam's arms ,half asleep and half awake .

It was weekend and she'd asked her Dad if she could stay in La Push for the weekend and her Dad agreed .

He knew about Sam being her boyfriend . She didn't know how and she hadn't asked ,but it seemed he had become more lenient since Bella's Edward episodes . He didn't mind her staying with Sam and he only asked that she stays safe . Which meant having safe sex .

Yeah, Sex . It wasn't going to happen between her and Sam anytime soon .

Sam had explained it, when she'd shyly asked about it, to her that he didn't want to sleep with her until one day when they are safely married .

She'd appreciated his honesty and knowing that he was thinking of marrying her one day helped to ease her mind so she didn't think worse of it .

She was content to just lay in his arms and do only the sleeping part .

What is sex anyways?.

She can think of better things to do than letting her body be used to satisfy some guy's insatiable desires.

She cracked a soft smile ,snuggling closer to Sam who's warm breath blew softly in her face .

It didn't smell and she didn't feel revolted .

Normally nobody would like someone's breath in their face . It was something really disgusting .

Unfortunately she loved the warmth of his breath on her face ,so....

The sound of a phone ringing somewhere shook her completely awake and she wiggled out of Sam's arms to go see who's phone was making that atrocious sound that made her ears want to pop.

A few minutes later she had her own phone in her hand and an annoyed look on her face as she stood in the middle of the kitchen of the pack house .

It had been Jacob on the phone and he'd asked her to come with him to see the Cullens because apparently Bella was sick and she wasn't coming home immediately after the honeymoon .

He wanted to go over to the Cullens' house to find out what is really wrong . He didn't want to go alone.

She'd tried to make him take Bonnie ,but he said that they're on a time out because of his attraction to Bella .

The memory of that part of the conversation made her frown and glare at the object in her hand as if it was the thing that offended her.

"Oh,Boy, Cherry Blossoms , what's got your panties in a twist ?", Leah's voice reached her and she looked up to see the other wolf girl stand there in the house's doorway with Jeremy Gilbert , Leah's imprint.

" It's just Jacob ," she grumbled ," He wants to go see the Cullens and don't want to ask Bonnie to go with him . Now he asked ...No , actually demanded that I go with him since Bella's my sister . "

" Isn't he and Bonnie on a _" Jeremy began .

" Yes , Jeremy , on a time out . But he could atleast try to make things right with her because he's the one hurting the imprint bond ", Cherry cut him off," she deserves to be treated with respect."

" Yes she does ,but he's going to the Cullens which means that he's still trying to be involved with Bella ", Leah said .

Cherry sighed softly , pulling a hand through her hair in frustration .

The sound of a motorbike and then footsteps reached their ears and Cherry knew that she had no real choice in all of this .

She had to go with Jacob ,if only to keep him out of trouble.

He appeared behind Leah and Jeremy asking " You ready to go , Cherry Blossoms?".

Cherry sighed and then nodded . " As I'll ever be . Leah ,will you please tell Sam?. I think he's going on patrol in a few minutes ".

" I'll tell him ,but you owe me. "

" Okay, just let me know what you need . Anyway , Jake , let's go before I change my bloody mind ".

With one of his signature Jacob smirks he beckoned her to follow him to his motorcycle outside ,handing her a helmet to wear .

Cherry felt like refusing to get on this metal and rubber deathtrap . Seriously she'd seen her own sister almost break her neck because of a motorcycle .

" Come on . Don't tell me you're scared of getting on? . All you have to do is hold on tight , Cherry Blossoms,and you won't fall , Okay?".

" Okay ,Jake ,if you say so ", she muttered sarcastically ,"If I fall it's on you and just don't come crying if the Cullens don't say anything. Bella's their family now. They'll keep her secrets from us wolves ".

Jacob just rolled his eyes , swinging his leg over the seat of the bike before patting the space behind her.

She huffed and reluctantly climbed on behind him, wrapping her arms tightly around his torso .

" Go,Jake , before I jump of this damn thing ", she grumbled and he started the bike .

With a roar the bike sped down the driveway towards the main road .

Cherry was unaware that an angry Sam had walked out on the porch and that he was just about ready to phase and go hunt them down .

He'd become more and more overprotective of his little imprint since she'd come back from her little ordeal .

And he'd become jealous of her friendship with every single guy in the pack or elsewhere .

" Sam, she's worried about her sister ", Leah spoke up from behind him," Don't get angry because she left to see those leeches with Jake . He's been her friend since birth ,ya know. He won't hurt her and besides he has his own imprint."

Sam's broad shoulders sagged in defeat as he leaned on the railing of the porch .

He knew that Leah was right , but his mate bond was in overdrive and he couldn't just let it go ,but for Cherry he would try .

" I'll go patrol the outer perimeter . You stay here until someone checks in ", he said without looking at Leah before leaving the porch, phasing and running into the forest .

Leah shook her head at that . Sam will always be Sam and that means he'll always be controlling and angry .

" Let's go watch a movie", Jeremy spoke up from behind her ," I'm sure everything's going to be alright . We'll call Damon and Stefan to go over to the Cullens' house to make sure that nobody gets hurt . "

Leah nodded ,but didn't say anything as she turned around to hug her imprint who was strangely enough taller than her.

Jeremy hugged her back . He truly loved this beautiful russet skinned woman with her full lips and high cheekbones and her midnight shoulder length hair .

She was his perfect other half and he couldn't get enough of her . He won't ever get enough of her even if he lived to see a hundred or so years .

He stepped away from her , pulling out his mobile phone dialling Stefan's number first

Stefan promised to go see the Cullens and he promised to take Damon and Alaric with him . Bonnie and Caroline too if they were available .

Leah smiled at him in gratitude because she knew that he'd done this for her because Jacob and Cherry was family to her and she would do anything for them . Anything .

If someone could protect them against the Cullens then she'd be forever grateful . She just hoped that nothing went wrong .

She didn't know that ,that could've been her jinxing things because the next few days and months would be tough on all of them . Especially Cherry .

If she'd only known .
Sorry . Another Cliffy .Next Bella's obviously pregnant . What's Cherry gonna do ?.

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