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" Jake , it's what she wants . She's my sister and it's her big day . I'm not ruining it for her by running away to wherever with you ", Cherry argued ,standing beside Billy in the Black's house while looking at her angry and frustrated best friend.

" Yeah?. Have you forgotten what she is marrying into?. Has your brain suddenly become addled since you've been spending so much time with that little Vampire girl you've saved ?", Jacob fired at her giving her that moody half open eyed glare he was so good with .

" Her name is Bree ,Jake ,and she had an awful life before all this . I can't relate to it because my Dad isn't an abusive son of a bitch , but I do understand how much she had to endure her entire fifteen years of existence . It's called compassion and empathy and...and ... Ugh!, anyway this is not about Bree . This is about Bella . I can't and I won't interfere with her choices . If she regrets any of this after she's changed ,then so be it . It's all on her . But I'll still be there when she walks down that aisle because that's what family does ,Jake . I'm her only sister . Besides I'm a bridesmaid . I can't just bail . And anyway what about Sam?. I can't just go off without him . I'm his imprint . It'll hurt the mate bond if I do that . "

" She's right son . Sam won't like it if she_"

" I know that ,Dad, but Cherry's my best friend . I'd've liked it if she would come with me . Then ...Then I wouldn't be so alone ."

Cherry moved closer to her bestie , lifting up a hand to grasp his shoulder " I'll always be your friend ,Jake . But I can't , okay?. Why don't you go with Bonnie to that cousin of hers?. She needs someone to go with her . She's your imprint , remember?. Go protect her . That's your job . I'll worry about Bella and Edward . "

Jacob sighed heavily before nodding . " Alright . I'll go with Bonnie . But you stop trying to please everyone , okay?. I don't want my best friend to become everyone's doormat . Oh , and watch out for Zara . Embry caught her talking in her sleep about planning to murder you and it's put everyone on high alert . Don't go anywhere alone and stay somewhere safe . We don't want Sam to get in one of his Alpha rages . He's unmanageable then ."

Cherry smiled at him . " Yeah, Well , I'm sure once you're an Alpha you'll be worse . But, Okay, I'll do what you ask . Love you ,Bestie ".

" Love you too , Cherry Blossoms ".

He reached out his arms and pulled her into a quick hug , before leaving the house and a few seconds later the sound of a motorbike leaving indicated that he just exited the premises .

Cherry turned to Billy , clapping her hands together saying " What do you want for lunch, Billy ?".

Billy grinned at her ,but said nothing because he didn't know what he wanted for lunch . He'd eat anything the petite girl makes .  She's afterall a great cook .
She sat on her bed doing homework of all things .

Yeah, school had just begun again and she was now a seventeen year old that needed to work hard because she really wanted to go to college after she graduated the next year .

Beside her ,the youngest Cullen lay on her back ,  twirling her dark brown hair around her fingers while watching the ceiling as if there was something interesting up there .

Bree Tanner was now a Cullen and she'd taken to the new animal blood  diet fairly quickly . She didn't even have cravings for human blood  and she wasn't on lockdown at the Cullens' house anymore .

She'd become Cherry's favourite Vampire . Maybe it was the bond that they'd formed when Cherry had taken her away from the battle . Or maybe they just clicked for whatever reason . They didn't know . And no Cherry hadn't imprinted on the other girl . They're purely just friends .  Like Seth was friends with Edward .

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now