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" Cherry , a letter came for you yesterday ", Charlie said looking at his youngest daughter from where he sat ruffling through that morning's paper .

His breakfast of beacon and eggs were half eaten and his cup of coffee was almost empty. 

It was another Saturday and he was going to visit Billy and some friends on the reservation .

As usual when he was off work for the day , Cherry was going to catch a ride with him to Jacob's .

The two of them had plans because it was such a lovely day out .

" A letter ?. From who?", the petite brunette asked meeting her father's gaze from across the table , a bowl of cereal temporary forgotten on the table in front of her .

" I didn't look . I only saw that it's addressed to you . It's on the table near the front door with the other mail . "

Cherry frowned  at him, getting up to run to said table .

It was messy with a lot of mail ,some unopened, on it ,but Cherry spotted it without any trouble .

Her Dad was right . It was addressed to her .

Her full name was written in blue ink on the front .The handwriting was elegant and feminine and there was a faint smell of perfume lingering on the envelope .

Wondering who would write to her she flipped it over to read the return address and almost let it fall as if the words on the back had bitten her .

There in the same blue ink and in the same handwriting was the name of her mother . Darlene Pierce .  The woman who'd abandoned her and her Dad when she was but a week old baby .

Why would that same woman write to her now after all these years ?.

" Dad!", the almost hysterical scream left Cherry's lips and her feet automatically carried her back to her Dad who'd jumped up in fright when he'd heard her scream .

" Cherry , what's wrong?", he asked looking at her worriedly and she all but thrusted the letter at him .

" It's from her ,Dad ", she explained ,her voice still slightly hysterical .

For a second Charlie was confused then it dawned on him who she was talking about and the address on the back of the envelope confirmed it .

His eyes widened and without thinking it through he ripped the envelope open to take a peek at the written words .

" What does it say ?", Cherry asked and he pushed the letter into her hands .

" Read for yourself . I'm gonna go get my fishing gear . "

She watched her Dad walk away noting that something was wrong by the sag of his shoulders and the way he seemed to drag his feet .

Once he's out of sight she took a deep breath before looking down at the written words.

My Dear Cherrydene.

I know you probably won't want to hear from me after all these years of silence .

I can't even begin to find the words to tell you how sorry I am for leaving you  .

I know ,no amount of apologies ,can change the past and what I've done .

I have made so many mistakes over the years that I can't live with the guilt anymore .

They say regret is a good thing ,but it always comes too late .

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now