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Cherry looked at the round straining ball that was her sisters stomach . She couldn't seem to look away .

How can one unsee something like that ?. Was this a miracle or a curse?.

She didn't know . Hell ,she didn't know if she should care or not .

One thing was for sure ,though , whatever the thing was that grew inside her sister's womb was a lot stronger than her sister and it was killing her slowly but surely .

Bella already looked like some anorexic chick . Her body so thin you could see her skeleton through her stretched skin.

How did this happen ?. Oh ,she knows the birds and the bees theory ,but how did a Vampire, who's supposed to have frozen sperm cells that can't reproduce, knock up a human? .

According to Damon and Stefan ,Vampires are supposed to be infertile and yet here they are also staring baffled at the human girl who'd been married almost a month ago .

Alaric and Carlisle were trying to figure this out . As soon as Alaric walked in he and Carlisle had began speaking about this whole situation.

According to Alaric the Cullens' type of Vampire are older than Damon and Stefan's kind. But the problem is they too had been created by some witch .

" Looks like that witch had some brains . She certainly were smarter than the Original Witch  Elena goes on about sometimes," she thought to herself," To bad the witch didn't think about the human mother who'd have to birth the spawn".

She sighed softly and shook her head to get rid of such thoughts .

Bella needed her now . That's all that mattered.

It took her a mere three steps to reach her sister's side .

Plopping down next to her she reached out and  took one thin frail hand in hers .

" I'm not gonna judge ,k ?. I know you guys didn't know. Hell , nobody did . Maybe it'll give other Vampires some pause and think of using protection like normal people . Even though they're obviously not normal . Anyways , I'll support you no matter what . You're my sister and I love you . "

Bella smiled and even though she looked like a smiling corpse  she looked beautiful in her sickly ugliness . If that even made sense .

" Thanks ,Cherry, I love you too ," she whispered .

" Awe aren't you two cute ", Damon's  sarcastic fake gush broke up the moment of sisterly bonding .

Cherry shot him a glare and got up as Jacob and Edward came sauntering into the room .

Jacob and Edward had left the room to speak in private not long after she and Jacob walked into the room when they'd arrived at the Cullens' house.

" Um....Jacob's gonna talk to Bella in private ," Edward spoke up .

Red lights went off in Cherry's head . She'd been so preoccupied with Bella that she hadn't even tried to listen in to the conversation that Jacob and Edward had .

What was he even going to talk to Bella about?. 

" Come on , Cherry ". She felt a hand on her arm and looked to her right to see that it was Bonnie. She didn't look happy and Cherry couldn't blame her .

"I could kill Jacob", she grumbled inside her mind.

But she didn't . She let herself be pulled out of the room by the mocha skinned witch .

Everyone went out on the front porch to make small talk .

Cherry went over to Jacob's bike remembering the time he and Bella built bikes together .

The time things were bad between herself and Sam .

She thought of calling him ,but she reminded herself that he was probably in wolf form .

How would a wolf carry a phone?.

An animated picture of a wolf carrying a phone sprung up in her mind and she had to bite her lip to not laugh at her silliness .

She jumped and almost screamed when Jacob suddenly came out of nowhere to kick the bike in anger .

She gave him a confused look . How long did his private talk with Bella last?. Five seconds?.

Before she can utter a word he suddenly without warning phased and ran into the forest .

Letting out a sigh she turned to look at the people on the porch before she turned ,phased and padded after Jacob . Her bushy white tail the last they see before the forest swallowed her whole.

Then the howling started.
She stood next to Seth at the logging camp listening to Sam and Jacob cussing each other out .

Jacob's wolf had grown in size and was just as big as the black wolf that had tried to use the Alpha command on him.

Cherry should've seen this coming.  Those two were headstrong and stubborn and sometimes would clash over silly things.

But this time ?. This time it was serious .

Sam was going off his rocker with his mind focusing on killing Bella and ' the demon spawn' as he called it  while Jacob was trying to find a better way  but he also wanted to kill the baby .

A freaking baby!. Was it the baby's fault that it existed ?. Of course not!. And yet here they were raging off like it was their right to wanna kill something so innocent.

" That's such a guy thing ", she spoke to them through the pack link ," how many stories did I hear about guys wanting to force a girl into having an abortion ?. The baby might not be yours ,but you still wanna kill it . Have you guys forgotten that there's a Hybrid out there somewhere ?. This baby's a Hybrid too even if he/she is a different kind . This isn't exactly something new. You know what... I'm done with this drama . My sister needs me . I...I can't believe you guys ".

With that she was off running leaving the other wolves in perplexed silence .

" What the hell did just happen ? ," Seth asked .

" Cherryldene happened ", Paul answered .

Then Jacob went on running after her as well as Seth and Leah .

Thus Jacob Black became the Alpha of the Black pack and it seemed that Cherry had become a lone wolf again because nobody could hear her thoughts . Not even Sam . Nor Jacob.
Sorry I know it's short and a little rushed . See ya

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