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How do one take care of someone who doesn't want to be taken care of ?.

How do one tell your friends that you can't come and visit because your sister is in a very bad state because her jerk of a boyfriend left her ?.

How do you go on missing some school days because you don't want to leave your sister alone with her own problems ?.

For four whole months Cherry had stayed home after school and on weekends to keep watch over her sister who'd become a really big mess .

Sometimes she wondered if Bella would ever thank her for her selfless service of bathing her , feeding her and even sleeping beside her some nights hoping that it would take her nightmares away .

All her efforts seemed to be for naught because Bella just didn't become better .

It was like living with a zombie for  that four months . Well,the none brain eating type,that is .

Cherry felt  so exhausted everyday that sometimes when she attended school she fell asleep in class on Jacob's ,Embry's or Quil's shoulders .

It got so bad one morning that Sam took her to the pack house to sleep there for the day even though he hated her ditching school.

Even then ,it didn't change anything . She still didn't get much sleep in for a few days after being asleep for only one day .

Then Billy complained to her father that the teachers of La Push High wasn't happy because her grades had  fallen .

" If you don't do something ," he'd said ," your daughter would go from the top student to the lowest and you know how high La Push's standards are . "

That's when February came around and her Dad threatened to send Bella back to Renée.

On that day Cherry couldn't be more grateful to her father . And of course to Billy who was looking out for her .

But the worse wasn't over yet . She just didn't know it .
" Hey ,Baby Girl, how're you feeling today ?", Sam greeted her that morning like any other morning since the day he let her sleep at the pack house that one day .

She was tired , but she didn't want him to worry ,so she said trying to sound a little bit energetic " I'm good . Bella is back to ,well not entirely normal , but we're getting there . How're you today?".

Her tone of voice didn't fool him . He could feel how she feels through the wonderful thing that's called the mate bond . He let her lie of being 'good' slide this once because he didn't want to argue so early in the morning .

" I'm fine . Just got off patrol this morning . I'll go sleep once I've dropped you off at school .Are you coming over tomorrow?. Emily and Kim had been dying to see you ."

" It's Saturday ,right ?. So , I'll probably , which is a solid  maybe, go over to your house . That is if things go well tonight . I'm going to Port Angeles with Bella to see a movie . My Dad threatened to send her back to her mother if she doesn't start  socializing and not work on our nerves that much and she told him that she and I and some of her friends will go see a movie tonight . My sister really don't want to go to Jacksonville. She probably think that he'll come back someday and she intends to wait for him  ".

Sam know who she's referring to . He didn't comment ,though , because he was worried that his little sweetheart would take offence .

At school Cherry hopped out of the truck after giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and quickly ran across the road to hug a waiting Jacob who asked about Bella's well-being . He always did that ,which made Cherry wonder if  Jacob had a crush on Bella   .
Today was no exception .

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