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The rain had lessened to a slight drizzle ,but Cherry still didn't leave the beach .

She'd moved to the water's edge ,staring at the distant horizon ,her mind perfectly blank and her skin soaked to the bone with the wetness of the rain .

She'd finally cried and screamed and felt better now . Even though she knew that it was only going to last as long as the numbness of the cold  that the rain had brought upon her .

Soon she'd have to go back to Billy's house also, because it was getting late . Bella would be leaving soon .

But she didn't want to go back to Billy's house . She didn't want to face Bella and explain why she got childishly upset about her stealing the attention of  Jacob  and Quil and Embry .

She didn't want to tell her how Sam's message had cut into her soul and ripped it apart .

How she was afraid that Elijah might come to take her to his brother Klaus .

How she felt that she was not good enough for her Dad . How she was being second best and always will be .

How years of being called the Bastard Swan and The Oops had finally make her heart snap in two .

It all had come crushing down on her and she'd cried for every single one of those reasons why she couldn't go face Bella yet .

She was tired . She really was . How she wished she could just lay down on the beach and drift off to dreamland for a hundred or so odd years . Become Rip Van Winkel .  Or sleeping Beauty .

She knew that she was now in a real big messy state of depression ,but she didn't have the strength to pull herself out of it .

So she just stood there , letting the drizzle of rain soak her even more .

No , she wouldn't go back to Billy's yet . She would stand there and get more soaked until her body couldn't feel . Until her heart couldn't feel either .

She heard someone call in the distance ,but didn't turn around to look who it was . It could've been her imagination . Or not . It doesn't matter . She didn't want to look . She was afraid to .

Then suddenly there was people surrounding her and big muscled strong arms lifted her up against a very warm naked chest .

She snuggled into it , trying to soak up the heat .

A heart beat out a rythm against her ear and it was calming and soothing lulling her off to sleep .

A soft voice murmured something just before she welcomed the relaxing darkness of unconsciousness . She couldn't hear a word what it said ,but something in that voice was familiar .  Then she was gone into a blissful sleep .

When she woke up again she was warm and dry and all snuggled up in a bed.

Someone was stroking her hair . Someone that smelled like a female .

The stroking stop and a woman's voice called something that sounded like " Hey, Billy, I think she's awake ".

Could've been something else too .

Unfortunately sleep took her again and when she woke up again it was dark out and the light of a pale full moon shined into the room .

Someone was sleeping beside her ,an arm slung over her waist .

It was a girl with dark hair and pale skin .
It was her sister  ,by the looks of it . 

She fell asleep once more , waking up in the first light of day , feeling rested ,but with a head that ached fiercely and a sore throat . 

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now