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They walked up to the highest cliff diving spot to take a seat on the edge, their feet dangling off into space .

It was a strange feeling sitting there with nothing but the crashing waves to catch you if you fall .

Cherry's heart felt strange like there was some insects crawling inside and fluttering around .  Her stomach felt like it was going to drop into the waves also ,if she didn't move away .

It was that strange ticklish feeling that came with driving up a hill and then driving down the other side ,that was the worst .

She didn't know that one's stomach and heart can have so many varieties of fear in them .

It was scary and she didn't like it .

Sam sat with her holding onto her hand tightly and she knew that he might possibly feel the same .

Why'd they even come there and not gone somewhere else?. Like maybe the forest  or the pack house?.

" Maybe we should move away from here ", she lifted her opinion  fear evident in her voice .

He looked at her quickly before looking down . He wasn't afraid of falling off the edge . He was afraid that she might fall and get hurt .

" Move closer and hold onto me ", he ordered ," I promise I'll keep you from falling ".

She didn't want to move closer to him , but her body seemed to have a mind of it's own and soon enough she was leaning against his side and it felt comfortable and natural .

Was it the imprint bond that made everything so easy ?. Or was it her desperate need to latch onto him and never let go?.

"Are you ready for the battle ?", he asked after a few heartbeats of silence.

" No ", she answered truthfully .

She wasn't . She didn't want to even though she'd been so full of bravado when she'd said that she's in.

She wasn't ashamed of admitting this either .
She was sure that Sam won't judge her .

" I'll be there and we'll watch each other's backs ", he promised ," I don't really want you to fight , but I guess one more wolf would be  much needed because if the newborn army are really that strong then we've got our work cut out for us . "

She didn't say anything back knowing that, that was true .

She was beginning to wish that Vampires never existed and that life was much easier .

But if Sam and her and the others never phased , would Sam even look at her like he did now?.

No. He'd probably be with Leah Clearwater . Maybe married and with a kid on it's way or already born .

She , Cherry, might just be a girl he knew. A girl he'd taught how to ride a bicycle .

And if Edward didn't exist , having died in his time , Bella would've probably returned Jacob's feelings . Or not .

Things happened for reasons beyond themselves ,right ?. So, there must be a reason that life had started handing out lemons instead of sweet fruits .

But Vampires ?. Really?.

" You're not here to talk about that ,right ?", she asked ,suddenly ,just knowing what to say   ,"  You're just making small talk while I know that you actually  want to talk about this wall between us . But you should know that,that wall is there because all the damn mistakes that had been piled up like bricks and no matter what you say ,I don't think we can break it down . I know it's not just your mistakes that built it . I had a hand in it too ....I don't know....I guess the whole pack has had a hand in it . We're all to blame . I just...."

She waved her hand in frustration , letting out a soft huff  .

" I'm sorry ", he said and she looked at him .

This ,him apologizing, part seemed so familiar . Didn't he apologize months ago in Billy's kitchen?.

" I'm sorry for everything . For not doing anything about Zara . About hiding things from you . For rejecting a simple kiss on the cheek. For ...For not defending you as much as I should've . For letting Embry lie to Zara . For .... Everything that ever happened to  hurt you . I can't change the past , Cherry . I can't . Look I can try my best to prevent anything from happening in the future . I know I've probably lost you ,but I ...I love you . And don't tell me you don't love me back . I know you love me too . "

She listened quietly to him , feeling her heart stir strangely in her chest and when he said the L word her heart just sort of stuttered then beat faster and faster and all she wanted to do was forgive him for all the wrong he'd done and just kiss him .

She didn't kiss him . She hugged him and whispered an apology for her role in all of this and he  held  her tightly before , without  warning , leaning his head down , pressing his lips to hers for the very  first time .

And the world just  seemed to fade and explode at the same time around them into a million colours.

His lips were warm and soft and tasted like coffee and caramel and chocolate all at the same time and she never wanted the kiss to end .

She pressed herself tighter to him , wanting more contact , her one hand latching onto his hair and the other grasping the nape of his neck while she desperately tried to pull him closer even when he was already so close .

He deepened the kiss ,pressing his tongue gently against her lips and she parted them slightly for him to gain access the inside of her mouth and her tongue met his in a battle  , dancing and fighting  for dominance .

Time stood still . Or so it seemed as they kissed like there's no tomorrow .

Then Sam pulled back  , breathing hard  and smiling widely .

And Cherry knew that she'd lost all reason to fight with him . That smile was worth more than petty squabbles . That smile was home to her.
They walked back to the beach in silence ,but with a light feeling in their hearts .

Months of hurt had fallen away from their shoulders and they seemed to not be able to stop smiling as they reached the pack and other imprints .

" Well, Hello, Cherryldene ," Paul drawled ,a  mischievous smirk on his lips ," Aren't you a sight for sore eyes ".

Cherry's smile fell from her lips and she scowled at him . She hated him saying her full name . Why does he always have to say it ?.

Sam's hand tightened around hers in comfort and she felt the sudden anger at Paul disappear .

She took a deep breath before saying " Hello,Pauly , do you want a cracker ?".

Everyone burst out laughing while Paul resembled an owl with round wide eyes .

The only one that didn't laugh was Zara , but Cherry ignored her as Sam lead her to sit beside Emily who welcomed her with open arms .

Zara would just have to deal with her ,Cherry , being back . She had no choice . Atleast for now . Until she could figure out a plan to get rid of Cherry permanently .

It wouldn't be that hard now ,would it ?. To pretend to be accepting of her and when she least expected it you'll show her what you truly think about her .

Cherry was going to regret the day she'd come back and Zara was going to be there when she does .

Oh , she can't wait . Revenge will be so sweet . She can almost taste it . And then the Alpha will be all hers and screw Embry and the other slime balls . She'll be a queen and they her minions .
Sam too . Just they wait .

Nobody messed with Zara Greystone and get away with it .
Yeah . Sorry . Shorty Malorty sixpence forty again .

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now