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" Do you want me to come to the registration office with you ?", Cherry asked Bella as they walked into the school .

It was Bella's first day and Cherry wanted to be as helpful as she can  to her sister .

" No , it's okay ,Cherry . I can find my own way , thanks. But I'll see you at lunch ,right?. I mean if you want to sit with me ,that is ".

Bella's friendliness hadn't vanished overnight . Cherry was grateful for that . She didn't know what she'd have done if Bella had become the Bella of the past . Cold and distant .

" Yeah ,sure . See you then ", Cherry said smiling  at the other  girl .

" Well, great . See you ", Bella said  returning the smile .

Cherry watched her sister walk away from her and thought of how quickly they seemed to have hit it off like their relationship hadn't been a sort of disaster in the past .

Yeah, they weren't truly fast friends ,but they were getting there and Cherry appreciated the effort her sister was putting into it .

Her Dad seemed to like this strange new relationship between the two girls . Cherry could see how happy it made him and she was willing to let the sisterly relationship grow for his sake .

" If it isn't The Oops ", a very familiar squeaky girl voice brought her back to reality and her heart sunk to the bottom of her slip-on's soles .

She turned around to face the owner of the voice who was none other than Solaina Brandy .

The girl was tall ,blond and very pretty ,but not as pretty as Rosalie Hale and that was something that Solaina hated . Everyone knew that . Being insecure as she is , Solaina became a bully . Especially towards the  petite Swan girl  who was even prettier than her .

No matter how much Cherry tried to stand up to her , she'd always find a way to work around it . Like the used tampons and pads incident from the previous day .

" Well, if it isn't  fake Barbie Brandy ", Cherry let out a snarky reply while  looking at her bully with her nose wrinkled as if she was smelling something very disgusting  , before she walked away without looking back at the girl .

She didn't have time for Solaina today . She had a report to hand in that she'd had to finish late the previous night because she didn't get a chance to work on it earlier .

" Hey , don't you dare walk away from me!", a hysterically angry Solaina screamed from behind her and all Cherry can do is sigh deeply while feeling beyond annoyed at having her second school day beginning like a blue Monday .

With a shrug of her shoulders she walked on without even acknowledging the fake Barbie that had been making her life miserable since the first day of Kindergarten.

She really didn't need this today .

Cherry's whole day after  the whole Solaina  incident was a complete mess.

She couldn't concentrate on her school work . She got scolded by Mr Molina twice in Biology class and she messed up in Math class .

Not even her favourite Art class held her attention today .

By lunchtime she walked to the cafeteria feeling nervous because of the previous day's events where the Newton boy poured water over her .

What if he did something else today ?. Or worse what if Solaina and her minions did something ?.

The only thing that kept her feet moving towards the cafeteria was the prospect of having lunch with Bella .

She was curious to know how her sister's first day in Forks' Hell  was going so far .

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now