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She stood beside Bella watching the Cullens show off their skills in fighting .

She hated it . Didn't anyone ever tell them that showing off was rude ?.

Coming to the training session was a waste of time . She could've used her time better by cooking and cleaning and reading .

The wolves weren't even participating in this little demonstration of strength and whatnot .

They were behind her and Bella . She could practically feel them . Especially Sam because her heart sang a melody that only she understood .
Sam could probably feel it too.

Her heart and soul and body ached for him more than he'd ever know . She wouldn't give into temptation . She was doing this to protect herself against being hurt again .

An uncalled for tear slipped down her cheek as she suddenly felt sad because of the wall that was up between her and him with no way to breach it. 

Why was love so cruel sometimes ?. One moment it could make you feel like you can crush a mountain then in the next you feel like you're being crushed by that mountain .

It's so unfair .

Jacob came up to them in his wolf form just when practice stopped and Bella murmured softly to him .

It hurt that she couldn't talk to him also . He was afterall her bestie . Was. Past tense . 

She thought of Bonnie being imprinted on by him and she wondered if Zara was going to have a fit about an African American imprint?. 

She'll obviously have a fit because of Caroline . Other than that ,she won't have anything to complain about .

A soft whine sounding up behind her caused her to slightly jump and turn around just to look at the black wolf  that was just an arm length away .

She should've known he'd come closer .

She shouldn't have come to give him that temptation .

" Hello ,Sam ", the words just left her lips unbidden before she can stop them .

The wolf blinked and his eyes glistened with wetness of tears  .

Since when did a wolf cry?.

Apparently these ones do because they're only human . Well, when they haven't shifted in these huge furry guys.

" Don't cry ,Sam. Please ?. I know it's awful and I'm sorry , but I have to protect my heart . And myself . With her there I'll always get hurt . I'm not willing to let that happen to myself . I'm not willing to let anyone hurt me because they can. I have to go now . Practice is over . See you around ".

With that Cherry turned around ignoring the growling and the whining and the yapping.

She'd said what she wanted to  for now .
Hopefully he'd respect that .
" I've been reading books of old . The Legends and the myths...", Cherry sang as she cycled down to the beach .

It was an unusually warm day and she wanted to have some time alone away from an over dramatic sister and her boyfriend who kept pestering her to also sit out of the fight .

Why does she have to ?. Yeah , Bella doesn't know about her wolf , but she must have a suspicion  that Cherry has some new ability that gives her the right to fight as well.

Yeah her ability. Alaric haven't gotten much time for research since her and Jacob's big reveal.  He's being held busy by Billy and the other Elders in helping with the younger school kids in La Push , tutoring them so they'd excel in their classes when the new school year started.

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now