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Bella's birthday came along and Cherry found out why Bella hated birthdays .

She hated growing older . She was scared of one day being grey and wrinkly . Of having to walk with a cane . Of  what comes after growing old .

Charlie had made a joke with her about having a grey hair  and she'd taken it seriously .

Cherry had almost cracked up about it .
Not even her wise words of " Growing older is a privilege", phased her sister .

She didn't even want presents .  Honestly who doesn't want presents?.

Cherry for one loooved presents . Especially small ones that she could fit in her pockets .

She wrapped her hand absentmindedly around the wolf necklace around her neck as she watched Bella open the one she'd bought her .

It was just a journal that Cherry had made herself . It's the thought that counts ,right?.

" Oh,Cherry , this is perfect . My journal is full already and I didn't know when I'll have the chance to buy a new one , so , thank you ," Bella said for once happy with one of her  presents . She hugged Cherry briefly ,but lovingly .

" You're welcome ,Bell, now I gotta scram . Jake's picking me up today 'cause Sam can't . So, yeah ... See ya ".

With that she rushed out of the room to go grab her backpack .

Jacob was already outside waiting beside his Dad's old truck , smiling at her .

He'd grown bigger over the last few weeks and looked like he'd gone to a magical gym that cause guys to get all muscly overnight .

" Hellooo, Cherry Blossoms ", he greeted her ,giving her a great big hug , drowning her in his big strong arms .

" Hellooo,Jake ", she mocked jokingly causing him to laugh and ruffle her hair .

She didn't complain because she ,even if she loves her hair, didn't mind Jacob's playfulness .

They got in the truck and he drove of to a store instead of going to La Push. She knew why . He'd told her that he and she was going to ditch today because he needed to do some stuff and she was going to be his partner in crime .

She didn't expect him to stop at Forks High just before the first school bell rang ,though.

" I just wanna go see Bella quickly , Cherry , you can either wait here or come with ".

She opted to stay because she didn't want to be seen by all those nasty town teens .

She laid down across the seats to hide until Jacob comes back and it took him a while to get back . He probably talked up a storm with her sister .

Then they were off to La Push and she helped Jacob work on the Rabbit throughout the day .

Billy wasn't happy about the two ditching. He'd scolded them properly before letting them leave .

They'd felt like little kids after that and the whole day they weren't their normal rowdy selves .

That evening her Dad scolded them too , but he seemed to understand that they're young and he'd been young too once .

Bella wasn't home when she and her Dad got home .She never really was these days.

Cherry cooked dinner while her Dad ,for a change, sat with her in the kitchen .

They didn't talk much . She just asked her Dad about the game that he'd be watching that Saturday on television and he asked her about school and how she was coping with the advanced classes .

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now