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It was a real lucky thing that La Push High were closed on that Friday that Cherry were supposed to skip school and let Edward Cullen drive her to Seattle .

She was sure her father wouldn't be happy if he knew that she was going to see her mother without her telling him .

She was also sure that Sam wouldn't approve that she, let the same boy she was crying about on Tuesday ,drive  her.

It bothered her as she got into Edward's silver Volvo ,that she'd have to lie and deny about it if she saw him on Monday .  She didn't like lying to anyone . Lying to Sam was going to be near impossible.

" I told Bella that I'm driving you to visit your Aunt ", Edward said after he made sure that she was strapped in securely ," she didn't mind . We'll pick Alice up on the way . She's going shopping ".

Cherry didn't say anything back ,just watched the tall  pine  trees flash by .

" Jasper might come too , " Edward continued ignoring the fact that she was silent and didn't want to speak to him," We'll swing by your Aunt anyway to have an alibi".

Cherry clutched the hem of her shirt tightly so she wouldn't strangle him .

He was arrogant and smug because he probably thought he'd won a massive victory over her and he seemed to love the sound of his own voice because he kept rambling on about everything they could do while they were in Seattle.

She wanted to roll her eyes at him too , but kept her face straight as they first drove to the Cullen residence before heading to Seattle .

She'd never been to their house before and didn't know what to expect . It was definitely not the modern boxy architecture .

She waited in the car while he went to retrieve Alice .

She wasn't surprised to see Jasper following Alice outside . Edward did say that he might come too .

" Good morning ", Alice greeted  cheerfully as she slid into the backseat .

" Morning ", Cherry greeted back quietly and unwillingly .

She didn't want to talk to the Cullens . Why did they think she would?.

Jasper was the only silent one out of the three , but Cherry could feel those creepy eyes of him boring into  the back of her skull. It caused a shiver to run down her spine which  felt like  a thousand cold ghostly fingers tracing down  her back .

It was a horrible feeling .

She sat stiffly ,facing the front , fighting the urge to look back .

The drive was long and boring with Alice and Edward talking occasionally while classical music played softly through the speakers .

It wasn't long before Cherry found herself dozing  off  and soon enough she was fast asleep with her head against the window .

Alice was the one who woke her when they reached the outskirts of Seattle ,by tapping her shoulder lightly .

" We're here ," the pixie Cullen said ," we'll go drink coffee somewhere and then we'll meet up with your mother . Edward has the address of the hotel she's staying in ."

Cherry said nothing ,just nodded her head and pursed her lips .

Of course Edward "meddlesome " Cullen  would have the address . It was a given  fact.
The hotel's restaurant was bustling with activity .

Edward had called Darlene to ask her where she wanted to meet .

She'd asked to meet in the hotel restaurant .

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now