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Bella was back and so was the Cullens.

Cherry felt angry and sad at the same time . Angry because her sister had once again become the selfish bitch and sad because Jacob was heartbroken .

Everytime she phased she had to hear all his painful thoughts .

Why was he so hung up on a girl that would never love him?. What did her sister even have  that other girls , Bonnie included didn't have ?.

Speaking of Bonnie . She didn't know yet about the imprint bond .  Jacob hadn't said anything to the beautiful mocha skinned witch about it . He actually refused to .

Elena and the gang hadn't left yet . It was like they'd decided to stay in Forks and her Dad was glad because he and Damon seemed like best friends at times .

Alaric had bonded with Charlie too and he'd actually applied for a job at La Push High as a history  teacher .

Damon , Stefan and Caroline are being allowed on La Push ,but if they even so much as try to drink from someone they'll be either killed or banished.

The rest of them were welcomed with open arms , even the hybrid Tyler Lockwood .

It was strange to Cherry that Vampires like the three human drinkers were allowed to come on La Push while the Cullens weren't so lucky .

Bella was oblivious to the whole different kind of Vampire thing and about Cherry's new abilities .

Edward wasn't ,though. He could smell the girl and he'd asked Carlisle about the smell of the other three Vampires and had heard from Carlisle about the kind that was different and more traditional than themselves .

Carlisle would know , wouldn't he?. He was a hunter once when he was a human .

Edward was forbidden to tell Bella about all of this while Carlisle did his best to make friends with the new comers who seemed to not be so easy to win over .

School started one morning  and Sam came to pick Cherry up as usual . They haven't spent much time together since the arrival of the Cullens .

And she'd been on patrol duty many times without him .

She and Seth was a team  ,but she sometimes wished she could go with Sam .

He was distant again too and it hurt more than she would let him know .

She loves him so much and yet she hadn't said it yet and she hadn't heard it from him either .

She sat quietly beside him as he drove her to school wanting to rather just move closer and hold onto him .

To feel his warmth . To smell his scent . To look into his eyes and know that things hadn't changed between them .

It did change ,though. She could feel it through the bond they shared .

Was he angry because she'd left to tend to her father without his permission?. Or was he angry because she'd phased ?.

She sighed sadly wishing that this wall that was between them would just topple over and let her breach the rift that was between them .

" Hey, Cherry , you okay ?", she heard him say , hearing the concern in his voice .

She glanced at him , nodding . It was no use telling him about what goes on in her mind . She believed he already knows . Their minds are connected , obviously , because of what she is now .

" You and Seth is off duty for today ", he informed her ," come to the pack house after school and bring your homework . I'll be there today so I can help you both with it . "

Cherry BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now