Chapter 7

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I was bawling. My tattoos were all black now and I knew that she was causing them pain. "I'm already a nuisance," I cried.
I had locked myself in my room before taking my laptop out. Opening it, I saw Jungkook had messaged me. I close it out and start working on my art.

I took a picture and erased the smile and made a frown

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I took a picture and erased the smile and made a frown. I added tears in the eyes before going to the eyebrows.
I gasped as a sharp pain went through my finger. I looked at my finger and saw a purple line. A paper cut? But I wasn't handling any paper.
I sigh as I finish working. Then a notification came on the screen. Jungkook was calling me from the game. I declined and went back to working.
Tears sprung into my eyes and I knew that I had made Jungkook cry. I let the tears fall as I worked.

I was in my living room, sitting on the couch and watching TV. When the main character lost his soulmate, I cried. I didn't even think about how I was affecting my soulmates.
At that moment, I had forgotten that I even made contact with them. I was so engrossed in the show it made me forget my worries.

The next day, I decided to sneak outside. I got a shower and got dressed.

Putting my hair up into a ponytail, I put a hat on and pulled the ponytail through the hole in the back

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Putting my hair up into a ponytail, I put a hat on and pulled the ponytail through the hole in the back.
Grabbing my sketchbook, I put on sunglasses and left the house. I walked around, avoiding the places that I met my soulmates.
I find myself at a different part of the beach. I smile as I sit on a rock and look out.
I see a couple and smile before taking out my sketchbook. I quickly start sketching the couple.

I smile at my work before walking up to the couple

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I smile at my work before walking up to the couple. They look up as I tear the page out of my sketchbook and give it to them.
They look at it with wide eyes before looking up and thanking me. I just smile and leave.
I make my way up a rocky ledge and look out at the ocean. I smile as the ocean breeze hits my face.
My eyes fly open when I feel myself chocking. What the hell?! What's going on, I ask myself when I can breath again.
I then remember the book that I had borrowed. I quickly get down from the rocky ledge and head towards the library, not caring that my soulmate might be there.

Reaching the library, I take a deep breath before walking in. I quickly go to the section where I had found the book.
Finding it, I pull it out and flip through the pages. When I find the page, the blood drains from my face. "Some soulmates can feel each other's pain," I whisper.
I look up and gasp. One of my soulmates were standing in front of me. Dropping the book, I run out of the library.


Namjoon picks up the book and sighs, until something in the book catches his eyes. He starts reading until his heart almost stops beating. This was the page she was on and was reading.


I ran. I ran until I was back into my house. I was panting trying to catch my breath.
It all made sense. The paper cut and the chocking were because of my soulmates. Are they trying to kill me?!
I sigh as I slump to the floor. I was tired. I got up and went to take a shower.
After my shower, I walk towards the door when I slip. I cried out as my left side hits the ground. My knee hits the bottom corner of the sink and my butt bone slams to the ground. I'm pretty sure I was going to have bruises on both legs, but when I looked at my knee, I lost it. Well, I lost it even more. I was already crying because of the shock and the pain. But the right side of my left knee looked like someone shoved a cube block in it. I tried to stand up, but ended up limping to my room.

(Fun fact! This actually happened! Except I wasn't in the shower and I was holding my niece. My niece was fine, I took the damage for her.
Back to the story!)

I sat on my bed as tears kept falling from my eyes. It hurt so bad, I can't explain the pain. I put on some underwear and an oversized shirt before going to the kitchen and getting ice.
Putting the ice on my knee, I hissed in pain. I couldn't even sit on my left side! Uhg! My poor soulmates! I'm so horrible, I thought and a fresh batch of tears started falling.

The next day, I was still limping badly. I also couldn't sit down on my left side or pain would shoot up my butt bone. My guess was that it was bruised.
My phone rang and I saw Sam's name on the screen. I accepted the call and put it on speaker.
"Hello," I say as I try to carefully position myself into a comfortable sitting position. "What did you do," Sam's voice said from the other side. "What do you mean 'what did you do'?" I was confused and a little offended. "Three of my coworkers came in today, limping. They were the same guys you are soulmates with." I let the words sink in. I open my mouth to speak, but it came out like I was being strangled, "I didn't mean or try to hurt them." Sam seemed worried, "y/n are you okay?" Not trusting my voice, I just hummed before hanging up.
I cried. I cried long and hard. I was causing them pain more than happiness.
My dad's words echoed in my head and I grabbed my head. I started screaming for the words to leave me alone.
If it weren't for my dad, I would have probably accepted my soulmates with open arms. But no, my dad destroyed that fantasy of mine. He destroyed many things for me and my mom. My mom died from a broken heart. Yet she was still alive enough to take care of me.
But as soon as I turned 16, she left without saying goodbye.

That night, I cried myself to sleep and wished for a way for my soulmates to be happy.

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