Chapter 23

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Jungkook's POV!

Her hair was cut... She had cut her hair. I'll admit, it looked great, but why did she cut her hair? We were all shocked. We didn't know what to say. Her hand seemed to unconsciously flit to her hair as she nervously ran her fingers through it, "do you not like it?"

We were quick to assure her that we liked her hair. I grabbed her hand and gently pulled it away from her hair, running my own fingers through her hair.

"You're beautiful the way you are." I say and an invisible brush paints her cheeks a light pink. Noticeable bags were under her eyes as she looked up at me and my heart felt like someone was clenching it too hard.

Jin quickly stood up saying he was going to make dinner before disappearing into the kitchen. I guided Y/n to the couch and let her sit down. I looked at my other soulmates, worry on our faces as Y/n swayed slightly as she walked to the couch. The awkward silence hanging above us like an impending doom.

"I-I'm sorry I shut you guys out... I don't really have a good excuse to have shut you guys out and for that I'm deeply sorry. I just hope you guys can forgive me." Y/n says as she looks down at her hands.

Jimin quickly covered her hands with his own, "we will always forgive you. We know that you have your reasons for what you did and we will wait until you are ready to tell us."

Y/n looks at Jimin before tears gather in her eyes Jimin quickly hugs her before I join in on the hug as well. Yoongi, who was on the other side of her, wrapped his arms around us. The others in the living room looked at us with a small smile.

Third Person's POV!

Y/n was sitting at the dining room table as Jin placed down the food on the table. To her left was Jungkook and on her right was Hoseok. They made sure she had enough food on her plate before getting their own. Y/n began eating with the others until a nauseous feeling overcame her and she jumped from her chair and ran to the bathroom.

She landed in front of the toilet and started throwing up all the food she had eaten. Yoongi ran in and held back her hair as she emptied her stomach. Yoongi knew it was because her stomach wasn't used to so much food after a long time, but didn't say anything. Taehyung walked in with a glass of water for Y/n to drink after she rinsed out her mouth. Y/n silently thanks them before sipping on the water.

Worry could be felt through their bond as they looked at Y/n. Y/n suddenly became very tired and rested her head on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi looked up at his soulmates before Namjoon went and picked up Y/n and took her to his room to sleep as the rest of the boys went to the living room. Namjoon laid her down on his bed before tucking her in and moving some stray hairs away from her face. He left his room and went down stairs, worry evident on his face.

"What do we do? I'm not sure what to do in these kinds of situations..." Jimin says as he holds onto Jungkook's hands to try and calm himself down.

"My suggestion is that we just try to nurse her back to health, we shouldn't pry into her personal life..." Namjoon says quietly.

"But her personal life is the reason she's like this, what if it comes back and we don't know what to do to help her?" Hoseok say, concern for his soulmate upstairs evident in his voice and face.

Taehyung looked between his soulmates, unsure of what to say or do as he just sat there. "But we can't just force her to tell us..." he says quietly.

"Yeah, but I still don't like us being in the dark..." Hoseok says as he looks at Taehyung.

"None of us do, but what else are we supposed to do? We can't force her to do anything, right now it seems like she really needs us more than ever and we have to be there for her. Let's just focus on making her healthy again." Yoongi says.

Jin nods as he stands up, "I'm going to make her some soup for when she wakes up."

Meanwhile, Y/n was sitting on top of the stairs, phone in her hand. She had woken up just in time to hear Yoongi talk, her eyes watering as she started to type away on her phone before hitting the send button.


I'm back... sorry it took so long. I'm trying to get back into the groove of things.

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