Chapter 22

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Hoseok's POV!

We were all worried when Y/n just up and stopped talking to us and we didn't see her anymore. We all tried to get a hold of her by texting her or calling her, but it always went to voicemail. We could feel an overwhelming sense of guilt but after a few days, we could no longer sense her. We asked her friends about her but they hadn't heard or seen her either. It had been a week and we were all slightly depressed about not having our other soulmate around anymore. We had been forcing smiles and pushing through our days as if nothing happened, but we were hurting on the inside.

We were sitting in the living room in silence until Namjoon's phone rang. We all looked at the caller ID and froze as we read the name 'Y/n'.

"Well, aren't you gonna answer her?" Jin asked as Namjoon sat there frozen.

I hit the answer button and Namjoon finally became unfrozen and said the name we all wanted to say.


"Hey Namjoon," Y/n's voice said. We could tell she was tired but happy to hear him. "Are the others there as well?"

"Yes! We're here!" Taehyung called.

Y/n tiredly chuckled and we all smiled, I missed hearing her voice and her laughter. I'm sure everyone else did as well, we had all got attached to her even though we barely knew her.

"Could you guys possibly come pick me up? I don't know where else to go right now..." Y/n said, a hint of sadness coming from her voice.

"Of course we can, just tell us where you are and we'll come get you." I said before the others could say anything.

We heard a sigh of relief from her end of the phone and she told us she was at the library. After she hung up we all debated who would go pick her up. In the end, Namjoon, Yoongi, And Taehyung went to go get her while we waited here at the house.

Third Person's POV!

Namjoon was driving quickly to the library, eager to see his other soulmate. The others were nervous but also eager. They missed her and wanted to see her again. They saw the library but no Y/n, only a lone person with their hood up over their face. Namjoon stopped the van and got out.


He turned to see the face of his other soulmate. Taehyung and Yoongi quickly got out and looked at Y/n. Tears started welling up in her eyes and the three boys were quick to give her a group hug. Y/n cried and kept apologizing to them. The boys finally got her to calm down and brought her back to their place. Y/n ended up falling asleep and rested her head on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung instinctively put his arm around her and gasped.

"Hyungs, I don't think she's been eating recently..." he says sadly.

Yoongi catches on and lightly lifts up her sweatshirt and frown, it was true she lost some weight. He let go of her sweatshirt and held onto her hand.

"Well, whatever she was going through must have been hard. I just wish she would have told us what she is going through." Yoongi said, looking at a peaceful Y/n.

"I'm sure she had her reasons not to tell us, just give her some time. We shouldn't ask her questions right away, give her some time to recuperate." Namjoon said, looking back at them through the rear view mirror.

Yoongi sighed and gripped her hand slightly tighter, he was afraid they had lost her, that she didn't want them. He didn't want to admit that he also started to eat and sleep less because of it. Everyone was. It hurt, but he was so relieved to have her back with them.

Once they arrived at their house, Taehyung slowly woke Y/n up. Y/n tried to stand up, only to get light headed and almost fall over. Yoongi caught her and said he would carry her inside. Y/n kept the hoodie over her face to hide her blushing face. Once they opened the door, Y/n was taken from Yoongi's arms and sat on the couch. Her hoodie was knocked off in the process and everyone stared at her in shock.

"Y/n... your hair..."

How was it? Too cheesy? I tried. I already had this almost finished, but I'm also working on another hybrid story!

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