Chapter 5

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I was excited to meet Letzgetit. He was fun to talk to and he also made me want to see him happy all the time.
I look at my phone and did a little happy dance. Tomorrow was the day I meet Letzgetit! I can't wait!
I turn towards the mirror and my smile fades away as I look at my tattoos. Who were the people I had the connection with? Did they also freak out when they noticed their tattoos? Was it in a bad way or good way?
Millions of questions ran through my head until I was mentally tired.
I go into the living room and take out my laptop as I sit down on the couch. I'm an artist. Both digital and realistic. I open my laptop and start working. I was only editing a picture a little.
(What you're going to see through the whole story is my own work/editing)

(What you're going to see through the whole story is my own work/editing)

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(Notice the difference?!)

I stretch and look at the time. Two hours had gone by and it was now supper time. I decide just to make some ramyeon. I was too lazy to cook today.
Once the cup of ramyeon was done, I go and sit at the kitchen table. Using chopsticks to pinch the noodles and bring them to my mouth, I think about tomorrow. I can't help but smile as I eat.

Coming out of the shower, I wrap my hair in a towel and get dressed for bed. I set an alarm for tomorrow morning and put my phone on the charger.
Taking my hair out of the towel, I use a comb to brush my damp hair.
My hair was getting long and should be cut, but I dread the idea of getting it cut. Mei wants me to get it cut to a decent length, but I refuse to let a pair of scissors close to my hair.
Finally finished combing my hair, I go to my bed and lay down.
I'm so excited, I wonder if Letzgetit is as excited as I am? I close my eyes as sleep claims me.

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm. "Why the hell did I put on an alarm," I question as I pick up my phone. My eyes widened when I read the notification on my phone. Today I was meeting Letzgetit!
I jump out of bed and take a quick body shower. Once I'm finished with the shower, I quickly dry off and put a bathrobe on. I had a few minutes before I had to get ready to leave, so I decided to put on some music and do my puzzle.

When the time came, I went to get dressed.

I pull my hair up into a ponytail and smile at myself in the mirror

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I pull my hair up into a ponytail and smile at myself in the mirror. I put my shoes on before grabbing my bag and phone.

I'm literally skipping to the restaurant. I'm so excited about meeting Letzgetit, that I don't care about the people I accidentally dump against.
Finally making it to the restaurant, I walk in with a smile on my face. I sit in the far side of the restaurant, away from people.

I was scrolling through my phone when I heard a familiar voice. "Y/g/n?" I look up and am surprised to see Jungkook. "Letzgetit?!" Jungkook's eyes widened when the username leaves my mouth. "Y/n?!" "Jungkook?!"
I stand up and can't help but smile. "I can't believe it's actually you! I'm so happy to meet you," I exclaimed. Jungkook's face soon broke into a smile. "I'm happy to meet you too!"
We sat down and ordered our food. We were talking about so many things, we barley noticed that our food arrived. When we noticed, we started to eat . I was telling Jungkook how good the food was when Jungkook perked up. "My soulmate is the manager of this restaurant!"
I almost choke on my food, "what?! Really?!" My eyes were wide and the blood drained from my face. "Yeah! I want to thank you for helping him with that rude couple," Jungkook said smiling. I just smile back, "it was nothing." We continued to eat while we talked.
Once we finished eating, we were arguing who was going to pay the bill. I stand up and start walking to the cashier, but Jungkook grabs my wrist. An electric feeling goes through my skin and to my shoulder. I stop and turn to him. His face has shock written all over it. He must have felt the same electrifying feeling.
My mind was spinning and I couldn't think of what to do. Before I knew what was happening, I had pulled my wrist out of his grasp and ran out of the restaurant.

What just happened? Why did I run? I ran because I was scared and I didn't know what to do. Tears stung my eyes as I entered my house. I have to avoid him. I can't ruin another relationship.


"Why are you doing this,"  Mom's voice sounded. She had tears in her eyes as she watched Dad take his bags and head towards the door.
"That child is a relationship destroyer. She's just getting in between us. I had asked you to get rid of her, but you just had to keep her. I never asked for a child. Especially one with seven soulmates," his voice held disgust and little y/n stared wide eyed at her dad. Did he really mean that? Did she really destroy relationships?

Y/n grew up, agonizing the thought of getting her soulmates. She'll just destroy the relationship they had. She didn't want to make friends until Mei came. Mei would tell her that she brought her soulmate and her together. That's why y/n didn't have the heart to leave Mei and Sam. They had been friends since then.


Y/n looked in the mirror, staring at the ink black bird and the dark grey birds around it. Tears gathered in her eyes as she put her head in her hands.

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