Chapter 1

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"Come on y/n! You've been working on that puzzle for three days now! Let's go have some fun," Mei whined in my ear. I cover my ear and glare at her. She nervously laughs before going back to her whining. "Please y/n! I'm so bored and I want to do something!" "Can't you go hang out with your soulmate, I'm sure he would love to hang out with you," I say as I put a puzzle piece in the correct spot. I smile as I go to grab another piece.

I like puzzles, at first they look like a bunch of random colors. But soon, after some work, it starts to show a beautiful picture. It can be difficult, but every time you get the piece right, you feel as if you achieved something big.

The box of puzzle pieces are moved out of my reach. Looking at Mei, I pout. She shakes her head and points outside, "come on. You have to get out of your little, dark cave of loneliness sometime! So get ready and let's go!"
I groan as I stand up. I make my way to my room to get changed.

 I make my way to my room to get changed

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You can change into something else, it's just that I had these pictures so why not put them to good use. Yeah.)

I pull my hair up into a ponytail.
As I get ready to leave my room, I see the book I borrowed from the library. I grab the book and leave my room.
Mei was waiting where I left her, once seeing me, she stands up and smiles. "Let's go!" "Wait," I say quickly. I hear Mei groan as she looks at me, "what now?!" "Calm down girl! I was just going to ask if we could stop by the library so I could return this book! Jeez," I say with my eyes wide. Mei looked at me, "you borrowed a book from the library? When? How did I not know about this?" I roll my eyes as I put on my shoes. "Because you don't need to know everything." Mei pouted, "remind me why I'm friends with you?" I look over at her and raise my eyebrow, "you wanted to be friends with me. I never asked you to, I only agreed to be friends." Mei smiles as she remembers that day, "oh yeah. Yet you still love me!" I smirk, "don't push it."

Walking to the library, I can't help but admire the beauty around me. Every now and then, I would point to something and say "that would make a good picture!" Mei would either smile, agree, or roll her eyes at me.
Finally arriving at the library, we walk in and I breath in the smell of books. I smile as I go over to the check out desk. A man with round glasses sits behind the desk.
"Excuse me, I came here to return this book." The man looks up and looks at me with piercing brown eyes. I put the book down on the desk. The man picks up the book and reads the title, "'Ways of the Soulmates'. Quite an interesting book if I say so myself." I look up at him, surprised, "you've read the book?" The man smiles, showing some cute dimples, and nods, "but I can't say I agree with everything it says." I nod, "me neither. Like the fact that it states people have zero chances of having more than five soulmate." The man is about to say something, but I see Mei looking bored, "sorry. I have to go. It was nice talking to you." The man nods, "you too."

"Come on! You defiantly had to know him! You never talk to anyone freely, unless it's me or Sam," Mei says in an excited tone. I roll my eyes at Mei, "I already told you! I have never seen or talked to him before today. So stop pestering me about it!" Mei shrugs before turning serious, "so where do you want to go?" Knowingly, I smile, "how about the beach?" Mei beams at me and stops walking, "can we stop at the music and dance lessons building?! I want to see Sam!" I act as if I'm thinking and I see Mei pout. "Oh, alright." Mei jumps around before hugging me. "But! We have to go to that new Korean restaurant," I say, pointing to the building ahead of us. "Okay! I heard that place is really good! Better than most home cooked meals," Mei says. I look at her, "better than my cooking?" I act sad and Mei is quick to assure I was a better cook. I laugh before dragging her to the restaurant.

After we ordered and our food was delivered, we ate heartily. Until something caught my eye. A couple was sitting a table away and where talking secretly. I watched in disbelief as one of them put their hair in the food. They call a waiter to complain, asking for the manager. I was getting mad and wanted to go over there, but Mei grabbed on to my wrist. She shook her head no and I slouched as I watched the manager come out.
He was quite tall and handsome. He had this sort of motherly vibe coming off him.
"May I help you," the manager asked. The couple sneered, "yes. There is a hair in my food! We thought this place was sanitary. We want our money back in compensation!" I growled at the couple. "I'm sorry. The staff follow all sanitary regulations. That couldn't possibly be one of our hairs." The couple scoffed.
"Because it's not their hair." Three pairs of eyes turn to me as I stand up. Mei gives out an exasperated sigh as I walk over to the couple and cross my arms. "It's not their hair. I watched as you guys put that hair in your food. Also, it's obvious that it's yours because of the color." The couple glare at me before looking offended, "are you blaming us for scamming?!" I smile, "yes. Except I'm not blaming, I'm accusing you of scamming. I'm not dumb nor blind. It's obvious that you're trying to scam the new restaurant because it's an easy target." The couple stand up, "we're never eating here again!" I smirk, "good. Because if I see you here again, I won't hesitate to report you to the police."
Mei ran over to me and glared at me, "you just couldn't leave well enough alone could you?" I frown, "it's sickening to watch people try to take advantage of new restaurants. I wasn't just going to stand by and do nothing." A throat being cleared turns our attention to the manager. "I would like to thank you," I quickly cut him off. "Don't. It was entirely my decision to help." I look at the time and sigh. "Sorry, but we have to go."

We were walking to Sam's work place, a music and dance lessons building. Mei is getting all jittery as we near the building. "I can't wait to see Sam! I can already sense him!" I roll my eyes but smile.
Entering the building, Mei runs ahead of me, leaving me behind. I smile and just stand by the door.
A door opens, revealing a man with mint hair and almost golden eyes. He looks over as another door opens. Two boys walk out and go over to the man with mint hair.
One man has a large smile on his face, almost making me smile. The other was short, with a chubby face. I could almost squish them.
They hugged each other and I smiled a little. I didn't know I was staring until they looked over at me and raised their eyebrows.
Instead of looking away, I give them a smile. They look a little surprised, but the one with the big smile bounds over to me.
"Hello!" I smile, "hi. Are you guys soulmates?" The short one nods, "yeah!" I giggle at his cuteness. "You guys are so cute!" They look down, embarrassed, except the one with mint hair. He looks at me before speaking, "we have four more soulmates." My eyes widened, "really?! Wow! That's super rare!" The boys looked surprised before the smiley one speaks up. "Wow. No one has ever said that. Everyone else usually say were lying. We thought you would be like everyone else."
I frown and my eyes grow cold. "Well, I'm not like everyone else," and with that, I walk out the door. I text Mei that I was headed to the beach.

Before I stepped on to the sand, I took off my shoes and carried then. I walked over to the shoreline and stood there for a bit. I let the water hit my feet as I stared off into the distance.
People always judge someone before they get to know them. I sigh. I push back some strands if hair that escaped my ponytail. Giving up, I pull the ponytail out, letting my black hair tumble down my back. My hair almost reached my waist. I run my fingers through my hair as I watch the sun start to set.
Hearing the sound of a camera, I turn around to see a boy with brown hair and a freckle under his nose. He was holding a camera and looked guilty. "Sorry, it's just that you looked like you would be a good picture so I," I cut him off and smiled. "I understand. But honestly, I'm not a good model for pictures." The boy seemed to want to protest, but his phone rings. He gives me a boxey smile and waves before walking away and answering the phone.

Finally arriving at home, I kick off my shoes and stumble to my room. Sitting on my beanbag chair, I turn on my laptop to start playing a game.
On the corner of the screen, I see a new message. I open it and smile. It was from my online friend, Letzgetit.
"Y/g/n! Are you on? Tell me when you're on!"
"Hey! Sorry, my friend wanted to hang out."
"Oh! Hey! How did it go?"
I take a deep breath before typing anything.
"It was okay. Returned a book to the library. Went to this new restaurant. Also, went to my friend's soulmate's work place before going to the beach. Now I'm here."
My stomach growled and I started typing again.
"Hey, sorry. I have to go. Ttyl!"
"Bye y/g/n!"

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